General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsOn this day in history (January 20, 2001)
Two dumb twenty-somethings with a chip on their shoulder and a large white banner with DEMOCRATICUNDERGROUND.COM written on it in black paint went down to Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington DC and joined the protests against George W. Bush's inauguration. After managing to get their banner directly in front of the MSNBC cameras for about five minutes, the pair returned to their small office, turned on their computers, and found tons of people -- including many conservative trolls -- going nuts on the message board which they had added to their site at the last minute on a whim.
And that's how it all started. Happy Birthday DU! 23 years young today.

brer cat
(26,838 posts)2naSalit
(95,927 posts)

(41,570 posts)hlthe2b
(108,347 posts)CONGRATULATIONS. You and Skinner "done good."
Oh, and I saved the link to "7-Days"... Here ya go, DUers:
(89 posts)Thanks for link to a short but great read...cheers, OSD
(108,347 posts)
(18,149 posts)Thanks to EarlG and Skinner. Quite a nice compendium.
mountain grammy
(27,581 posts)Very entertaining and quite the ride. I'm so grateful to our founders for working through it to make an excellent message board for Democrats.. Our cash flow situation has improved significantly so I'll be able make a better donation to the Feb hearts drive. I really appreciate this place.
(21,615 posts)Itโs a DU classic!
(29,540 posts)
The DU Creation Myth. Love the summary comments after each entry. EarlGโs 57 cigs

(115,177 posts)Thanks for that!
(6,445 posts)Polybius
(19,388 posts)Perhaps it was Windows 98 or 2000? Or Windows ME.
(108,347 posts)Both Windows XP beta 1 and beta 2 were made available in 2000. My then SO was a highly in-demand software engineer.
(19,388 posts)Yes, the first public beta was Whistler October 31, 2000. There may have been others before. So, how much did your early beta differ from the actual product? Did it have Bliss (the hills/greens background wallpaper)?
I am a Windows XP fanboy. I believe it was the best Windows ever made. Love to look, and that wallpaper was truly iconic.
(9,295 posts)

(10,573 posts)

(18,104 posts)Thank you EarlG for all that you and your gang do to keep this place up and running!
(43,203 posts)DU is the best thing that ever happened to the www.
(1,477 posts)malaise
(281,710 posts)Happy Birthday
(12,962 posts)Wild blueberry
(7,478 posts)So grateful! Lurked for years, keeping some sliver of sanity and spirit. Now a still-grateful member.
Thank you!
(9,836 posts)Then I found DU in Nov. 2004, and I realized, I was not alone.
Thanks for the memories.
Happy Birthday DU.
(89 posts)Thanks much for your efforts then and folks "done good"...cheers, OSD
(15,539 posts)I only discovered DU in 2004, after four long years of literally wandering in the wilderness after that heart-breaking 2000 election.
I lurked for several years before finally joining.
Had it not been for DU in 2016, I think that I might have gone insane! I will NEVER forget how DU was hacked on Election NIght.
So I have always believed that hackers helped to skew those results as well as all the other factors in that cursed election that first gave us the Worst Possible Holder of POTUS.
(11,627 posts)and lurked for a while as well.
This place has been an oasis even in the rough times.
(30,711 posts)Fla Dem
(26,342 posts)Don't know what I would have done these past 23 years without your message board and the many knowledgeable, wacky, funny, caring people who have posted over the years; many of whom have become infamous among the DU family.
(3,882 posts)Thanks to all of you..DU has kept me sane since I discovered it wa-a-a-ay back in 2006. I am so grateful for everything you have done to keep it real- You all have worked very hard and you are very much appreciated.
Thank you again.. ๐
LA Blue Bengal
(33 posts)Congratulations on 23 years of fighting the good fight and being an oasis of sanity during the Shrub years
KS Toronado
(20,969 posts)
(11,348 posts)A great place for news and views!!๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
(14,415 posts)Thank you EarlG and Skinner and Elad, for creating, and captaining, a GREAT news/discussion/soulful site all these years!
(12,801 posts)
mountain grammy
(27,581 posts)Proud to be a contributing star member for 10+ years after lurking for free for a while.
Always moving forward.
(18 posts)There is no better group on the internets. I have been lurking here most of those 23 years. Got 14 posts to my name . . .this one is 15 for DU's birthday!
Woo Hoo!
(177,384 posts)Happy anniversary, EarlG. I found DU about one month later and lurked until the following October.
Since then, the only day I haven't been here is when I was seriously ill in the summer of 2012.
(1,356 posts)Love the Democratic Underground!๐
(4,318 posts)I would be going batshit crazy by now if it wasn't for you and all the DUer's who have contributed over the years. Thank you all for everything.
(10,222 posts)Auggie
(32,109 posts)
Ohio Joe
(21,894 posts)I never heard that bit of history. Happy Birthday DU
(189,249 posts)How the time goes by.
Happy birthday DU.
(73,525 posts)
(1,392 posts)My home away from home. Thank you.
(96,611 posts)Response to EarlG (Original post)
highplainsdem This message was self-deleted by its author.
(63,548 posts)bottomofthehill
(9,040 posts)for the past 20 plus years they have been my sanity check. Although I do not always agree with everything here, I agree with enough to give me hope for us and our next generations.Thank you!!!!
(54,677 posts)I just read the "Seven Days Underground" posts at the link in reply 4. Tumultuous days.
I'm so glad you were there, catching people's attention that day, and have stayed here for 23 years, helping us survive rough times and celebrate victories. Bravo!
NBC coverage of some of the protests that day:
(22,770 posts)I've located the area that we were at (Freedom Plaza around 13th Street I believe) but I couldn't find a glimpse of the banner on the C-SPAN, CNN, or NBC coverage that's out there. Unfortunately I can't find any full-length coverage at all from MSNBC. I might have an old VHS tape somewhere with the footage on, maybe I'll try and dig it out in time for the 25th anniversary
(54,677 posts)couldn't find the banner.
Do you have any contacts at MSNBC who might be able to access their coverage from that day?
How this site launched, and how the first week went, could make for an interesting story even now, for one of their hosts.
(22,770 posts)I expect the MSNBC footage is out there somewhere but it doesn't appear to be online. I know we definitely taped the coverage on VHS, but I don't know where that tape is now, even though I'm pretty sure I have it somewhere.
(11,057 posts)AKwannabe
(6,645 posts)Kick
(28,835 posts)Found some pretty cool stuff with that website. It was kind of a proto-app.

