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tomorrow night - GObama!!
Sorry Joe Biden was laughing at your LYING ReTHUGs not at America's problems - that talking point doesn't work.

(16,399 posts)Or else he'll complain how rude and "uppity" he was.
(280,595 posts)Poor Joe Scum - the polls aren't looking good at all this morning. Fugg him!
(3,593 posts)I'm not buying that they don't know this is shifting again towards the President. They look a little peaked and sad today.
(280,595 posts)Obama's approval rating is 51%
(33,420 posts)The moment I heard that complete, unmitigated bullshit, I turned the channel. I don't know if Schmuck Todd was on spinning that crap, too, as I didn't watch. Last time I looked, which was last night, Slick Willard was far behind where it really counts: the electoral college. And, those numbers really haven't been moving. Not that I believe the one or two polls that have him up in the popular vote, too.
Hubert Flottz
(37,726 posts)Quoting the Politico Poll. Might have well just have polled Rupert Murdoch and Jack Welch.
(7,023 posts)with the corporate mafia media propping up the Repuke,even when the stats or polling shows otherwise..Could it be this is just another election theft in the works?
(16,399 posts)That Rmoney people who never spin him saying that they will "ground out a win in Ohio".
They will fucking steal this.
(7,023 posts)have come out with a different tone since the debate. Its like they needed an excuse to put their plans in motion and I just have the same gut feeling as I did in 2004...confidence in a Kerry win but never thought we would see another theft like in Fla but a different state..I think there is a possibility it could come down to just one state(ohio) again and if that happens we will lose
(10,291 posts)fetal position on the floor, crying for Michelle and his Mommy, then it is clear that is a *WIN* for the President.
Remember, Mitt's got to leave him on the floor. Obama has to not allow Mitt to lie his ass off.
(7,023 posts)Rmoney and declare him the winner and come up with all these facts of how Obama didn't make his case..I would bet that the scripts have already been written, its just that they have to fill in a few blanks.
(10,291 posts)that way, when that *doesn't* happen, we declare victory and sprint this thing home.
I did the exact same thing last Thursday with the veep debates. No matter what, Mr P90-OhPlease was the smartest, most formidable debater on the face of planet earth, and if he can't handle our 'elderly, gaffe ridden veep' he is clearly unfit for office.
I say the same thing about Mitt right now.
NYC Liberal
(20,376 posts)It would seem forced if he tried to do it intentionally.
But he knows how to attack and I think he will do so.
(8,125 posts)where whatever Obama does at the town hall can be criticized.
If he grins and laughs (as he often does when working crowds etc.) - ZOMG HE'S JUST LIKE BIDEN, HOW UNPRESIDENTIAL!!!! If he's more somber and restrained - ZOMG NO PASSION HE'S UNENGAGED, UNINTERESTED AND PROFESSORIAL!!!!
(280,595 posts)
Tennessee Gal
(6,160 posts)They would then call it "very bad behavior for a President."
(46,139 posts)Rmoney is a complete joke deserving all the ridicule he gets
and they know that
(95,337 posts)and would get slammed if he runs this debate in the same way Biden did.
(365 posts)So he might as well be himself. We love him for who he is.
(18,530 posts)1. They hate it.
2. Their positions are indefensible and they know it.
3. They hate it.
4. If our laughing is the best criticism they can muster, we have already won.
5. They hate it.
(280,595 posts)They hate it - I say ridicule them re privatization of Social Security and Medicare
(18,530 posts)Do they think everyone is smoking crack?
(365 posts)porphyrian
(18,530 posts)The Boomers are retired or retiring soon. I think they want Medicare to stay like it is or get better, not be turned into a voucher program that makes them do more work to get care.
(365 posts)porphyrian
(18,530 posts)I find the generations older than the Boomers to be far more racist and matter of fact about it.
(365 posts)malaise
(280,595 posts)If I were the Obama campaign I'd be showing lots of ads about Social Security and Medicare - who do you trust.
Betty White would be my first choice
"If you believe ReTHUGs on Medicare and Social Security I Betty White am a virgin..." followed by a raucous loud laugh.
(18,530 posts)eShirl
(19,016 posts)And I do mean, "some people."
I think the republican term is "you people".
With that snotty, condescending voice and look
(2,729 posts)Many, many people (at least the sane ones) will be delighted by his smile.
Smile on, Mr President!
(2,062 posts)The funny thing is Fox news wants Obama to win... I know, many are saying whatttt?, but think about it, if Romney wins, what will Fox news talk about. Who will they cut down, who will they try to call racist slurs, what will the birthers do?, the teaparty?, the unemployment number truthers?, and right wing newspaper?.... See all these "functioning muckrakers" will be without things to rant about... OH NO... WHAT WILL MICHELE MALKIN DO?, HANNITY, O'REILLY, VARNEY... How will these tripe spewers survive without the Kenyan socialist, nazi, black, muslim anti-christ in the whitehouse. Well don't you worry Fox news cuz we will rescue you... We will make sure you guys have something to talk about for another 4 years. Hey how about I start off a good news story for the day after the election.... Hmmmm hey how about this.. "OBAMA STEALS ELECTION" there you go...go for it, its all yours.....
(15,359 posts)Romney lies about something, fakes choking on it and spews water right at the camera! Then he composes himself and shoots Romeny down in flames!
(5,023 posts)Biden did not let any lies pass. Obama should do the same. People will believe Obama over Romney any day.
Laughing isn't necessary.
Obama should laugh only in response if Romney starts laughing -- then they'll both be laughing.
(13,218 posts)The scum they send to vie for Pres and VP do not have a mature grasp of the Constitution, nor the workings of the government. They can't even do simple math. The fault of laughing at Republicans lies not with us but with them.
(12,504 posts)Of course the Republicans would rather that Obama did not laugh.
(280,595 posts)at WilLIARds lies
(5,831 posts)which will be just perfect....