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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsPresident Obama's birthday party was a bad idea
The Right is having an absolute field day with it. Of course photos and videos got out. That was inevitable. People crowded together around the dance floor. No masks. Social distancing non-existent.
You know who was wearing masks? The staff. What a great optic.
Sigh. This was totally foreseeable.
People don't like this stuff. "Rules for thee but not for me." That's a nice chunk of why Newsom got himself in trouble in California. I don't think people from out of state understand the pure rage people had when he and London Breed got nailed for their behavior. Not just Republicans, either. Nearly everyone. Certainly everyone I know.
This stuff hurts us. It hurts our efforts.
The politicians and famous people on our side need to abide by the rules and recommendations given to everyone else. If you give someone an order, then you yourself don't follow it, it pisses people off. Even the ones who are inclined to be on your side.
I know we don't like to call out our own, but why this completely predictable chum thrown into the water for our opponents?
This was stupid.

(12,046 posts)Nor is he running for office.
(1,879 posts)jcgoldie
(12,046 posts)And people drawing parallels to Trump over this ridiculous issue may be in the wrong forum.
(1,879 posts)Are you denying there is a pandemic still going on? Because there's only one group that denies that. Do you need a hint as to whom?
(4,937 posts)brush
(58,774 posts)Orrex
(64,666 posts)That usually turns out well.
(1,879 posts)Because Fuck Manny and the Jackass Ruskies.
My only point here is posting ten stories a day expressing outrage over every party a bunch of hicks in Dipshit, Arkansas or every church service in Fuckwad, Wyoming that killed 6 people and then saying this is no big deal or "he can do whatever he wants" is a dumb look.
Some people are consistent, and others are just see no evil cheerleaders. I think that's been obvious the last two days. Whether that hits too close is up to you.
Fix The Stupid
(975 posts)jcgoldie
(12,046 posts)He should do whatever the hell he wants.
Fix The Stupid
(975 posts)He should do whatever the hell he wants.
(47,011 posts)NT
Fix The Stupid
(975 posts)countingbluecars
(4,769 posts)we wouldn't be in such a sorry state. It is the result of his lack of leadership. Defend that.
(12,504 posts)Treefrog
(4,170 posts)This was a bad look.
I subscribe to a number of European newspapers, and this is being noticed. Im disappointed.
(12,046 posts)...Issuing "public" memoranda from a fake office and holding political hate rallies. You're right the situation is just the same.
(8,732 posts)He is a leader, currently elected or not. It was a damn stupid and tone deaf decision. It oozes elitism.
(10,877 posts)brooklynite
(96,882 posts)I was at a party with Mary Trump and 50-odd people Saturday. The key point is that everyone was vaccinated. That should have been made clear with respect to the Obama Party.
Response to brooklynite (Reply #46)
USALiberal This message was self-deleted by its author.
George II
(67,782 posts)LanternWaste
(37,748 posts)
(also, I think you accidently dropped another name wholly nd completely irrelevant to any points made)
(4,475 posts)But we talk about Trump as much as the right talks about Obama.
(12,046 posts)And Donald Trump does in fact claim to be a candidate for office.
(4,475 posts)But you are free to do as you wish.
I prefer to ignore him.
(3,713 posts)mostly when he knows that republicans will take a sneeze incident from him and make it into something big.
Its just common sense and being ahead of the stupid game republicans play day in day out.
(25,622 posts)are ya ?
(47,011 posts)That might be one of the reasons for why our covid cases are exploding.
But I don't think Obama broke any rules.
(3,713 posts)You don't give repubs an inch of your arm because the will take the whole arm and more if they have time.
(1,879 posts)Are we sure the pics are real and not ProjectVeritas sort of bullshit?
(47,011 posts)NT
(18,486 posts)Sympthsical
(10,411 posts)And everyone knows that.
At least they should.
Why do you think those Newsom polls are looking the way they are in a heavily Democratic state?
(97,428 posts)of President Obama's Birthday party
(32,258 posts)Obama is a role model...too many decent people are laissez-faire right now..
Many of them are Democrats themselves....
(63,778 posts)I don't blame him. He has made serious sacrifices for his country, he deserves to do what he wants now.
