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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsMean is Mean and Kind is Kind. Tis ever thus.

Raise your hands if you have been a
1. Stupid bleeding heart liberal
2. Stupid politically correct liberal
3 Stupid woke liberal
I can only lay claim to 2 & 3 but with my liberal decoder ring - surely I can be an honorary member of the first?!?! You know ir makes sense!

To be fair, you can see why they struggle with liberals so much, after all living without empathy and kindness must cause a huge black hole of rottenness where their souls should reside. And they relish in it. Uugghhh.

Response to Soph0571 (Original post)
malaise This message was self-deleted by its author.
(280,726 posts)Dems need to spend way more time exposing the mean, uncaring, nastu andd corrupt nature of ReTHUGs.
(15,126 posts)I answered "mean" on DU several years ago, in a thread that asked to describe Republicans with only one word.
(27,791 posts)Empathy is weak.
(17,180 posts)llmart
(16,332 posts)Kindness has to prevail in this country or we will all be doomed.
I think people are mean to others because they are hurting inside. They think hurting another will make their own hurt go away. Of course we all know it doesn't work that way.
"Who hurt you so badly that you have to be mean?" That's my response to people who deliberately try to hurt me with words or deeds or whatever.
(5,895 posts)RVN VET71
(2,839 posts)My heart doesnt bleed anymore. I empathize a helluva lot, though.
Kid Berwyn
(19,084 posts)Plus, Pinko, short for, Commie.
(16,364 posts)projection-ly, Fascist.
(122,079 posts)Last edited Sun Nov 7, 2021, 11:16 AM - Edit history (1)
standard response if such is delivered in person, is to tilt my head, expression puzzled, and say, "But you say that like it's a bad thing."
Like its such a bad thing!
(10,252 posts)How many wars has the Christian church fought, not just against non-believers, but against other Christians? How many people has it tortured and murdered. How many people has it literally enslaved to steal their land and labor? It is an extremely intolerant institution peddling the requirement of blind faith in non-sense like virgin birth and the resurrection of a 3-day old corpse that gets up and starts walking around again.
(140 posts)very interesting take on resurrection myth
(10,252 posts)where did Jesus get his ideas about compassion, forgiveness, patience, tolerance, loving kindness, generosity? Not exactly emphasized in the Jewish tradition of his time. To be a good Jew, one had to not worship idols, keep the Sabbath, don't eat unclean foods (pork and shell fish) circumcize boys, make women take a ritual bath after menstruation, get married and have children, etc. But compassion? Eh not so much. Jesus' father (if we believe the New Testament) was a carpenter living in Nazareth. So he probably worked building Herod's new port of Ceasaria, which would have included not just trade vessels from all over the known world, but also luxury homes for rich Romans, who would have been educated (the men at least) in Greek language, culture, ethics, and virtues.
Buddhism was well known to the Greeks. Alexander the Great left Greek philosophers in the court when he conquorerd Ghandahar (Afghanistan). And of course, his Greek general establishd Greek rule of Egypt. When Hinayana Buddhism reached Greece, it was called "stoicism." Ashoka, the Buddhist emperor had conquored India and Pakistan several hundred years before Jesus. And by the time of Jesus, Mahayana Buddhism, with its ideas about compassion and the absence of "self" had begun to spread throughout the Buddhist world and beyond.
I doubt that Jesus ever went to India. He didn't have to, because the ideas of Buddhist India came to him. Wherever there is big international trade, like the port of Caesaria, there is also an exchange of culture, technology, trade goods, books and esoteric knowledge. And that most certainly happened in the Roman port of Caesaria. So for a curious and sensitive Jewish boy, it would have been quite possible to be exposed to the Mahayana ideas about compassion and wisdom.
(122,079 posts)electric_blue68
(19,943 posts)I've heard that term "stoicism"...
And so interesting being in that Port City of Caesaria with so many different visitors, and ships.👍
(as a life long NYC'r - I know 🙂 )
(58,371 posts)and to point out the evils of some of the church structures themselves -
but it is as dishonest to label all and every instance of Christianity/Christians as unredeemably evil as it is dishonest to pretend that all of Christianity has been pure and good and without blemish.
Also, the "institution" of Christianity is not monolithic - there are many different institutions now, and there have been many others over the 2000 years of Christian existence. And even those that are institutional (such as the Catholic Church) are not monolithic.
Does Christianity have much to atone for? Absolutely. But does that include absolutely everything done by any Christian or instance of an organized Christianity throughout all time? Nope.
Christianity is no more monolithic than to say "Generation X" or "sports fans" or "women" or "African-Americans".
(10,252 posts)nt
(19,943 posts)ThoughtCriminal
(14,411 posts)these smears are all direct descendants of "N***** Lover".