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(72,349 posts)I hope they did it before the diplomas were awarded.
Response to DFW (Reply #2)
Post removed
(2,120 posts)Bettie
(17,865 posts)is too much for a certain segment.
(4,220 posts)Bettie
(17,865 posts)than many older people have and that makes them angry toward the young people who dare to disagree.
(11,343 posts)taking sides when both sides are horrific. Hamas's stranglehold on Gaza governance is killing as many Palestinians as Israel. Give up the hostages and give up power.
(27,566 posts)obamanut2012
(28,314 posts)BannonsLiver
(18,844 posts)AKA Exceptions that prove the rule.
(27,566 posts)Not an insult, despite it constantly used as an insult against Democrats and liberals.
(2,120 posts)BannonsLiver
(18,844 posts)Ping Tung
(1,720 posts)I doubt that many of the potential victims would vote for the guy that wanted them dead or imprisoned.
(18,844 posts)Reagan doesnt get nearly 500 electoral college votes in 1980 without a helluva lot of conversions.
(92,476 posts)jimfields33
(19,382 posts)karynnj
(60,143 posts)and condemnation of Hamas, a terrorist group fully willing to sacrifice huge numb r rs of Palestinians for their aims, and the far right wing forces in Netanyahu's government wanting to use this crisis to achieve the greater Israel they want. This is NOT to equate them. There are many in Israel's Knesset and probably the majority of Israel who want an end to the war and understand the need for something better for the Palestinians. Only a few years ago, people like Ben G'vir being in the Knesset was unthinkable.
Note that it is the US that has been working since October for that end. It is a thankless job, but the only path to real peace.
(92,476 posts)... alignment with the arc of history no?
(19,382 posts)They affected our country. I understand the Palestinians are getting a crappy deal. But its nobody in the United states fault. Its 100 percent Hamas. The protesters need to begin acknowledging this sole fact.
marble falls
(63,560 posts)... by unsettling the Palestinians living there, incursions into Lebanon, BILLIONS in US tax dollars for US weapons, Black September had nothing to with it? That Palestinians getting a "shitty deal" bought with your tax dollars is acceptable?
(281,451 posts)Rec
(3,656 posts)Right on
(92,476 posts)... kids when they protest in mass have predominantly sided with the correct side of history no matter who it affects.
(430 posts)uponit7771
(92,476 posts)Iris
(16,292 posts)Remember boycotts and protests in college
(92,476 posts)marble falls
(63,560 posts)jimfields33
(19,382 posts)malaise
(281,451 posts)Last edited Mon Jun 17, 2024, 07:39 AM - Edit history (1)
Proud of them but I suppose 38,000 dead Palestinian people and 50,000 malnourished children dont necessitate outrage,
Bravo young folks - my Stanford niece is proud of you and so am I.
(18,971 posts)Oh, I guess they wouldnt. Such a person would probably be an enthusiastic supporter of them, If I was to be pellucidly clear.
(281,451 posts)Jewish father also agrees with the students.
That is all.
(18,971 posts)Perhaps both?
That is all.
(36,167 posts)The way you follow Malaise round imitating them is just a little bit weird. Haven't you got things to say about the conflict itself rather than imitating another DUer?
(281,451 posts)Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery - so said granny😄😄
(36,167 posts)I was going to point out that the Palestinian I.think would come closest to comparing to.Mandela.would be Marwan Barghouti and see if they'd start following me.round imitating me too
(281,451 posts)Sadly half Jewish maternal granny died before I was born
And yes theyd follow you around too
(3,550 posts)and with all due respect - How does having a half Jewish grandmother make your views on the current situation give you any more cred on this issue? It's almost like saying "I have a Black friend."
(281,451 posts)I write my conscience - that said its important to remind folks that the Jewish community and its descendants have a plethora of views and large numbers do not support either Zionism or genocide,
(3,550 posts)of the plethora of views on issues. That very same fact is a major part of our culture.
You know the old saying: "Two Jews, three opinions."
Please refer to Hillel and Shammi.
That still doesn't explain why you found it necessary to mention that your grandmother was 'half Jewish.'