(1,879 posts)Who else has the right to "do whatever they want" during a pandemic?
I remind you. We are still in a pandemic. Only the GOP denies that.
(63,778 posts)But Obama paid his dues big time. For 8 years, he and his family walked out the front door and didn't know if they would return alive.
And they were vilified in despicable ways, every day.
I think it was a mistake to have the bash, but I give him a pass, and don't want to judge him.
He would have to wait another ten years to have a big decade birthday party and who knows the future?
(1,879 posts)So that is what it is.
(4,170 posts)Im really disappointed in his decision to continue with this. Really tone deaf.
As another poster says, it smacks of elitism.
(1,879 posts)Treefrog
(4,170 posts)
(161,769 posts)
Ms. Toad
(35,893 posts)Escaping from those restrictions is not a reward for making sacrifices. That reward framing is part of the reason we are not looking at COVID in the rear view mirror.
(26,042 posts)NOT!!!
Posted as sarcasm.
(35,787 posts)But I agree, it gives the RW ammunition to accuse Dems of hypocrisy. Which they do 24/7 anyway.
If they don't have something specific to point to (Cuomo, Franken), they just make it up. They accused Obama of elitism for eating Dijon mustard.
Doesn't matter if it's true or not.
(97,428 posts)Maru Kitteh
(29,587 posts)average everyday Democratic voters don't like being told they should mask up and avoid crowds and then seeing pictures of leadership in their own party ignoring the rules 'cause birthday and celebrities.
It was a bad idea. It just was - and I LOVE the Obamas with a capital LOVE.
LOVE them.
We're all sick of COVID. We know most of them were vaccinated. We know it was outdoors. It's still terrible optics and honestly, with the transmissibility of Delta (including outdoors) and number of breakthrough cases - it just wasn't a smart thing to do.
(92,385 posts)Maru Kitteh
(29,587 posts)BradAllison
(1,879 posts)Anyone getting near the President should be and show proof, no fucking excuses.
(3,726 posts)The party adhered to health protocols.
Even if it had only been he and Michelle, "they" would have complaints.
(21,032 posts)Lovie777
(16,578 posts)vaccinated, etc.
(33,424 posts)It was held in a large tent on the property.
Response to former9thward (Reply #80)
Mr.Bill This message was self-deleted by its author.
(92,385 posts)former9thward
(33,424 posts)Not when you are inside a crowded tent. Covid is not spread in the outdoors because of fresh air, constant ventilation of the air and uV rays from the sun (which go thru clouds). A tent negates all of that,
(1,261 posts)
(8,703 posts)Last edited Mon Aug 9, 2021, 03:48 PM - Edit history (1)
How about you push back against their bullshit propaganda instead of contribute to it?
Obama's party was a private outdoors gathering; CDC guidance does not mandate that individuals who have been fully vaccinated have to mask up in such circumstances.
(4,170 posts)They were inside of tents for much of the party.
This was a bad idea.
(8,703 posts)And everyone was either fully vaccinated and/or were tested for COVID prior to their participation in the event.
Obama and his guests went above and beyond current CDC guidelines, which currently state that fully vaccinated individuals should wear masks in public indoor spaces in areas of high transmission.
Stop doing the Republicans' bidding.
Ms. Toad
(35,893 posts)Outdoors is not inherently safe, with the Delta variant.
The event should have been delayed for public health reasons. Not for political reasons, but because the delta variant can be transmitted outdoors among vaccinated individuals and we all need to do our part. My parents skipped their 65th annversary celebration last year. I'm skipping my 40th anniversary this year. Because it is the safe thing to do to contribute to public health. I hold Obama to the same standards.
(8,703 posts)You may think it was irresponsible of Obama to hold such an event, but fact of the matter is that he went above and beyond current CDC guidance in doing so.
It's fine that you are personally more risk averse than Obama apparently is -- hell, I'm basically a shut-in, so I'm probably even more risk averse than you -- but I'm not going to look down upon what you choose to do as long as you are being responsible and follow prevailing guidelines at the time.
Basically, it is not up to Obama to follow your personal standards anymore than it is up to you to follow my personal standards. As long as we are following CDC guidance, we are doing a helluva lot more than those that are not -- you know, the ones that are the real source of our current problems.
