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I wasn't going to click because exactly right. And I will never believe anything else.
(12,997 posts)Then again, maybe I've underestimated their numbers.
(73,522 posts)One thing that jumped out @ me was Trump winning the Native American vote. Please!
Nobody has done more for the Native Peoples than Joe Biden.
(12,997 posts)Trump can't keep his ugly anus mouth shut, he'll take complete credit for stealing the election: "It was the biggest stolen election anyone's ever seen...believe me!"
(7,015 posts)I think its about how he gets his insane cabinet choices via recess appointments.
(436 posts)The house has nothing to do with Cabinet nominations.
(7,015 posts)Then
recess appointments left, right and center.
Wiz Imp
(4,121 posts)That "fact" came from exit polls, not counting votes. But the exit poll sample for Native Americans has to be extremely small meaning the margin of error is likely extremely high.
Think about it. If he won the Native American vote because he cheated, then that means he had to fix the exit polls to reflect that as well. How exactly would that work?
I don't begrudge anyone who feels that Trump won by cheating, but "winning the Native American vote" is not in any way evidence that it happened.
Account for the Amish.
Wiz Imp
(4,121 posts)There are only 43k Amish people in Lancaster County all together. Let alone 80k who can vote. There's also only an estimated 92k Amish in the entire state of Pennsylvannia.
Lancaster County is home to the oldest (founded circa 1760) and largest Amish community in the world, with an estimated population of 43,640 Amish people in 250+ congregations (as of 2024). The Lancaster County community includes many congregations located in neighboring counties, including Chester, Berks, and Cecil County, Maryland.
link to info on Amish
(1,133 posts)This isn't bizarro world, the GOP were able to depress (D) voters across the country. Either by voter registration purges, or by phone and text messages targeted at liberals.
I was targeted by the GOP through text message push polls and targeted messages. They attempted to keep me from voting for Harris. They failed I voted for Harris/Walz.
Response to DiamondShark (Reply #38)
Post removed
(1,133 posts)Wiz Imp
(4,121 posts)The Amish have a long history of supporting Republicans. There is no evidence that they voted in greater numbers in this election than they have in the past. SO what is the issue?
(39,200 posts)Otherwise I have no reason to assume you're anything but a bot.
Wiz Imp
(4,121 posts)You posted stats about the number of Amish people in PA and Lancaster Counter. What the hell does that have to do with the election? You haven't even stated any kind of accusation of wrongdoing. Apparently, you think that the mere existence of Amish people in PA means that Trump cheated. How you come to such a conclusion is a mystery to me.
(72,174 posts)maybe in the 1st couple days it was just exit polls, but those number r known now.
Wiz Imp
(4,121 posts)
This is an important point. When Native News Online reporters collected election results after the November 5 election, they found that Native Americans living on or near tribal land voted overwhelmingly for Harris.
Among their findings were the following:
On the Red Lake Indian Reservation in northern Minnesota, 92% of voters cast their ballots for Kamala Harris.
On the Menominee Indian Reservation in Wisconsin, 80% voted for Harris.
In Apache County, Arizona, where the Navajo Nation accounts for two-thirds of the population, 58% voted for Harris compared to 39% for Trump.
Clearly, the NBC exit poll was misinformation. A more thorough effort would have provided their researchers with better data.
(72,174 posts)so, yeah, anyone leaning on exit polls is likely lying.
Wiz Imp
(4,121 posts)The talking point that Trump won the NAtive American vote was 100% based solely on a bogus NBC exit poll.
(72,174 posts)i wasnt arguing.
Wiz Imp
(4,121 posts)questionseverything
(10,584 posts)People waited for hours to vote before giving up
I was really disappointed at the time Elias didnt seem to do anything to help
H2O Man
(76,267 posts)that people don't understand the Native American vote.
(436 posts)Installing malicious software. Thats how I think he did it. I think lots of people involved.
Wiz Imp
(4,121 posts)assertion that Trump won the Native American Vote? That is the post you responded to.
(436 posts)As far as I know, the only hard evidence evidence of anyone winning anything would come from one of to places: the official count in particular localities, and exit polls (and only if you trust the poll in question). Over quite a few elections now Ive become suspicious of all polls. But as far as I know, official bodies trying to determine if an election has been fairly conducted will compare the official count to exit polls. If theyre off by enough, something is thought to be amiss.
So, who is saying Trump won the Native American vote? Whatever source of evidence they are using, the other source has to called into question.
I suspect in this election that official counts are likely to be wrong, and gave my supposition as to how that happened. I thought was relevant. Maybe not.
