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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsStay Pregnant After Rape Because the Fetus Is Evidence In Criminal Prosecution
If that, why not: leave bullets in bodies because removing them might damage the evidence, same for knives, arrows, don't treat burns on arson victims because evidence will be tampered with, leave the gravel in bodies of survivors after they've been hurt by a reckless driver, leave the windshield glass in the face of a drunk driving victim.
Can't mess with the evidence you know.
Nope, no war on women here.
Thank goodness New Mexico has a Democratic Legislature.
(23,533 posts)TheOther95Percent
(1,035 posts)nuthin' to do with abortion, dontchaknow. This is about punishing sex offenders not punishing rape victims who chose to terminate their pregnancies. And I am Queen Elizabeth. At least one rapeuglican finally went on record with a recommended sentence for having an abortion.
(4,619 posts)...the actual language she wants to insert into New Mexico's existing evidence tampering law follows (emphasis mine):
Tampering with evidence shall include procuring or facilitating an abortion, or compelling or coercing another to obtain an abortion, of a fetus that is the result of criminal sexual penetration or incest with the intent to destroy evidence of the crime.
Even if the New Mexico legislature was crazy enough to pass something like this, proving such intent would be impossible in almost any case imaginable.
Still disgusting and batshit crazy, though
(1,712 posts)You can have my suction jar from my abortion. Lots of DNA to test. Problem solved.
Plus if they had to have a baby couldn't the rapist try to see his offspring legally regardless of the sentence?
Good way to stop rape from being reported as a crime, but will not change abortions imho