Ms. Toad
(35,893 posts)Being less irresponsible than others doesn't make it responsible.
(8,703 posts)If you've been out of your house any time recently, you most certainly were more likely to get infected with COVID than those at Obama's outdoor party.
(92,385 posts)Lovie777
(16,578 posts)Cha
(307,144 posts)
(1,969 posts)It is a poor idea during a health emergency.
(50,955 posts)W_HAMILTON
(8,703 posts)The House has mandated that masks be worn again based on advice from the Capitol physician, which is based on CDC guidance.
The current CDC guidance would not have mandated masked for fully vaccinated people attending Obama's private outdoor event.
Do you see the difference in the two? Or will you continue carrying water for GOP propagandists?
(50,955 posts)The tent was outdoors. 475 people in the tent. Plus 200 workers.
Francis Collins, NIH director appointed by Pres Obama on CNN Sunday said this:
If you're talking about a small party like I might have at my house for six or eight people who are all fully vaccinated, I do not believe, at this point, we need to put masks on to be next to each other.
But if there were 100 people -- and, of course, how are you really going to be sure about people's vaccination status? And maybe there's some immunocompromised people there who, though they're vaccinated, are not actually fully protected, then the dynamic changes a little bit. There will be some need for common sense there.
It's not "carrying water for GOP propagandists" to recognize that this is bad optics and that we need to practice what we preach.
(8,703 posts)It's no different than the mobile unit tents we see people going through to get their vaccines and/or COVID tests.
I'm sorry that you seem to eager to join Republicans in attacking Obama for not only following current CDC guidance, but going above and beyond by requiring full vaccination or a negative COVID test to attend his event.
(50,955 posts)That's some Gordian knot rationalization.
Those mobile tents that people go through to get their vaccines and/or Covid tests? Everyone is wearing a mask!
Yes, the tent is outdoors. In the same way that a grocery store is outdoors. And a school is outdoors. It's what happens inside that structure that matters.
Regarding the CDC guidelines, after the rise in COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths in late July, the CDC reversed its mask policy, recommending that fully vaccinated people should resume wearing their masks indoors.
Again, this has nothing to do with joining Republicans in attacking Obama. Ironically, I didn't know anything about it until I logged onto DU.
(8,703 posts)An outdoor tent with flaps to allow it to be open air is outdoors.
And those mobile tents also include unvaccinated people and/or people that have not tested negative for COVID; for the Obama party, everyone was fully vaccinated and/or tested beforehand to ensure they weren't infected with the virus.
As for your final point, the tent was open air and outdoors.
Sorry that you can't handle that the Obama party not only adhered to current CDC guidance, but it went above and beyond (by requiring vaccinations and/or negative testing).
George II
(67,782 posts)We should be rec'ing that.
(50,955 posts)The only way to prove it would be to test the over 600 guests and workers after the event. What are the chances contact tracing was included with the invitation?
And the CDC changed their guidelines in July, recommending that fully vaccinated people should resume wearing their masks indoors.
George II
(67,782 posts)progressoid
(50,955 posts)Or even implied it.
George II
(67,782 posts)Yes, he "proved" that they work if fully complied with, but you essentially questioned if he "proved" they work.
(50,955 posts)George II
(67,782 posts)Take that as you will.
(50,955 posts)George II
(67,782 posts)...President Obama.
If there was an outbreak why not let us all know. Thanks!
(50,955 posts)I don't know if there was an outbreak. Just as you don't know there wasn't an outbreak (despite your claim that there wasn't).
I don't have "something" against Obama. I have something against faulty rationalization and weak excuses.
(4,350 posts)W_HAMILTON
(8,703 posts)And the fact that so-called Democrats are joining Republicans in their disingenuous attacks on the man is sad. You would think that SOME people would have learned their lesson after echoing the same bullshit attacks on Hillary, which directly led to this pandemic (at least in my opinion), but I guess not.
Fact is, Obama went above and beyond current CDC guidelines. Realize that every time you aid and abet Republicans by attacking him over this.