Wiz Imp
(4,121 posts)The Most Pro-Trump Racial Demographic in 2024 Was . . . American Indians
But this story was accepting the results of an NBC exit poll that was total BS
This Native American Publication explains the problem with the exit poll and what some of the actual data looked like:
This is an important point. When Native News Online reporters collected election results after the November 5 election, they found that Native Americans living on or near tribal land voted overwhelmingly for Harris.
Among their findings were the following:
On the Red Lake Indian Reservation in northern Minnesota, 92% of voters cast their ballots for Kamala Harris.
On the Menominee Indian Reservation in Wisconsin, 80% voted for Harris.
In Apache County, Arizona, where the Navajo Nation accounts for two-thirds of the population, 58% voted for Harris compared to 39% for Trump.
Clearly, the NBC exit poll was misinformation. A more thorough effort would have provided their researchers with better data.
I'm not going to argue about the actual results from Native Americans because those numbers are not actually known yet (or at least not published). However, I highly doubt that there was any "questionable" results reported from voting precincts on Tribal Lands. The big problem with the NBC Exit poll was it was not conducted at any location on Tribal lands and only asked people if they self identified as Native American.
(48,420 posts)
Native Vote 2024. Native News Online released the results of a survey detailing Native American voting patterns in the 2024 presidential election. The poll, conducted Nov. 7-13, showed Donald Trump received 51% of Native American votes in the presidential election, while Kamala Harris garnered 45% of the votes, according to the survey of 865 American Indians, Alaska Natives and Native Hawaiians. The post-election poll was one of four national surveys of Native American voters conducted during the election cycle by Native News Online in collaboration with Northwestern University Medill School of Journalism and national survey firm Qualtrics. The results of the most recent poll closely mirror the overall population, where Trump received 50% of the vote to Harriss 48%, according to the New York Times as of Friday, Nov. 15.
The findings contradict an Edison Research exit poll for NBC News on Election Day that showed 65% of Native Americans voted for Donald Trump. Earlier this week, the Indigenous Journalist Association (IJA) called NBCs exit poll highly misleading and irresponsible. American Indians only represent 1 percent of the total voters surveyed, meaning that a few hundred self-identifying respondents are being used to represent the diverse interests of millions of Indigenous people across the country. None of the exit poll locations, for example, were on tribal land, the IJA said in a statement. The IJA statement noted that the NBC poll contributed to widespread misinformation about Indigenous voter preferences, calling it another example of how ill-equipped many news outlets are to cover Indigenous communities.
Traditional polling methods often struggle to capture Native American voters, according to Native News Online Editor and Publisher Levi Rickert. Collecting data and research among Native Americans is challenging because people often self-identify as being Native even when they only have traces of Native American ancestry, Rickert added. A common response is that they heard their great-great grandmother was an Indian princess. Frankly, we didnt want to count that groups votes. We wanted to ensure our respondents were either enrolled members or had direct ties to Native communities. The survey methodology addressed this challenge through collaborations with Northwestern and Qualtrics, which used specialized techniques to reach Native voters both on and off reservations. The polling team verified tribal affiliations and connections as part of the validation process.
Survey Demographics, Findings
50% of the participants were female; 48% male and 2% other;
51% of the participants were enrolled in federally recognized tribes; 49% of the participants were descendants;
Approximately 147 different American Indian tribes were represented by the participants;
31% of participants said they were Democrats, 28% marked Republican, 27% said they were Independent; the 6% rounded out others.

(113,308 posts)Last edited Fri Nov 29, 2024, 02:36 PM - Edit history (1)
Kari Lake would have gotten the same amount of votes as Trump, or very nearly, and she lost to Ruben Gallego.
Same in NC. Democrats won almost every big race in the state except one. Something looks fishy on its face.
I agree with you. It is not in his DNA to not cheat. We just don't know "how" he did it at this time.
But my guess is that Elon Musk was somehow involved?
Many Republicans cant stand lake in Arizona. Shes lost twice. Maybe shell get the hint. Even McConnell didnt give her money from the senate campaign fund.
(304 posts)So by that logic, obviously Biden cheated in 2020 since he ran ahead of Democratic house candidates right?
(6,410 posts)sorry, people just don't vote that way. those were straight ticket democratic votes, that Elon Musk somehow flipped for Trump, People just don't split a ticket like than, not in large numbers anyway.
2020, yes a lot of people voted for Biden, and didn't bother with the down races, that happens in every election.
(304 posts)There is no evidence that this happened other than your absolute certainty that it did. You haven't even attempted to explain how other than magic.
(2,589 posts)After Michael, I get it.
