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I used to catch a cold about twice a year, and now that I'm older a cold really takes a lot out of me. But now it's November, been wearing a mask since late March, and I haven't had a sniffle.

Sherman A1
(38,958 posts)seasonal allergies got me for a few days, but beyond that not much of anything. This could also help with flu season to some degree.
(3,237 posts)Like you, my allergies were around, but I'm used to that.
(54,732 posts)but yeah, a lot of things about this situation are working out well for me. I'm very fortunate to have a job where I can work from hoke. I'm getting much more sleep thanks to no commute, and at hours that work well with my sleep disorder (I'm basically an incorrigible night owl).
And limited interaction with others irl is fine with me as an introvert.
And yes, not getting the cold or flu or any other illness mini-unblock would ordinarily bring hone from school is a plus as well.
(3,237 posts)So, like you, I'm managing to do the best I can in a bad situation.
(9,295 posts)It's working out ok for me, too.
(72,174 posts)sorry, still havent figured out how to post pics from this ipad. but the starry plough is the flag of the irish citizen army. has been used by the ira, and now sinn fein.
i rly dont get why ppl cant find a mask that suits their personality. it's fun.
(3,237 posts)A friend of mine sends me texts every now and then showing me her new masks-it's a fashion thing for her now!
(72,174 posts)to keep the maskholes at a distance.
(15,470 posts)clothing line to make masks that match their shirts or dresses will make a mint. Sell them as a set.
(72,174 posts)hopefully the cooler weather will help.
(15,470 posts)mopinko
(72,174 posts)your face is the only thing sticking out. wtf?
(15,668 posts)☘ I🇮🇪
(72,174 posts)has little thingies to adjust the strap length.
i'm a little person, and i usually have to tie knots in the straps.
(41,570 posts)KentuckyWoman
(6,951 posts)I have asthma and I just feel like I can't get a good breath with every one I have tried. Some worse than others. Even on a cool day a brisk walk I get winded pretty quick. I can manage to keep it in in a store, but it means no goofing off. I sometimes have to sit in the car a few minutes to just breathe before I can drive.
Those tougher days I limit what I do and stay home so mo mask.
(3,988 posts)or even your pretty mouth.
(18,441 posts)He is working on COVID vaccine trials as well as other drug trials.
He said they needed to increase the numbers in a study for a different vaccine because COVID precautions are reducing the incidence of that infection making the trial inconclusive.
This makes me wonder if FLU numbers will be reduced this year.
(47,113 posts)Flu should be reduced if people actually wear their masks correctly and regularly.
(5,969 posts)I always used to get a cold in the summer and during the winter. So far, that didn't happen since wearing a mask.
(281,706 posts)The amount of money I have saved since March from not waxing as often and not wearing lipstick at all increases by the week
Ferrets are Cool
(22,094 posts)

(281,706 posts)

(47,113 posts)I have to wear it at work the whole day and it's really difficult. Really hope vaccine pans out.
(38,991 posts)Peacetrain
(23,797 posts)JI7
(91,508 posts)just starting to get colder weather . But i'm hoping the mask wearing and washing hands, sanitizing etc all help to prevent the cold.
(13,514 posts)I love the comments and laughter from the kids and suddenly noticed that they too are getting creative
we can do it
(12,840 posts)Ferrets are Cool
(22,094 posts)fellow humans.
(54,677 posts)other people outdoors.
I'll usually put a mask on just before going into a store and take it off as soon as I'm outside again.
(15,167 posts)... wearing them in public. It was logical.
(7,964 posts)We had a recent blast of winter weather and that mask helps keep your face warm.
(37,488 posts)I want to remind people this virus doesn’t play games.
(12,435 posts)...which for me, being a devotee of the capsule wardrobe philosophy, means I have 7 in varying shades of grey or blue.

(34,663 posts)Theoretically, I don't have to do anything before making a quick trip to the store, especially if I put on sunglasses with the mask. I'm incognito. That's the only benefit I've experienced.
(2,341 posts)So, though I'm working on breaking this weird habit, at least no one sees me any more. Sometimes I'll even say things out loud like, "they must be kidding," when checking the price.