(4,350 posts)uponit7771
(92,385 posts)themaguffin
(4,350 posts)sarcasmo
(23,968 posts)Budi
(15,325 posts)Your post omits the precautions taken not only by the Obamas, but by the high profile attendees.
It wasn't a RW political frat party .
Without knowing the restrictions pre-set & agreed to, your post simply repeats social media memes placing a negative spin on the Obama bday celebration.
I somehow can't see Beyonce & JayZ saying, " "meh, we'll take our chances" on the decision to attend.
IMO, as for the Staff, they were masked because it probably was a standard requirement of the Co that employed them.
Who cares what the RW says about it.
They weren't invited.
anyone here remember Nancy Pelosi's haircut?...Republican ammunition...Joe tripping on a stair before boarding Air Force 1?...Republican ammunition...Kamala inviting everyone to have a nice Memorial Day weekend?...Republican ammunition...we Dems, always careful not to nice..follow the's all about optics..well, fuck optics..fuck Republican phony moral outrage...Obama's fully vaccinated birthday party upsets the right's delicate fainting couch sensibilities but Camp Auschwitz, gallows, the confederate flag, rampaging animals hunting the Speaker and the Vice President with intent to kill, defiling the sanctity of the Capital...all ok...Obama in a tan suit...big bad no no... Trump and his amoral Republican cretins with their callous disregard for human life destroyed our world ..they can take their self-righteous bullshit and shove it...they don't get to tell us how to live...fuck them, fuck them all...
(15,325 posts)Glorfindel
(10,058 posts)You said it just right!
(2,113 posts)And chef's kiss. Well said.
(1,671 posts)I couldn't have said this better!!
(92,385 posts)uponit7771
(92,385 posts)blm
(113,970 posts)Sympthsical
(10,411 posts)Pictures have leaked. It's an absolutely terrible look.
We know vaccinated people can contract and spread the Delta variant. Children are still not vaccinated, and we're watching that disaster play out in real time.
The thread is going about how I expected, but I stand by it: This was horribly irresponsible.
(32,258 posts)It doesn't help...
(47,151 posts)Actually, a lot of us love nothing more than calling out out own. Thanks for a good example of it.
Whether chum gets thrown in the water on not, the RW will still find fault. They frick'n make stuff up to be outraged.
There is no point in worrying whether it will offend them. Don't lend them ammunition by scolding others about it.
(10,411 posts)I don't know what to tell you. People do not care for it when the rich, famous, and powerful are not asked to abide by the same rules and guidelines everyone else is.
At least, people in the Democratic party I know don't like that sort of thing.
Has that changed, or are we still allowed to really dislike that sort of thing?
(4,170 posts)Rules for thee and not for me. That shit makes us look like hypocrites.
People on this thread all of a sudden acting like vaxxed people cant get sick, despite the many anecdotal threads about vaxxed neighbors, friends, family members, cousins, aunts and so on who have gotten sick.
(39,399 posts)And wow, looked where it got me:
(4,170 posts)But I do love that you follow me so closely. Mwah.
(47,011 posts)What rules and guidelines he is not abiding by?
(47,151 posts)you are severely mistaken. The airlines are full, vacations spots are full, ballparks are full, and restaurants/ bars are full. In a couple of weeks the NFL and college football will begin with huge crowds. Musics festivals are back.
Sorry, but many Americans of all political persuasions aren't taking the pandemic seriously.
Picking Obama, or Newsome, or DC Mayor Browser to complain about is just aiding the right.
Both examples took reasonable precautions only to be bashed by people doing much worse.
(47,011 posts)But that's neither here nor there, I guess.
(47,151 posts)treestar
(82,383 posts)People love the rich and famous.
And where do you get the idea there are different rules? The Obamas followed the rules everyone else has to follow. They would never do differently.
(15,325 posts)"..people in the Democratic party I know.."
But you're certain of Obama's.
Oh , & the rich & powerful.
George II
(67,782 posts)Skittles
(161,769 posts)it's just so fucking ridiculous, the excuses people make. We're just supposed to think it's cool because, you know, it's OBAMA....and he know, A GOOD GUY
(12,286 posts)They didn't like his tan suit either.
Fuck them.
(15,325 posts)Why are we seeing anti-Obama RW concerns here anyway?
