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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsCollins to announce her voting intention at 3pm today from Senate floor sure what to make of this, I really didn't expect her to hint at anything before the vote. Perhaps her principles won out and she is making a speech to push the other fence sitters to vote No?

(6,552 posts)irresistable
(989 posts)standingtall
(3,049 posts)after her and Flake came out and said the FBI report was thorough which is a lie.
(97,964 posts)political calculation for her
Regardless of how she votes, I hope the people of Maine throw her out of office and elect a Democrat
(3,477 posts)Garrett78
(10,721 posts)Amishman
(5,872 posts)Cloture is widely expected to pass as it just schedules and sets the timing for the final vote
(10,721 posts)Collins could vote yes this morning and vote no tomorrow or whenever they have the final vote, but that seems highly unlikely.
If they don't get 50 votes this morning, it's all over. 3 of the 4 undecideds have the power to put an end to this nightmare. Another 30 hours of debate won't change any minds.
(15,057 posts)... on the main vote. All they're doing with a cloture 'yes,' is saying, "OK, let's debate this for 30 hours." If they didn't vote yes, they'd not have a chance to make their speeches.
(10,721 posts)But I guess egos gotta ego.
As if this nominee hasn't been debated nonstop for weeks already.
(40,315 posts)Susan's still big. It's the Senate that got small.
(69 posts)Thanks, BeyondGeography, I needed that.
(8,785 posts)She probably is giving a CYA speech to try and sound conflicted so that voters won't punish her in 2020 for her vote -- it won't help. I'm donating to that campaign to help out her opponent the second I hear her say that she will be voting in favor of Kavanaugh.
Dennis Donovan
(29,617 posts)
(5,872 posts)Her final vote will remain a mystery until 3
(26,060 posts)She'll take to the floor to announce how she agonized over this decision, took days to look over all the evidence and then she'll vote in the slovenly drunk who is a likely sexual predator.
(87,164 posts)leftynyc
(26,060 posts)Jersey Devil
(10,395 posts)Let's hope it's the "same old schtick".