(37,601 posts) conservative media and Republican politicians and right-wing religious leaders, with no real counterbalance, it's not only possible, but to our detriment, demonstrated as a fact to be true.
(138,720 posts)dissatisfaction w their lives, so hoping for change. (briefly.)
(3,854 posts)legal or illegal doesn't matter. He hates all immigrants (except Melania of course, maybe even her). This hate resonates so well with the republican base that they chose him over Haley, Desantis, etc, who share similar policy but have nowhere near the baggage.
I would have thought Mar a Lago documents case would have been the final straw, but once again, I overestimated the republican base voters.
(699 posts)but is very welcoming to white immigrants.
(273 posts)the role that base misogyny played.
(1,301 posts)I haven't seen any discussions regarding people being thrown off voting roles, standing in long lines to vote, and having MAGA's patrolling the election sites. Were Republicans able to intimidate enough voters for TSF to win?
(44,239 posts)barbtries
(30,235 posts)see my post below.
Voter suppression coupled with claims of voter fraud has been in the republican playbook forever.
(9,548 posts)That Rogan interview was watched by 100,000,000. - plus all the other interviews he did online also had multi million views - like comedianTheo Von. Most of the cable shows average 100,000 to 200,000.
(16,457 posts)sure we should distrust our elections without hard and reliable evidence. Just 4 years ago, we all here thought the notion of distrusting the election without hard and reliable evidence was absurd. The only way this is really any different at this point is we believe we are fair and honest and they are not. Though that may be true, it is not proof and we (our party, our candidate) would be equally absurd to proclaim the election stolen. And at that point, were we to do that and fail to prove it, would we, that is, Americans ever be able to trust our electoral process again? If not
thats unfathomable as well.
We are truly between a rock and a hard place.
(10,584 posts)Georgia hand counted the paper ballots to prove trump lost
Its not our duty to trust , its our duty to make sure we have a transparent system in place so we all know the results are correct
(2,621 posts)Trump got 49.97% and Kamala got 48.36%, with the rest going to Green, Libertarians and etc. Luckily for Trump, most media rounds off the totals, because the MAGA team would've taken a psychological hit if it was reported that Trump didn't even hit 50%.
Wiz Imp
(4,121 posts)It has been widely reported and CONFIRMED that Trump didn't hit 50%
Donald Trump Has Not Won a Majority of the Votes Cast for President
Donald Trumps popular vote total has fallen below 50 percent, and his margin over Kamala Harris has narrowed considerably as all the votes are counted.
Trump Has Lost His Popular-Vote Majority
Also, I'm not sure if they are done counting yet. It could end up being even lower.
(2,621 posts)(and more up-to-date than my numbers), I was referring more to how the MSM doesn't mention this factoid. So most folks probably aren't aware that it was not quite the landslide we were initially led to believe.
Wiz Imp
(4,121 posts)I have seen the MSM report on the actual closeness of the election but they haven't made it a point of emphasis because at this point very few people care
(2,621 posts)got planted in peoples' minds in the heat of the moment, and it's too late to change that now, except for historians and scholars and political nerds like us on DU. (I was going to add a smiley emoji, but it's not really funny).
(409 posts)And also winning groups that he himself marginalized and demonized. It was rigged. My guess is that they bought off election boards on a grand scale over a 4 year period. Because the mainstream narrative is that Trump flipped enough of those minority groups. It fits in with the idea that everybody loves Trump the way that he wants it. So he can shove it in the faces of his detractors. He lies and cheats at everything, he lied and cheated about his win.
(55,655 posts)all conspired to throw Trump the election.
That is what it would have taken for Trump to alter the election results. Yet not one conspiracy theorist has explained how or why that would happen. In fact, they haven't explained anything or provided evidence of anything. Nor have you explained how Trump gained 8 points over 2020 in 90% of the counties in America, including deep blue ones that he lost. That you FEEL it is enough for you all. The hell with facts. Feelings are all that matter.
(409 posts)Judges can be bought off.
(55,655 posts)Or keep spouting false and unsubstantiated claims. I'm betting on the latter because it makes you feel better, which matters more than truth.
The exit polls are consistent with a Trump victory. Did bought-off election judges rig those as well?
(409 posts)From the main stream media that normalized and enabled Trump? We live in a post truth world now.
(55,655 posts)which you have none to support your claim.
I haven't consumed any MSM since the election, and I never to rarely watched TV news before. So spare me your tired media accusations. I'm not the one with Cable TV "news" on 24/7.