(11,256 posts)I would have felt differently a couple of months ago prior to Delta hitting the US so hard. There are numerous breakthrough cases. While the vaccines seem to be doing a remarkable job of preventing hospitalizations and death, the vaccinated can still spread it to those who are not and can not be vaccinated at this time. I probably lean towards being overly cautious though. I just hope we don't hear about people who attended testing positive in the next couple of weeks. I wouldn't even consider attending a big party like that. But then I still won't even eat in a restaurant.
(325 posts)hurts us and our efforts. Nice touch, that
(96,103 posts)Oh, the humanity!
(2,998 posts)My family (all vaxed)had a big get together a couple weeks ago and it was fine.
(4,170 posts)All du anecdotal tales of course, but surely theyre all true?
(55,525 posts)This was widely covered in the news.
(35,787 posts)the Provincetown cluster being the largest known breakthrough event.
it is possible to have a gathering of vaccinated people and not have that same level of infection. it happened quite frequently in July; i myself went to a MLS game in a sea of unmasked middle americans.
this new surge in cases is not being driven by breakthroughs - it's the unvaxxed.
(55,525 posts)rather than evidence. There are breakthrough cases all around the country, and not small numbers. Vaccinated people don't tend to become nearly as sick as un-vaccinated ones, but they spread the disease and about 1000 have died.
(35,787 posts)I made 2 assertions:
1. Still a very small portion of vaccinated people having breakthrough cases.
2. this new surge in cases is not being driven by breakthroughs - it's the unvaxxed.
Are either of those untrue? you say the breakthroughs are "not small numbers". that sounds pretty subjective to me, at least as subjective as my "very small".
there are 167 million fully vaccinated people in the US. using this randomly-selected article's numbers ( ). 125,000 have tested positive, 1,400 have died in this surge.
125,000/167,000,000 = 0.00075%.
1400/167,000,000 = 0.000008%.
I say those numbers are "very small"; you say they are "not small". we're going to have to disagree.
meanwhile, the average cases/day is >100,000. i would agree that that number is "not small".
(55,525 posts)I'm just glad I got the Pfizer vaccine.
(92,385 posts)TheProle
(3,251 posts)judgement in having a responsible gathering and hopefully protocol was thorough enough that no one catches a breakthrough infection or takes home a case to their kids.
Given the level of awareness, concern and compliance here at DU, I don't think that anyone is being a bad Democrat by cringing a little bit at the optics.
If they're using it as a cudgel to beat up President Obama, that's a different story.
(15,325 posts)The rest is optics which omit facts.
Which is why the particular photos were selected.
Did any of the photos include the precautions required to enter the bday celebration?
Nope, because its about suggestion, not fact.
What message were those who selected the partigular photos, intending?
(39,399 posts)What an interesting thread.
(58,785 posts)Amazing how many, even here, seem to assume they're wiser and smarter, more politically astute, and far more socially and morally responsible than President and Michelle Obama.
And forget that for a period we believed widespread vaccination availability meant we could travel safely and gather with other vaccinated people. Because it was true. Until more lethal variants suddenly entered the scene like rampaging bulls charging into a global china shop.
And fuck the Republicans. To take this up, they had to drop whatever other malicious and phony clubs they'd be swinging instead. Don't like the ahimals? Don't feed them.
(39,399 posts)blm
(113,970 posts)Kingofalldems
(39,399 posts)Skittles
(161,769 posts)definitely
(17,518 posts)
(12,309 posts)Hes a private citizen and broke no laws.
He does not deserve to be criticized on DU like is happening in the right-wing media.
His party did not hurt me. It did not hurt you.
Now, I could make the argument that posts that echo the rights message are harmful because they contribute to search engine-results placement. But I wont do that.
(15,325 posts)Here's a doctored up pic circulating Leftist accts.
This is abruptly similar in it's intended suggestion.
From the "They're ALL THE SAAAAME" bunch.
Link to tweet
Its not a RW source either.
See, the small print, right there under the words, " Decimating Black Wealth and the Middle Class"
Their messaging apparantly merges, on cue.
Awww. They made a matching one for VP Harris.
Link to tweet
OP at least owes the readers of the condemnation of Obama a link to his source.
