Reading Clapper's book- what's remarkable is that Hillary didn't "lose' by far more than she did.
I just got Clapper's book from the library and went right to the part about the election. I thought I knew quite a bit, and I certainly know more than the average person, but I had no idea the duration and extent of Russian involvement. It really struck me how she would have won by a landslide without that, and of course all the GOP dirty voter suppression tricks, gerrymandering, etc.
What really bothers me about Michael Moore, and has since 2004, is that he seems to be completely ignorant and oblivious to all that in his explanations for why T "won." And before that, why Bush "won." And that's dangerous because people need to be looking at election integrity as a primary factor in losing elections if things are to change.
And I am certainly not saying we don't need to do absolutely everything in our power with GOTV!
Because of course we do. Voter participation is a HUGE factor, but so is election integrity.
Are we hearing less of the endless discussion about why Hillary "lost" as more info comes out about all the factors that impacted the election?