liberal N proud
(61,084 posts)Been great to have DU.
Happy birthday DU and thanks
(24,166 posts)i found du after the gore v shrub when the supreme ct handed bush the white house .
(13 posts)The first time was an article about "Leadership for a New American Century LNAC. I was hooked. DU is the first thing I read in the morning and I check in several times during the day. I didn't become a member until 2008 so I'll try and make up the lost dues.
Keep up the great work!
(8,781 posts)I will forever be grateful for the the best thing to ever hit the internet, IMHO.
(7,116 posts)Wasn't hear for the whole ride, but lots of it. My current "official" join date of Oct 2008 is not accurate, I lurked for awhile, then something happened that I don't recall and I had to start a new account. But it's been a great time, and this is one of the few places on the web I've visited daily for at least 15 years! Thanks!!
(17,279 posts)I love it, and Happy Birthday!
(11,211 posts)Thanks for this great site. It is a sanctuary and much appreciated.
(12,915 posts)DU was the place to be for Liberals to vent.
(7,688 posts)Always loved this place. So important.
(646 posts)I was around 2004 or so, during Bush is wired time. Changed jobs and lost my original sign on to my DU account and just lurked until I joined again in 2011
I am here every day
(39,379 posts)I remember feeling the same when Ronald Reagan was elected, but the sting of this election was much worse as it was clear to me by then that the Republican Party was utterly corrupt and beyond redemption.
Thank you, and Happy Birthday Democratic Underground!
diane in sf
(4,139 posts)
(1,486 posts)through thick tears that day.
And I have visited and read this site everyday since!
I still love this place!
(30,237 posts)i am so thankful for you.
(15,146 posts)
(9,957 posts)At the time I was on the Ysnkees message board. Then eventually Al Franken's message board. Only after Kerry lost did I join DU. It's reputation though had reached across the WWW and beckoned.
Thanks again EarlG. A million times.
(39,955 posts)May you save Democrats' sanity for another 23 years!

(29,540 posts)

Wounded Bear
(61,516 posts)