The messaging isn't solely a Republican thing, apparantly.
George II
(67,782 posts)Rhetorical question, everyone knows why. Obama has had to put up with crap like that since becoming President and Harris since late 2019 when she announced her candidacy.
These should be sent to the attorneys of both InStyle and Vogue. I could see hefty lawsuits in the making.
(15,325 posts)These should be sent to InStyle and Vogue.
Ya think they'd be a bit pissed.
Ferrets are Cool
(22,078 posts)or at least letting people know that IF they are vaccinated, they too can party like this. He is beloved by millions. Setting an example would be a great thing.
The CDC reports demographic characteristics, including race/ethnicity, of people receiving COVID-19 vaccinations at the national level. As of August 2, 2021, CDC reported that race/ethnicity was known for 58% of people who had received at least one dose of the vaccine. Among this group, nearly two thirds were White (59%), 10% were Black, 16% were Hispanic, 6% were Asian, 1% were American Indian or Alaska Native.
emphasis inserted by me
(12,309 posts)I did a quick Google search before posting, and there were many examples of media appearances and PSAs he has done. Go and see for yourself.
As for the party, he scaled it back tremendously, and made it a point to say that everyone was vaccinated. To make the accusation that he isnt modeling good behavior belies the facts.
(3,251 posts)If a DUer has been intellectually consistent in their critique of other mass gatherings, even w. vaccination requirements, then I have no problem with their honest criticism of anyone engaging in such behaviors.
(15,325 posts)We do Notice.
(3,251 posts)I've seen the critique leveled at Lollapalooza (vaccination required) and other gatherings that require proof of vaccination.
I guess my point is that honest discussion should not be stifled because it exposes our bellies in some way to the Republicans.
I don't personally think President Obama did anything wrong. But I'm not willing to engage in a party purge over it in the middle of a pandemic.
(12,309 posts)There is no equivalence between a private gathering versus a major concert.
We should be on the side of President Obama instead of part of the critic chorus. There are enough people criticizing his every move already.
I dont even understand what you mean by a party purge.
(3,251 posts)The "purge" comment was about the subtext being directed at some posters implying that they are not real Democrats or are trying to damage the party with their criticism.
And I already have made clear at least 3 times that I don't think President Obama did anything wrong.
That said, breakthrough infections are real, if rare, and the jury is still out on if they can develop into long-haul.
"We should be on the side of (insert Democrat here)" is the mentality that has so many members of this community shrugging off the apparently very real lechery of New York's government.
Support should be principled, not reflexive.
(15,325 posts)stillcool
(33,142 posts)My husbands birthday is next week. We're fully vaccinated, as are those we have invited. Do I have to ask you for permission to have my friends over for a barbecue? I'm not running for anything, but I don't want to see you get hurt.
(2,113 posts)
(50,955 posts)If you're talking about a small party like I might have at my house for six or eight people who are all fully vaccinated, I do not believe, at this point, we need to put masks on to be next to each other.
But if there were 100 people -- and, of course, how are you really going to be sure about people's vaccination status? And maybe there's some immunocompromised people there who, though they're vaccinated, are not actually fully protected, then the dynamic changes a little bit. There will be some need for common sense there.
(5,845 posts)To see relatively new members (2/20) have such strong opinions on what our former Democratic President is doing in his private life. Funny, it coincides with the opinions of right wing Republicans. Good for you. You've made your mark!
(15,325 posts)They don't have to disguise it by cleverly blaming each other.
I'm not sure exactly what they're Left of anymore.
(4,475 posts)Given everything that he has done for the country.
I'm ok with him bypassing a few rules.
(12,046 posts).
(4,475 posts)Why is anyone getting upset then?
If masks aren't required, then he's fine.
(10,129 posts)Anyone who is not comfortable attending can decline and most would understand in vaccinated groups such as these.
People have been sitting outside of restaurants eating in tents so I don't see an issue with this either... that is, when everyone is vaxxed and the people are in their circle of family and friends.
Now if they are not following protocols outside of this (by not wearing a mask) then that's inconsiderate and people can take issue if the context is known.
(31,261 posts)Even if they were tested before the party, who is to say that a person there was infected but the infection not showing up yet?