(7,337 posts)barbtries
(30,235 posts)Republicans have been cheating forever. The numbers and statistics, the Court cases, the outcomes, the oppression and suppression of the vote are on a scale I was only barely aware of, and that was after reading The New Jim Crow.
Both are scholarly works of fact that will no doubt be banned if they're not already. Republicans have never supported democracy in the USA.
My point being that even if they didn't cheat, they cheated.They ALWAYS have. They view the law not as a system of checks and balances, but as a cudgel they employ to maintain their privilege, suck up all the wealth, and use and hurt people.
(not linking to Amazon any more because Bezos)
(73,522 posts)
. ever since.
Nixon: in 1968 before the election told both the North and South Vietnamese not to
sign the deal LBJ had worked out but signed (Kissinger signed it) the exact same deal
in January of 1973. Only @ least 7 million more dead including my friends older
brother in 1968 or 69.
Ford: Decent guy but never elected.
Reagan: Iran Hostage deal which HW Bush, John Connally, and one other guy who
cleaned up ws Texas Air National Guard history pushed through. Hold onto the
hostages until after the election and we will send you (the Ayatollah) weapons.
HW Bush: Legacy of cheating and operation northwoods.
w bush: Florida 2000 & Ohio 2004
Trump: Russia Russia Russia 2016. And Facebook knowingly posted Russian produced
lies about HRC and helped Trump get close enough to steal it via the electoral college. Facebook
paid a 5 billion dollar penalty and then they changed their name to META.
Trump: 2024 I dont know how but Musk, Russia, and the same shits who tried to over the 2020
election who have been working on their coup since 2020. And a dirty media which never once
titled Trump as a convicted felon out on bail & adjudicated rapist.
(409 posts)He was courted by Democrats as well, to run on their ticket.
Wiz Imp
(4,121 posts)"My point being that even if they didn't cheat, they cheated."
Seriously? That is a a statement worthy of the most delusional MAGA conspiracy theorist.
(30,235 posts)and then say that.
this is not delusion Wiz Imp. This is history.
Wiz Imp
(4,121 posts)And saying even if the didn't cheat, they cheated is doublespeak worthy of Orwell.
(30,235 posts)before you made a huge judgment about it. WTF
Wiz Imp
(4,121 posts)where you said "even if they didn't cheat, they cheated" which has to be one of the most idiotic things I've ever read.
(558 posts)
(7 posts)Trump "won" by undercounting ballots, ballot bombs, and isn't it funny all 7 swing states had their vote counting info run through Starlink? States which elected down ballot Democrats but then voted for Trump? They spent 4 years projecting with their stop the steal campaign all the while using that time to actually steal this one. I weep.
(73,522 posts)Central Tabulators and Musk
(24,474 posts)I just hope him and dumpt have a big falling out between now and January 1st and he spills the beans how he rigged the election in the orange hitlers favor.
Those two egos are on a collusion course. Ive read that muskrat is basically living at mar a lago and getting on peoples nerves.
Wiz Imp
(4,121 posts)I doubt it will happen as soon as January 1, though. Anyway, Musk would never publicly admit to doing anything nefarious, even in the highly unlikely event it was true. He would be admitting to committing crimes and remember, Trump would still be the President and eager to prosecute him.
(24,474 posts)To turn against the orange monster!
Wiz Imp
(4,121 posts)EdmondDantes_
(304 posts)The guy was claiming 350,000 for Trump in North Carolina when there were only about 88,000 more votes for president than the governor's race. Also given ballots are secret, how does he know what votes were for Trump alone?
And for all the claims that Starlink was involved in counting votes, there's no evidence of that. Starlink was used to check registration data. Are you claiming it was returning not eligible for presumed Democrats? Voting machines don't have modems so they literally can't connect to Starlink.
The conspiracy theories don't hold up no matter how much you want to not accept the vote.
(55,655 posts)Though obviously you don't give a shit that it's not true or you would have checked out that claim already.
And what about all the other states where Trump also gained ground, an average of 8 points? Whereas the average in the swing states was 3 points. The reason, according to the Harris campaign--She campaigned heavily in the swing states.
Why would Trump work so hard to "steal" votes in states where it made no difference in the outcome?
(14,418 posts)Maraya1969
(23,213 posts)lees1975
(6,291 posts)He's been planning exactly how for four years. Got his people in place and didn't even bother to try and cover it up.
(73,522 posts)He masturbated a mic stand and then acted like he was giving a blow job to the microphone,
sleep walked through his half empty rallies, talked about Arnold Palmers penis size, got
crushed in the debate, women were pissed, and so much more and yet he won. They were
into the voting data and numbers. How I dont know but it does not pass the smell test.
viva la
(3,983 posts)Everyone's saying, "Democrats should have said this or that."
