General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsHappy 4/20! Light up! marijuana smokers and non-smokers recognize April 20 or 4/20 as a national holiday for cannabis culture, but few actually know how the date got chosen.
Some say “420” is code among police officers for “marijuana smoking in progress.” Some note 4/20 is also Adolf Hitler’s birthday. And some go as far as to cite Bob Dylan’s song “Rainy Day Women #12 & 35” because 12 multiplied by 35 equals 420.
But, to put it bluntly, those rumors of the history behind how April 20, and 4/20, got associated with marijuana are false.

(25,816 posts)I usually wait until the about 4:20.
(281,666 posts)
(138,396 posts)alittlelark
(18,963 posts)

(3,055 posts)I'm now officially a 'vaxhole'. I'll join in the festivities later this evening. I like to end my day before sparkin one up.
(35,071 posts)Ambien.
(12,132 posts)my wife has her card and I am her caregiver so I can pick stuff up for her. Man I love going into the dispensary and I hope my liver lasts long enough to quit drinking and start smoking.
And yes, I am pretty fucking irritated that the current climate forces me to choose alcohol and prescription drugs over weed. I work a non-critical desk job and, while I do love my company and that's the reason I'm coming up on 21 years here, I am still subject to immediate termination for a positive random drug test. I want to retire here though so I conform like a good little normie.
But hey, Y'all what can, please do enjoy! I ain't gonna lie - I love walking by and smelling that skunk.
We are gooing to some weed-fest this weekend to celebrate and I hope they have a lot of terrible state fair type fried foods lol.
(4,044 posts)Some of their frequent-but-irregular sales are as much as 40%.
(72,300 posts)
(281,666 posts)Here three plants per adult is legal
(72,300 posts)
H2O Man
(76,267 posts)about the same as NYS. This was a huge relief, as for decades I've had a fear of being picked up by a paisley-painted mini-van filled with hippies seeking to tab me with a "joint," as their lingo mandates. I've had waking nightmares of suffering from a "flash-back" (legal lingo) from an underdose. But the nature of the demon weed hath changed -- so long as big industry can produce it and the state can tax it. We must be certain those old hippies do not "tab" (hip lingo) the weed with THC.
Thus, I am considering sampling some "Mary Jane" (long-lost name), so long as I can insure my safety by having a psychiatrist, a psychologist, a police officer, and my 8th grade math teacher monitoring my progress. I will dig out my ancient copy of David Peel & the Lower East Side Gang's "Have a Marijuana," and stare at the old 5-gallon stoned-where jug of my great-great Uncle Tom the bootlegger, complete with the family name, as well as the copies of High Times' magazine and book with the photograph of my late brother's garden on the said covers.
(72,300 posts)I live in New York State.
(28,289 posts)Since it's now legal to grow personal amt in my state, I'd like to grow again but my big jar of old seeds were lost (stolen) in the last move.
(72,300 posts)Someone must have a seed stash.
(42,607 posts)Fortunately in my state it’s legal though. I got used to the smell everywhere, and while it is not harmless, neither is Vicodin, statins or any number of other drugs I could name. It melts that Seattle freeze a bit I think, and brings in great income. Win-win.
Found a beautiful vape thingy in a field yesterday, looked fancy. I have no idea if it was weed or tobacco, I thought someone will be very sad to lose it. We gave it to a person who looked a little down and out. He said he’d never seen one like it and was very happy.
(2,253 posts)HAPPPY 4/20!
(20,373 posts)I don't smoke, but rather ingest the flower directly.
Embarrassing, but the first time I tried that, I was mystified that there was no effect. I was unaware of the process of decarboxylation, that is, heating up the flower before it's used in order to release the THC and CBD (which is why smokers automatically get it). But it's not a foolproof process: not enough heat or for too short and you get no effect, too hot or too long and it destroys the THC and CBD.
My method is heating the ground-up flower in a mini crockpot for one hour at low heat. Comes out just right.
Faux pas
(15,570 posts)in Washington State, every day is 420!
(33,647 posts)
Brother Buzz
(38,240 posts)In the laid back California town of sunny San Rafael
Lived a girl named Pearly Sweetcake you probably knew her well
She'd been stoned fifteen of her eighteen years and the story was widely told
That she could smoke 'em faster than anyone could roll
Her legend finally reached New York that Grove Street walk-up flat
Where dwelt The Calistoga Kid a beatnik from the past
With long browned lightnin' fingers he takes a cultured toke
And says "Hell I can roll 'em faster, Jim, than any chick can smoke"
So a note gets sent to San Raphael for the Championship of the World
(281,666 posts)LOL
Brother Buzz
(38,240 posts)I knew her well.
(281,666 posts)Victor_c3
(3,557 posts)4:20 is also Hitler’s birthday
(91,593 posts)...I was clueless.
I think they said they're getting something blue and berryful for the occasion.
H2O Man
(76,267 posts)I bought my copy of Peter Tosh's LP, "Legalize It," while visiting my brother on the west coast years ago.
(23,295 posts)I highly recommend them. as the label says Enhanced Nanomolecular Gummies!
(96,882 posts)If someone proposed a celebration for the day tobacco was discovered, I doubt anyone here would be very excited.