The 200 person party was a freaking horrible idea, even if scaled down from the original.
(10,129 posts)and
"Now if they are not following protocols outside of this (by not wearing a mask) then that's inconsiderate and people can take issue if the context is known."
Breakthrough cases are still considered rare and the CDC's advice is to mask indoors where low vaccination rates are. I personally think people should continue to mask regardless but I don't take issue with a private gathering with family and friends who are vaccinated and follow all of the protocols that were provided by a specialist at Obama's party.
(82,383 posts)There'd be no problem with Dubya having a birthday party.
People were vaccinated. And when it was planned may have been before this new variant started.
Obama is a private citizen now.
(50,955 posts)Being vaccinated doesn't prevent you from getting or spreading the virus.
(82,383 posts)there is a lot of hair on fire out there. The vaccines are not useless. Full shut down has not been implemented.
Jon King
(1,910 posts)Seriously, not sure why they could not have postponed it for a more appropriate time. The issue is not vaccinations....its masks, not a mask in sight.
The entire message is that everyone needs masks because even vaccinated people can still get infected and spread the virus. These people came in from all over the US, including at risk counties. So the fact it was held in a low case area is not relevant.
And the timing was brutally bad, just when schools are going back and we are trying to explain why vaccinations AND masks are important.
(31,261 posts)cinematicdiversions
(1,969 posts)It was too hot for the guests to wear them.
(92,385 posts)... right-wing bullshit here on DU??
(4,475 posts)Good chance they wore them.
The dignitaries were vaccinated for sure. They were required to. Besides, we need to see their faces.
(67 posts)There were 15 Major League Baseball games yesterday with fully open stadiums and no mandatory mask policies.
An outdoor event for few hundred people on Martha's Vineyard does not even scratch the surface.
They bellyache like they always do. They just hate the guy. Stop granting them an opinion on this topic unless they can get their people to vaccinate and use masks where appropriate. Til then, they can stfu.
(1,383 posts)ShazamIam
(2,771 posts)ZonkerHarris
(25,577 posts)demmiblue
(38,012 posts)Mad_Machine76
(24,822 posts)A pretty high % of vaxxed people attended. Just a thought.
(43,447 posts)If we didn't respond their stupid fits would run out of oxygen. I'm so tired of giving them the other team to endlessly fight.
(19,701 posts)Indeed.
(31,261 posts)Horrible idea, absolutely horrible idea. It is just tone deaf to have a large social gathering right now. I am glad that President Biden skipped the party.
(11,256 posts)I wonder how many people here who think there was nothing wrong with the birthday party would have wanted President Biden to attend? I realize that now that it's over it would be easy for them to say they would have been good with it. I'm so glad he skipped it too.
(13,972 posts)what rules were broken?
(37,748 posts)"Sigh. This was totally foreseeable."
Absolutely. But I'm certain we're pointing our little finger's at two different things.
George II
(67,782 posts)....for which to criticize him or Democrats.
(1,152 posts)uponit7771
(92,385 posts)BannonsLiver
(18,648 posts)betsuni
(27,448 posts)

(34,604 posts)Vinca
(51,589 posts)Guests were vaccinated people tested beforehand. In this instance, the right can collectively fuck itself. They don't make noise when thousands of unvaccinated dimwits gather to worship the cult leader after all.
(762 posts)Tomconroy
(7,611 posts)that I didn't get an invitation! Must have been lost in the damn mail!
(13,414 posts)Beautiful, brilliant, loving people all vaccinated and all gathered together to celebrate the birthday of Obama. I bet it was a lovely party!
(158,089 posts)joetheman
(1,450 posts)That would have been more helpful in these times. i really thought he and Michelle would have known better.
(92,385 posts).... DU is still concerned about pleasing the right and not giving them ammunition that they just won't make up out of thin air
Fuck them
(161,769 posts)so are the APOLOGISTS......UGH
(11,256 posts)I don't defend it. I don't believe in double standards.
(161,769 posts)I've gone my entire life without a birthday party and cannot understand the need to hold one with hundreds of people during a pandemic....inexcusable.
(1,879 posts)I thought the pandemic was a serious issue, but I guess it's not really. Dumb me.