Too funny!!!
Here's a conversation between my daughter-in-law and 6 and 7 yr old grandsons. Background: Dad is on sabbatical, staying at home with the boys. Mom is a physician on weeks on/weeks off schedule.
You must read to the bottom.
7 yr old: I don't like handwriting.
Mama: Let me tell you a secret (everyone all eyes and ears): Mama doesn't like going to work either - she would prefer staying with you guys
6 yr old: And Dada doesn't do anything ....
Mama: Oh, he needs to put up with you guys every day!!
6 yr old: And make lunch and dinner....
Mama: But guess what?!
Boys: What???
Mama: Next year, Dada will go back to work.
7 yr old: And who is taking care of us??
Mama: Well, a week I will be home, the next week - we hope Dada will get a flexible job - so he can pick you up.
7 yr old: Yeah, like an UBER driver - so he can get us from school, drive around.
Mama: Well, UBER drivers don't make a lot of money. And trust me, it does make a difference, how much money you make.
7 yr old:with indignation: Now ..... YOU sound like Donald Trump!!