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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsThe crazies are EVERYWHERE!!
A little background...Ive been in the hospital now for a couple of days with Covid and blood clots in my times...anyhow, my new nurse this morning came into my room and first thing she says is "So did Trump win the election?"...I responded, "" Then she says " Have you heard of the new world order? You know that Biden is the leader of a pedophile sex traficing ring and the truth will soon come out and Trump will once again be our president"....Im like GREAT!! I have a Qanon nutjob in charge of my well being!! I diddnt even respond, I wanted her out of my room as fast as humanly possible. WTF??

The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,538 posts)and the last thing you need is that kind of aggravation. You might want to ask a nursing supervisor to tell this nurse not to share her crackpot political notions with you because it's causing stress and making your recovery more difficult.
(33,643 posts)EVERYone knows that the CLINTON'S are the leaders of the global pedophile ring ... sheesh ...
Also, get well soon!
(17,769 posts)Immediately curtail any chatter about Biden or trDump.
(36,211 posts)Im so sorry youre going through this.... heres hoping for better (and healthier) days ahead.
(19,802 posts)PatSeg
(49,929 posts)A nurse in the hospital should know better. That is no setting to be talking politics with ill people you don't even know.
(15,407 posts)Write down the time and date and what she said to you. You might even record her, if that's legal. Don't initiate any political conversation and don't feed it - if she demands an answer from you just say something like, "I don't know" or "I'm not sure". Then once you're home safe and sound, file a complaint.
(13,506 posts)
(85,357 posts)Pushback OF ALL KINDS is essential!
Add CONSTANT to that. Even more essential!
As for stopping or backing off or taking a break, they dont.
And they WONT.
So we cant.
(26,158 posts)jmbar2
(6,672 posts)I'm not a nurse, but suspect that there are professional codes of conduct against starting provocative discussions with patients.
(8,178 posts)Her behavior was unacceptable.
(55,655 posts)nut job.
My best wishes for a speedy recovery.
(9,048 posts)The empressof all
(29,103 posts)And did you know that Obama and Hillary go tap dancing on the moon once a month and make it disappear. Just watch for yourself...
And you can ask for another care giver if you feel uncomfortable.
(868 posts)
(11,248 posts)Since you are a covid patient, ask her to lean over (to hear your whisper) and plant a big wet juicy sloppy kiss right on her lips..........
Cousin Dupree
(1,866 posts)Nurse Manager and tell her what her employee has done. Youll be doing other patients a favor.
(42,607 posts)Thats very inappropriate.
(58,785 posts)I'd like to think so.
(3,723 posts)The license means nothing when it comes to tact, skill and experience. RN degrees can be had from an associate degree community college and not everyone becomes a nurse for the right reasons. I gave up nursing after an injury and became a computer analyst. I still miss healthcare after many years.
(58,785 posts)I was personally acquainted with unpleasantly to mind, but still.
(19,730 posts)There is not a good option in situations like this.
1) You could ask for a different nurse, but that may not be possible because of staff that is already over-taxed.
2) You could file a complaint, but you risk retaliation while you are vulnerable.
3) I would avoid all political conversation, and if she keeps digging you, just say "I don't know too much about that stuff".
4) Any action you take should be done once you have recovered and left the hospital.
Best wishes to you...I hope you improve quickly!
(7,510 posts)Hekate
(96,604 posts) a trusted friend or family member. If they can record what you say, all the better.
Do not annoy idiots while flat on your back sick.
Crunchy Frog
(27,446 posts)This behavior is completely inappropriate.
(48,420 posts)SharonClark
(10,424 posts)Sugar Smack
(18,748 posts)Wing of the hospital?
(8,288 posts)Sugar Smack
(18,748 posts)I think this one has filter problems.
(63,221 posts)`
(8,003 posts) far more complex.
Trump and Epstein ran a pedophile cult that has disgusting photos of all the global elite having sex with children and animals.
Trump is such a genius that he is running the world using blackmail to usher in the New World Order.
That is why he praised Ghislane Maxwell. That is why Epstein was murdered in his cell. Trump is calling the shots and he is trying to "clear the field" before he springs his ultimate trap and assumes the role of Global Emperor!
Trump is Q. Q stands for Quisling. He is the head of the Ultra-deep state, a billionaire who is finally springing the trap set by the wealthiest 10 families including the Queen of England and the Rothschilds. That is why he let the pandemic get out of control. It was the global elite's attempt to wipe out a significant portion of humanity.
Putting children in cages was the dress rehearsal for what is to come.