(281,451 posts)that my maternal great grandfather was Jewish. Its fascinating how troubling that suddenly seems. That said its our humanity that matters more than nationality, race, ethnicity or religion.
I will not ignore war crimes, genocide or starvation.
(18,971 posts)If on reflection anyone has changed their mind about what was communicated previously regarding Mandela and Hamas, they can certainly let us know.
(36,167 posts)Like I said, no-one here has said that, but seeing nothing's going to stop you from whatever it is you think yr doing, follow yr dreams and you do you, buddy
(18,971 posts)Violet_Crumble
(36,167 posts)Also, say I accepted that was said at some point at DU? How does that justify you following someone around.constanrly going on about it? What are you hoping to achieve, apart from annoying other DUers? Do you see me following people.around who have said.recolting things about Palestinian civilians? You don't because.that sort of.behaviour is childish and does look to me like an attempt to bully.
(18,971 posts)To compare Hamas leaders favorably to a fundamentally good man like Nelson Mandela is completely beyond the pale, and ought to be criticized.
Sky Jewels
(8,871 posts)by Netanyahus military is not the same as supporting Hamas. But of course lots of people like to pretend otherwise because it suits the Israel can do no wrong agenda.
(18,971 posts)Im not sure exactly what does?
Not all of the pro-Palestinian crowd actively support Hamas terrorists and their goals, but some have certainly come down on that side, and made it pellucidly clear.
(281,451 posts)Rec
(19,787 posts)I was there to read it the day it was posted, and it was jaw dropping.
(27,566 posts)obamanut2012
(28,314 posts)tritsofme
(18,971 posts)The person who said it doesnt seem to have ever denied what was said, not sure why you would?
(21,586 posts)If you care for the truth, use your star. Search the term 'Mandela' on January 28th.
(23,654 posts)I just found and commented to a reply in that thread cause it was an excellent summary of modern anti-western positions.
But it didnt bump the thread back up to the top. Is there a time limit on threads being bumped back into the homepage now?
(21,586 posts)I followed a link to an OP that at first, I didn't realize was quite old. I discovered that when my post did not bring it up, so I believe there is some anti-zombie protocol.
(23,654 posts)muriel_volestrangler
(103,158 posts)So GD, the fastest-moving forum, currently only gets thread bumped from June 8 or later. Threads in some groups could be bumped up from years ago (eg a UK general election thread, last posted to nearly 5 years ago, was successfully bumped when the new one was announced last month). I think it's been like this since DU 3 started around 2012.
The person you reply to does see the post reappear in "My Posts", I'm pretty sure (I've seen the occasional spammer reply to something I posted a long time ago, I think in GD).
(23,654 posts)obamanut2012
(28,314 posts)I have noticed that, too, and other mocking of Malaise. It is concerning.
As is the fake accusation that DUers think Hamas is Mandela. I keep seeing posters claim it, never seen it
(36,167 posts)I'm very used to being the target of false accusations back in the old days of the I/ Anything I said would get twisted into something completely different and would end up with me being accused of supporting suicide bombings and Hamas and.Islamic Jihad. It's an old, well worn tactic used by those who possess few skills when it comes to discussing issues with those they disagree with.
Anyway, off to bed now. G'night
(281,451 posts)Ill be watching the T20 cricket WC
(36,167 posts)I've just returned from a few weeks in Sri Lanka and I think they love cricket even more than we do.
Enjoy the game
(281,451 posts)😀
(17,865 posts)be human beings with a right, be alive seems to be enough to make one an antisemite in the eyes of a certain segment.
(281,451 posts)at others, three are pointing back at us so whatever. Water on a ducks back if yah know what I mean.😂😂
(3,772 posts)brooklynite
(96,882 posts)orange jar
(878 posts)Many of them actually encourage people to stop going to school, work, etc. in the name of Palestine, so while they aren't nearly as effective as they think they are, don't write it off as a possibility.
(96,882 posts)ck4829
(36,721 posts)Trump blasts immigrants for taking jobs as he courts voters at a Black church, MAGA event in Detroit
This is SOP for Trump and the Republicans, right?
