General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsWolves in the lower 48 states to be stripped of all Endangered Species Act protections. Urgent! U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is preparing to strip wolves across the lower 48 states of all Endangered Species Act protections! Wolves have only just begun to recover in large portions of the Pacific Northwest, California, southern Rocky Mountains and Northeast.
Retaining protections for wolves in the lower 48 will not impact the delisting decisions in the northern Rocky Mountains or western Great Lakes. However, it will retain protections for a small number of wolves in the West wolves that have slowly been moving back into historically occupied areas like the southern Rocky Mountains and Northeast. These wolves may never recover if this plan is implemented.
Right now members of Congress are ready to step in. Representatives Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.) and Ed Markey (D-Mass.) are circulating a letter to the USFWS opposing the premature removal of wolf protections. U.S. Representatives Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ), Jim Moran (D-VA), Barbara Lee (D-CA), Henry Waxman (D-CA), Sam Farr (D-CA), Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), and David Cicilline (D-RI) have already signed on as co-signatories.
ACTION: Please call and write to your member of Congress to urge him or her to save wolves by signing onto Reps. DeFazio and Markeys letter. Remind them that removing protections for lower 48 wolves is premature and will prevent their recovery in portions of their former historical range.

(56,177 posts)Phuckers.

(19,877 posts)G_j
(40,474 posts)that appears at the bottom of the thread?
(wolf pelts for sale). Here:
(8,554 posts)It was quite a while back before I renewed, and I can't remember which sort of thread I was reading at the time, but it made me furious.
It had that guys name down along the side of the pic...I sure wouldn't post his site link here, seeing those ads are bad enough. Promoting wolf kills makes DU suck!
(29,409 posts)If not, they should be removed from the ESA.
To be clear: I don't favor wolf hunting at all, but the the ESA is a specific piece of legislation designed to protect species from becoming extinct. It is not a blanket act to save all animals under all circumstances. If the goal is to have wolf hunting abolished forever, a different piece of legislation has to be crafted and passed.
Peter cotton
(380 posts)As per the wikipedia article:
Hunting and trapping has reduced the species' range to about one third, though its still relatively widespread range and stable population means that the species is not threatened at a global level, and is therefore classified by the IUCN as Least Concern.
On the face of it, I don't see any reason to be concerned about this decision.
(40,474 posts)Peter cotton
(380 posts)The far more common gray...not so much.
(20,805 posts)I'm really not interested in what the French think about this issue...
Peter cotton
(380 posts)Suppose a species of lizard, common in Mexico, appeared in the United States for the first time. Would you propose declaring it an endangered species?
(20,805 posts)As is the case with the Gray Wolf...which got locally (i.e. in the USA) hunted damned near out of existence..
(29,409 posts)As noted by G_j, elsewhere in this thread. As such, I would support their continuing on the ESA. But the more common grey wolf is not, so they should be removed and have other protections enacted to ensure their safety.
(20,805 posts)That is why they were placed on the ESA in the first place.
(29,409 posts)Last edited Tue Feb 26, 2013, 01:29 AM - Edit history (1)
See Peter Cotton's post #9 to see that there is a common genus called simply 'grey wolf' that is not endangered in the lower 48. I never said it's scientific name was "common grey wolf."
(20,805 posts)
(14,807 posts)life long demo
(1,113 posts)My member of Congress - before PA was recently redistricted, was Allyson Schwartz, fantastic lady, very responsive to environmental and wildlife issues. Now it's Mike Fitzpatrick, a complete waste of human space. I can honestly say I am no longer represented in Congress. Will look for any petitions on line.
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)G_j
(40,474 posts)Auntie Bush
(17,528 posts)I was hoping they would be put back on the threatened list....but instead all wolves are taken off the list. Hunters must be loving it... but it's sickening to me! It's a sad day!
(40,474 posts)From above:
ACTION: Please call and write to your member of Congress to urge him or her to save wolves by signing onto Reps. DeFazio and Markeys letter. Remind them that removing protections for lower 48 wolves is premature and will prevent their recovery in portions of their former historical range.
(36,974 posts)God damn ranchers want to wipe wolves out so the ranchers can continue to slaughter sheep and cattle with no interruptions.
Worried senior
(1,328 posts)but they are repubs so they don't care. Get the same old form letter back stating how they are hurting the farmers and ranchers.
I too have signed so many petitions, you wonder if they really see them and if they do they don't appear to care.
(47,992 posts)G_j
(40,474 posts)As always, :you rock:
(47,992 posts)xchrom
(108,903 posts)drmeow
(5,471 posts)I am SO happy about Arizona's redistricting - possibly the only thing this state has done right - it freed me from the teabagging asswipe who was my rep and gave me the closest AZ has to a real liberal!
Tyrs WolfDaemon
(2,289 posts)I'm too sick right now to say more than "Please Help my Wolf Brethren!"
(47,992 posts)him to get this letter in front of Representative Yoder.
(40,474 posts)Thank you!
I feel literally sick at the slaughter of wolves in this country.
(47,992 posts)romanticizing them to say that I think they are guardians of a certain fundamental type that we disrespect at great peril to ourselves and to others and it is Earth herself who makes that so, not us humans. The wolves are like canaries whom we have drug into our coal mines with us.