The problem is, Democrats generally require of themselves some adjacency to truth.
Republicans just lie, especially Trump.
A Democrat isn't going to warn that evil immigrants are going to invade suburban houses (because it's not true). And they're not going to promise that only they can keep those widdle suburbanites safe.
Trump did just that. None of it is true, but he doesn't care, and his minions don't care.
But the days when you could counteract lies with the truth and evidence are long gone.
(19,115 posts)I don't want to start a whole new argument about it, because nothing is provable. I look at it this way, take Texas for example (many other tRUMPY states as well) I would not for one minute believe someone did NOT open them voting machines and figure out how they work and how to do some changes. NOT through the internet, but through someone going state to state (favorite states) and accomplish their plans. Just knowing ABBOTT, HE would do anything to stop Democratic victories. We will never know, but i'm entitled to my own thoughts, If not this way, they did it another way, but STILL CHEATED!!
(1,539 posts)I'm not any more interested in these conspiracy theories than I am the ones R's ran wild with for the past 4 years.
We need to actually understand why we lost and fix it.
Trump won and down-ballot republicans lost in close races because he doesn't have coattails. He uses local candidates, but doesn't do anything to help them. On top of that the Rs ran some of the worst candidates possible in many of those races. If anything some of these might have been bigger Trump wins but the down-ballot pulled him down with them.
It's no misogamy or racism either; those are just easy scapegoats for what happened.
We can't win consistently at a national level if we are punting the white rural vote. It's very clear.
(39,200 posts)snip
Musk had pledged to send every person who signed the petition or referred another to sign it either $47 in most swing states or $100 in Pennsylvania, sweetening the pot for voters in the crucial commonwealth.
There was one problem with that, though.
I did not do it, Fermier said. I did not want to do it. I did not intend to do it. I did not provide my information on that petition.
She is not sure how it happened. She checked with her friends, believing that one may have signed her name onto the online petition as a prank, but none owned up to it.
I have no idea how my personal data got entered onto that petition, she said. Someone did it without my permission and without my knowledge.
What's going on:
Quite a number of people got $100 checks who never signed up for Musk's PAC. This lady isn't the only one.
Musk was building a parallel ePollBook of pledged supporters that would be checked off on both systems.
Elon Musk just walked out to a ROARING APPLAUSE at Mar-a-Lago with President Trump.....
You have to be one lame SOB not to recognize what's going on here.
Wiz Imp
(4,121 posts)The ridiculous and insane conspiracy theories being rattled off here look just like MAGA in 2020. Only it's worse because we're supposed to be grounded in reality. The absolute certainty of so many here despite ZERO evidence is denial on a massive scale.
(32 posts)I know I am too new posting here to have an opinion... but is this nutty conspiracy stuff ever going to stop? The grief is bad enough without reading this malarky.
(24,474 posts)Muskrat will admit he stole the election for him. And describe how he did it.
I just hope he does it before January 1st 2025.
(10,068 posts)are ignorant, racist assholes, and proud of it.
I had never been on X until a few weeks before the election. I signed up to follow Kamala HQ and a few others. I was shocked and sickened by what I saw on there. He won because people suck.
(39,196 posts)Lack of voting machines & drop off boxes in dem areas, mailers with misinformation targeting dems, all the crap they've been doing with the addition of bomb scares, but an actual break into the systems & hack the votes? Not going there.
I don't think Joe Biden would have won either, & maybe even lost by more. America is a shallow country easily swayed by bluster & false bravado & that's all Trump has going for him.
(97,964 posts)though they have some great insight that no one else has.
and some wonder why they are losing viewers and listeners.
You are not wrong.
(2,097 posts)doc03
(37,549 posts)to go for the jugular. The my friend's across the isle and my Republican colleagues doesn't show much strength.
Blue Owl
(55,553 posts)Seems like the closer they zoom into any contested or outstanding races, the better the Democrats are doing.
Why not zoom in real close and find that Harris/Walz really did win, and that man-baby Donny tRump, who has never done an honest deed in his life, is the LOSER just like hes always been
Faux pas
(15,570 posts)"The only way they can beat us is to cheat us."
(7,691 posts)And Im not crazy. However, I dont think were ever going to find out what happens since no one is willing to do anything to try and find out.
(19,371 posts)Cool story.
(55,655 posts)Will you be storming the capital too?
(104,058 posts)Fuck Rupert Murdoch, Elon Musk, and Mark Zuckerberg to the hottest of hells.