"Immigrants are taking our jobs" "Immigrants are invading our jobs"
This has been a tactic by Republicans and Trump for like a long time now.
Why are immigrants taking jobs - and not employers are giving jobs to immigrants.
Trump and Republicans are attacking what they are supposedly doing - and employers don't want to speak up? Employers don't want to denounce Trump and Republicans for this?
(35,775 posts)Thank you!
marble falls
(63,560 posts)... lead the nation.
(281,451 posts)The young folks are waking up just like we did.
(17,628 posts)And as long as it was done hate-free, I don't have a problem with it. It's a classic form of protest.
No harm, no foul.
Now if they were yelling some hate filled vile on the way out, like death to xxx, then f 'em. But I'm not hearing that (I didn't follow the link).
Unless something has changed, they don't actually hand out diplomas at graduation. They hand out generic scrolls of congratulation, or even blank scrolls. They are props.
The real frameaable diplomas come weeks later.
(96,882 posts)getagrip_already
(17,628 posts)It was just the most visible platform they had and knew it would make a headline or two.
15 minutes of fame.
Sure, the university has investments, but none of those investments are anti-palestinian. You can be pro-israel and pro-palestinian at the same time.
They have a different opinion they wanted to make known. As long as it was non-hate, I'm OK with it.
(27,566 posts)David__77
(23,908 posts)sarisataka
(21,586 posts)Did any of them mention the hostages? Call for their release? (Ok two related questions)
(1,507 posts)Israel should just accept their citizens being murdered and that they can't attack the enemy.
Palestinian propaganda isn't very sophisticated. It only fools fools or people who want to be fooled.
(3,656 posts)So protesting = antisemitism?
Uh huh
(1,507 posts)Jews defending their country it is.
(1,064 posts)
(18,183 posts)Last edited Mon Jun 17, 2024, 02:23 PM - Edit history (1)
* The sadistic butchering bastards of Hamas and their "leaders" safely residing in Dubai?
* The shameful treatment by Israel and its "settlers" towards Palestinians?
* Netanyahu's apparent desire to kill everything that moves in Gaza?
What? WHAT??? (And how in hell did we wind up in the middle of all this? I know we're considered Israel's "big brother," but still...)
(4,396 posts)northern light
(29 posts)How long can you oppress people before they have had enough. Look at the polls in Israel, most people in Israel are in favor of getting rid of the Palestinians. They are not necessarily in favor of genocide, but guaranteed they are in favor of the Palestinians "going away" so they can have a Jewish state only. They are only at the stage of an apartheid state now. What comes next, who knows. The Israelis are desperately trying to involve the US to the point we have to do their work for them. I think the Israeli''s realize the next generation of Americans don't want to be involved in their plans.
(97,831 posts)This was organized by Students for Palestine, the same group that days ago barricaded themselves inside the president's office in a demonstration that left some of the school's historic sandstone structure damaged.
Students for Palestine, a pro-Palestinian student group, said they walked out in protest of the universitys inaction regarding student demands for divestment.
"The walkout follows a similar action at UC Berkeleys graduation ceremony last month. And it caps months of protests at Stanford, where students have set up multiple protest encampments and just days ago barricaded themselves inside the presidents office in a demonstration that left some of the schools historic sandstone structure damaged. More than a dozen people were arrested following the incident and Stanford said it would suspend students involved and prohibit those who were seniors from graduating."
By the way, for a 4 year degree at Stanford, including board and room, it costs about 328,648.
(5,784 posts)The MIC and the covert wars. I personally despise killing of any kind and would rather catch the fly and let it out or just let it be.
I would think that most, if not all of these young people are driven by the same desire for love, not war. The few capturing the photo shots and headlines are the stories that LEAD.
A peaceful crowd of hundreds can be relegated to the crazy of a few with a carefully cropped photo...
Snoopy and I carried Make Love, Not War signs...and we meant it, so did most of the youth at the time.
(26,314 posts)betsuni
(27,566 posts)Ping Tung
(1,720 posts)