John Thune speaking
Infrastructure means roads, bridges, waterways, maybe airports.
He left off broadband, rail, and the power grid.
Care giving and childcare aren't infrastructure, even though parents can not get back to work unless the schools are open, their parents receive elder care, and their children have access to day care. If companies paid living wages to primary breadwinners, and one parent could stay home like they did when I was a little kid, there'd be no need for daycare. Can't keep wages low and ask both parents to work to survive without a daycare/eldercare system. Unless you bring back child labor....
Now he's scaremongering about Court Packing, even though zero new justices have actually been nominated.McConnell's theft of Garland's seat is ignored entirely as though it never happened. FDR, scare, scare, scare.
The idea that as the nation grow in population, we can' expand the size of the Supreme Court, or more importantly, the size of the House to offer equitable representation, because we need fewer Reps representing more city dwellers, and more reps representing fewer rural rubes.
The Democratic party isn't refighting the last war or trying to undo the hard fought progress in the culture wars. That's the Republican Party. The Democrats, like they did with FDR and LBJ and Carter is forward thinking and looking to move the nation into the next Century. The uber-reactionary conservative rural rubes fear change and the future and long for an imaginary past that never existed.
Hence Jim Crow 2.0 (which Thune said isn't *really* Jim Crow, that's disrespectful of our great history.) Infrastructure is just roads and bridges, and mom's should just stay home.
We should hearken back to the Great GOP era of Eisenhower and set up 90% top tax rates. Watch the GOP negotiate then.