Soon 90% of everyone on earth will either be dead from the next super-virus (this was just a dress rehearsal) or be locked in cages at Trump re-education camps. The mind control experiment was a great success.
(914 posts)I find your ideas intriguing and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
(8,003 posts) a PM. After you read them, destroy the message.
Proceed to the drop point, find the usb drive, download the contents to a secure TOR server on the dark web, destroy the drive, and await the next instructions.
Code 1 drop authentication: xRR5qqq!$415zX5++:qqqT1XVrbAc#R@MonteCarlo
(2,537 posts)It's just so obvious and simple, it has to be true!
(25,481 posts)procon
(15,805 posts)nursing staff charged with making the life and death decisions that affect your survival can't even separate fiction from non fiction. She should never be allowed back in your room or have anything to do with your care.
Get aggressive in your own healthcare decisions. That nurse should not be around any patients, spewing out her political opinions and berating her patients who are too ill to object.
Ask to speak to the Nursing Supervisor, don't settle on anyone less, (trust me, I was an RN for 30 years) and file a formal complaint because of the distress that nurse caused you in proselytizing her political views and ridiculing yours. She clearly made you so upset it's affected your wellbeing. You cannot trust that she is capable of making sound judgements due to her belief in unfounded conspiracy theories and her alternate reality.
Miguelito Loveless
(4,833 posts)I doubt this nurse is terribly popular with her coworkers if she is this provocative and unprofessional to a patient.
(9,437 posts)First of all, I'm so sorry you're sick and in this situation. I hope you get well and out of there soon....
I was in a situation a couple of years ago where the owner of the company was a trumpster big time. It wasn't uncommon for him to out of the blue bring up politics, slam the Democrats, etc. He'd say things like "that jerk Chuck Shumer..." and I'd say are you talking about a relative of Amy Schumer the comedian? When he'd start to elaborate I'd say time and time again that I stay out of politics and didn't know what he was referring to. It seems like with this nurse you could just act like you're unaware.
These people are truly CRAZY and it seems better to stay out of harms way until you're out and then report her.
Peace to you and once again, I hope you get better really soon.....
(33,421 posts)the things they can do to mess with you are pretty cruel.
(33,421 posts)Hope you get better real quick. That disease she has seems to be highly contagious as well.
(18,434 posts)dameatball
(7,613 posts)covered up. Copy hospital administrator if you can. This behavior is not acceptable. You should have been provided an informational packet regarding patient's rights sometime during or soon after the admission process. How to report a complaint is in it.
There may even be a patient advocate at the hospital who will assist you.
(22,236 posts)It's hard to believe that any nurse, no matter what her political views, would ever walk into a hospital room and spurt out something like that. Even if a patient was tatted with "Fuck Trump" on their forehead I highly doubt that any nurse would ever come out with something like that unless he or she wanted to jeopardize their career.
I was shocked when she said it, and yea, Im going to wait till im out of here to say anything, but trust me, Im gonna file a complaint
(51,720 posts)My suggestion would be the psych. ward as an inpatient.
(3,739 posts)After your discharge, I would file a complaint to the hospital.
(25,190 posts)to the state's licensing board?
(3,739 posts)catrose
(5,257 posts)What kind of broken brain can be simultaneously in the medical profession during a pandemic and a Q-anon at the same time?
(15,359 posts)If she's a Quackpot, no doubt she blows off precautions off the job.
(11,845 posts)
...and your front.

(2,705 posts)The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,538 posts)Squidly
(868 posts)but it DID happen...why would you think its false?
(3,974 posts)nutshell2002
(178 posts)Call the hospital CEO directly...tell the operator you are an inpatient and it is urgent. This conduct is most unprofessional and this employee needs to be disciplined. Personally, I would not wait to be discharged.
(7,264 posts)I was a hospital nurse for 37 and retired as a nursing supervisor. There are others like her. Generally it does not affect their care, but it is totally unacceptable for her to say anything like that to you.
There is a Director of Nursing, and a hospital administrator who need to know, go to the top,
Ferrets are Cool
(22,094 posts)And our doctors are very cognizant of the patient needs. This is unacceptable.
(10,362 posts)Please, above all else, get well...
Now, if you are feeling up to it and want to grind that moran's gears a little, some suggested things to mutter while she is in earshot:
1) I am so tired of getting these smoothies made with 3-yearolds goddamn it! I told them I wanted 1 year and under, or its too stringy...