Uncle Joe
(60,990 posts)Y'all have done an extraordinary job and I believe this site has been a great service to the nation.
Thanks for the thread EarlG
(36,631 posts)live love laugh
(15,026 posts)MiHale
(11,349 posts)Thanks for all the hard work.
(35,294 posts)Cha
(308,435 posts)Skinner
Where DUers & I have spent many hours, Years and for some a couple of Decades.
Think. Again.
(21,670 posts)...May our Democracy live a long and healthy life, and our Underground be a safe haven for generations to come.
(17,605 posts)elleng
(138,752 posts)I was nearby, working!
(37,142 posts)redqueen
(115,177 posts)๐ฅณ๐
Nice to know the back story ๐
(10,303 posts)Thank you for starting up a Democratic community. The majority here in our community are civil, intelligent and superb conversationalist!
Happy Birthday, DU!
(22,770 posts)but unfortunately couldn't find anything. The only footage I can locate from the inaugural parade is C-SPAN, CNN, and NBC, and we're not on those -- I'm certain it was MSNBC. There's a short clip of an MSNBC interview on the street at the parade, but their full coverage does not seem to be available online.
As mentioned above I may have it on an old VHS in a box somewhere. FWIW I'm pretty sure Skinner still has the original banner
(10,303 posts)Well, that's how I find my misplaced items and things.
(61,001 posts)until 2004!
(8,582 posts)I am so grateful for this site
(16,579 posts)blogslug
(38,762 posts)I love a good origin story โค๏ธ โค๏ธ โค๏ธ
(6,507 posts)Thank you for making it all happen founders!
Tree Lady
(12,269 posts)So grateful you started this, like you it was because of Gore's loss I got more political but didn't find you until 2004. It will be my 20th this May. Found you on Michael Moore's website a link.
(6,013 posts)"Bob Boudelang," through whom I became acquainted with DU! I don't think I would still have a shred of sanity without DU!
COL Mustard
(7,262 posts)One of those trolls. No, not a troll, but let's just say I was in a very different place back then, politically. Thank you to this community for being welcoming to people like me!
I'm glad DU exists and I hope for another 23 years of success!
Because of you,, I found a group of Americans who actually do believe in the sanctity of your Constitution and doing the RIGHT thing. Not what is profitable or expedient, but the things that as a Canadian watching on - the things that do truly make Americans GREAT! THANK YOU for restoring my faith in your country.
(2,947 posts)Happy birthday, DU!!!
(148,676 posts)(found in the anniversary thread from 3 years ago -
10th Anniversary on Cenk
The Democratic Underground Movie
The beginning: Seven Days Underground

Solly Mack
(94,364 posts)Trailrider1951
(3,506 posts)March, 2004, but I love this site and my good friends here! Thank you, EarlG!
(229,836 posts)And the rest is history!!!
(19,726 posts)We've been through a lot together. Thanx!!
(44,146 posts)I joined in March 2022, looking for something to help me deal with the madness. Little did any of us know it would only get worse.
We've had the highs of the Obama years and now Biden's first term. Let's keep it going DU!
(5,369 posts)It all started in the dialup era and massive laptops. Thats the truth!
We have come a long way!
(21,277 posts)Learning to become a much smarter and better person thanks to all of you and the many subjects we get to discuss. ๐
(13,028 posts)Been here a long ,long time,lost half my post count but I remain. Lurk a lot now but DU has been my sanity.I got on DU from a tip from a fellow writer on a little site called Unknown News.
Took her up on her recommend came checked it out and the rest is history.
(162,433 posts)but for the same reason - I was like, WTF, since WHEN does the SUPREME COURT PICK THE F***ING PRESIDENT!!! I looked for people who were as outraged as me and, well, the rest is history
(19,715 posts)Being a Joni-Come-Lately to this community, I was not aware of any of this early history, and reading about it has been both instructive and entertaining. I honestly envy everyone who has been here since the early days, because I know I've missed quite a lot.
But alas, I didn't have the good fortune to stumble on DU until the mid 20-teens, and I didn't stick around very long at first. Fortunately, I finally found my way back and started actively posting some time in late 2019 or early 2020.
In the run up to the 2020 election, I was a nervous wreck, terrified that we might not succeed in getting a Democrat elected to eject the Orange Hellbeast from the White House. This time, I decided to stick around and start posting, and DU turned out to be just what I needed to finally be able to climb down off the ceiling and calm down. A little.
Looking back now, I am amazed at my own naivete. I actually thought getting a Democrat elected was ALL we needed to worry about!
Anyways, you all know the rest of the story. Biden won, and the Orange Hellbeast left the White House (under protest), but he didn't really go away, and now he's trying get the fuck back in again, which mean I still need DU to help me stay sane.
I would like to take this opportunity to take DU's founders for creating and maintaing this lovely safe harbor in the midst of chaos. I would also like to thank all the rest of you for being a part of it, because every one of you is a part of what makes DU what it is!
And now, back to the party!
(1,248 posts)
(691 posts)TexLaProgressive
(12,404 posts)My profile shows Aug 2003, but I began closer to that day. I had a hard drive crash and last my login info. By the time I got back online I had even forgotten my username.
DU kept me sane during the W Bush league years and my sanity slipped somewhat from being cutoff during the Grreat Hack that took DU down.
My thanks to those intrepid founders of DU.
(2,168 posts)Alice Kramden
(2,536 posts)DU has given me hope all these years (long lurking before joining)
(52,276 posts)And, thank you Earl and Elad and Skinner!
(7,794 posts)pandr32
(12,714 posts)Still going strong!
Happy anniversary to DU! Cheers to the best laid plans!
(57,293 posts)
Deep State Witch
(11,640 posts)I love this community! Thank you for making it a safe space for all of us. I don't know how we would have survived the Trump regime without it!