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stollen's Journal
stollen's Journal
June 6, 2024

LTTE Winchester Star, VA inre Dr. FAUCI

It’s difficult for me to pay attention to someone like Margorie Taylor Greene (I refuse to call her “Representative”), who is so illiterate she didn’t know the holocaust was an incomparably bad event.

Now she’s an expert on infectious diseases, ranking herself above a world renown physician-scientist and immunologist, Dr. Anthony Fauci, who was the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for nearly 40 years. Dr. Fauci has been one of the world’s most frequently cited scientists in journals within his field. President George W. Bush awarded Dr. Fauci the highest civilian award in the U.S., the Presidential Medal of Freedom, for his work on AIDS relief.

But Marge T-G, and the rest of the MAGA peanut-gallery, don’t think Dr. Fauci deserves his PhD. Marge thinks he should be imprisoned. What are her credentials to make such bold assertions? She has a BA in business administration. Woo-freakin’-hoo! Apparently, no one in the MAGA party has a higher level of credential, who feels able to out-rank Marge and tell her she’s full of bat guano.

I get that Marge won her seat in the House because she had no opposition. But she’s opposed to so many things, to include celebrated American professionals, that one wonders if anyone in the 14th Congressional Georgia district has the mental acuity to challenge such a morose zero. She belongs in a facility specializing in histrionic personality disorder. Or perhaps a job in a women’s prison, as a latrine orderly.

Not finished with MTG just yet. More at link...


March 28, 2024

Does anyone have the URL for the gofundme/bridge collapse?

I don't want to start my own page. I just want to contribute to whatever GOFUNDME account is already available.

So often I try to contribute to things, and what I need to see is a big yellow button that says "CONTRIBUTE HERE." At the top.

March 20, 2024

Is the Washington Post still a quality newspaper?

I have not followed it for years, preferring to use sites like DU to cull through the news from a variety of sources and writers, which include the WP.

I decided to subscribe for a year to the WP, placing emphasis on the political news, but the paper seems so sanitized to me. I had to double check to make sure I hadn't subscribed to the Washington Times. I've done searches in the WP, one topic being General Milley, and the bylines make it sound like Milley was a trouble-maker who deserved to be gone. I can't find anything about Trump calling for his assassination. And now Trump is bashing Milley again.

Sen. Tuberville search results covered when he was holding up military promotions, but nothing about his "satanic cult" description of liberalism.

Is the WP too upper echelon to cover standard RW commentary?

February 27, 2024

Former Congressman McDermott moved to France as a "safe house" from Trump

"Safe house" may be an exaggeration? But Civrac-en-Médoc near Bordeaux looks quite nice. Who can't relax there?

He must be married to a French national or....? How else does one overcome Schengen law of 90 days unless he lives outside of Schengen countries for 90 days?

Former congressman Jim McDermott moved from retirement in Seattle to a new life in a "safe house" in France, and he's encouraging friends back in the U.S. to consider doing the same.

The Washington State Democrat served 28 years in Congress and 14 years in the state legislature, but the 87-year-old traded a comfortable life in a home overlooking Elliott Bay and the Cascade Mountains for a simpler life in a tiny village near Bordeaux – where he feels strangely at home, reported the Washington Post.

“I relaxed for the first time in years," McDermott said. "My shoulders weren’t all bunched up to my ears.”


February 22, 2024



February 7, 2024

I just ran a MAGA guy out of a cafe without trying

I'm in a Shenandoah Valley diner where you can make chit chat with anyone. I asked a guy near our table who he was rooting for in the Super Bowl. He didn't care. But he quickly changed the subject to politics and to how bad a shape the country was in.

I asked in what way. He said because of all the migrants that were coming in, for one. I asked him why the GOP won't vote for Biden's border bill. "Dave" said it was a bad bill. What's bad about it? He said it was too costly.

I asked, then why doesn't the GOP come up with its own bill? He said because the Dems will not let them.

Then why didn't the GOP create and pass their own bill when they had control of all 3 branches? Dave said the GOP had never controlled all three branches. I said that they had, during the first 2 years of Trump's term, 2016 - 2018. "Do you agree?" He said absolutely not.

I asked him to give me a moment as I looked the info up on my cell. Dave got up, I thought to the toilet, but he'd fled the premises!

Why, if he was so sure??

January 16, 2024

MSNBC interviewed a caucus organizer

...who said approximately 100 voters had switched parties to repub.

Just then I got an email from an Iowan whose brother in Des Moines had switched his party to GOP so he could vote against Trump. "It won't help but..."

The brother says the process to change parties is moving slowly in Des Moines. I hope the party switch is for the same reason as his. It would be interesting to compare Trump Iowa votes in Nov.

Making such an effort in this weather is inspiring.

August 19, 2023

While on a MD HWY thru Fredrick, I saw a Trump sign

...on the grassy round-about during rush hour.

It said "LOCK HIM UP! with orange pumpkins in each corner. Wish I could post from my camera.

I'd like to find out where to get those plastic banners so I can do the same in VA. A novel way to keep Trump front/center.

November 3, 2022

Winchester Star, LTTE, response to Youngkin


While California Governor Gavin Newsom was strengthening his state's economy to that of a country — California is now ranked 4th worldwide ahead of Germany — Virginia's Governor Glenn Youngkin was kept busy inventing a new state slogan: Virginia is for bullies.

Rather than expressing sincere condolences to Speaker Nancy Pelosi after her husband's brutal attack on behalf of all Virginians, Youngkin made a joke of the incident to score political points with constituents. Real classy, Gov'ner. Where did you get that laugh line anyway? From your BFFs, the former President Trump and his puppy dog son Donald Jr. at a Mar-a-Lago sleepover? So, tell us Gov'ner, boxers or briefs?

continued at link
September 2, 2022

Biden told everyone to speak out, and we're doing that in VA...

...nearly everyday in the Winchester Star. The titles give a sense of the writers' purpose. If anyone writes non-factual nonsense, they're pelted with facts in a follow-up letter or response. It's nice to see this in the Shenandoah Valley, and being so close to DC, I think these opinions are making the rounds there.

Ben Cline is the Trumpie running to hold his House seat against Jennifer Lewis.


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Member since: Sat Dec 10, 2016, 05:45 PM
Number of posts: 425
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