2) (Prentend phone call, sotto voce): "I'm not free to discuss the maneuvers now, you'll have to call me back when she is not so near-by...and please tell George I appreciate the check for voting Democrat Party this time, the money is really helping now..."
3) (Second fake phone call, also sotto voce): "Well, that was why I told Hillary that we needed to expand from pizza deliveries to taco trucks. The trucks can keep moving and its so easy to lose these MAGA fools when they are tailing you..."
4) Ask a visitor in a loud voice if they "Got rid of that box of stolen ballots" yet; and remind them to burn them so no one can find the ones that said 'Rump-Trey' on them...
But above else, please take care of your health (and I hope the light-hearted reply gives you at least a grin today!)
(10,754 posts)The swab test is to insert micro chips so deep state can follow you, come get your guns and stop your gubment cash flow. The vaccine will turn you gay and is gonna stop libs from breading so republicans, do not get vaccinated. Just wait for the gay to take effect on the libs, keep fucking your cousins and sisters and soon you will be more that 40 percent of the population and will rule the world. Manipulating American Gullible Assholes!! MAGA, end libs.
(6,294 posts)the nurse is ought to be disciplined, no one will be firing nurses right now, but administrative action is due. When at work she speaks on behalf of the hospital, its not a free speech place.
(1,335 posts)Not kidding. Do it.
(2,520 posts)I'd report her to the state boards as well.
(18,998 posts)Hang in there! And dont tell her off until you are released and on your way out the door 😬
Sending you the best! 💖💖💕💕
(31 posts)Do not put up with this; report this nurse to their supervisor. Under no means should the nurse have been giving their political opinion to someone who is suffering from Covid-19 in any hospital period. This person is apparently mentally ill and should not be working in any hospital as they could be dangerous to others. I guess they believe Covid-19 isn't real too!
(27,427 posts)It would be equally inappropriate were she to have said something like, "It's past time for Trump to succeed and the transition begin."
(1,016 posts)yardwork
(65,716 posts)This nurse's behavior is unprofessional and calls into question her judgement. Consider contacting a patient services representative. There should be a phone number where you can contact somebody with a concern about your care.
You shouldn't have to put up with this. I hate to hear this.
(2,746 posts)DFW
(57,414 posts)Those are not to be trifled with. You're on heavy-duty blood thinners, right?
They might kick me out of here tomorrow, but sounds like im gonna be on thinners for a while
A friend of ours died suddenly 2 months ago because she was released from the hospital, and they forgot to give her blood thinners. Her husband told us she felt a pain in her leg in the afternoon after being released from the hospital for a minor procedure. They called the hospital, who said to call them again if it got worse. She never got the chance, as she was gone less than an hour later due to clots in her lungs.
GET THE MEDICATION, and take it. I had a couple of heart issues several years back. I hated the nose bleeds those things caused, but at least I'm still here to complain about it. Make sure you get them for a few months at least (I was on them for a year, still take aspirin daily).
(2,341 posts)I seriously doubt they want their nurses to be talking politics, especially right-wing nut-job politics. What else does this nurse believe? Is Covid-19 even a real thing? Does injecting bleach help? Light inside the body? It's dangerous, so I'd report it and make a complaint.
(36,829 posts)Perhaps she was yanking your chain, to see if you would respond? Even still it's completely unprofessional. Maybe she's some loco nutjob impersonating a nurse?
I'm out of ideas.
(7,220 posts)was "who is the president of the United States?" They'd ask other, super-basic questions such as "Do you know where you are?" and "What is today's date?".
I've heard that since Trump, medical professionals stopped asking the POTUS question--too stressful for the patients.
(19,718 posts)That's what amazes me the most. I can understand some lush at the end of the bar down at the Hole In The Wall being seduced by Trump and his conspiracies, after all, he's been running the country just as they would. But when someone who lives in a $200k home and graduated from an esteemed university spouts the same nonsense it makes me wonder if I'm the crazy one.
(63,496 posts)You have been assaulted with a deadly weapon - stupidity.
(11,686 posts)OldBaldy1701E
(7,400 posts)I had the same thing happen to me during my recovery from the quad bypass. One overnight nurse came in and basically started spewing the same crap at me. Not the pedophile part, but other things just as insane. I mentioned that she should not believe everything she reads on the internet, and she responded that she did not get it from the internet, but from publications that are well known to be just as crazy. I had to mention it to the morning nurse, and she was a bit stunned. Suffice to say, I did not see that nurse again thanks to the morning shift basically putting in a request to not have that nurse tend to myself. I was very grateful for that!
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