When I stand back and assess our fight against the GOP this year...
we've done a hell of a job.
We here in California have been tearing it up. At this late hour I feel safe to say we're going to retain every seat, take a few GOP seats, and Obama stands as much chance of even SWEATING over California as Romney stands a chance of insourcing every job back from China and calling for tariffs to boot.
Spurred by fears of voter suppression, black voters out east camped out overnight to vote early. It looks like Hispanic groups are going full speed with nationwide mobilization efforts, too. They sure are in California - I see LOTS of Obama stickers in Latino neighborhoods whenever I visit relatives down south.
I've briefly talked to Dems in other states and they're all practically too busy canvassing and calling to explain that they're out canvassing and calling! It looks even busier than 2008 when McCain was riding Obama over his post GOP convention bounce and wallets in Main Streets all over the country opened up to help Obama's campaign. It looks even more intense than that now, at least when it comes to sheer efforts, if not also in sheer money. I haven't gotten any calls for money from the Obama campaign in weeks, has anyone?
It's friggin' wild out there. It's like we've been on afterburners since Romney got the nom. (Damn, if only we'd been like that in 2010.)
I think all that panic mongering about voter suppression and Republicans winning or coming even in the polls has only served to mobilize people AGAINST the GOP. Talk about exploding in the faces of the Guardians Of the Plutocracy! All they've got left now to save them is Tagg's voting machines. Unfortunately voting machines are practically weapons of mass destruction in the war against a legitimate democracy. How do we beat that one?