General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsI'm not a popular name here on DU
But for all of us who aren't, like me, can I just ask you for one favor...
VOTE like your life depends on it.
VOTE because it doesn't matter who the POTUS is, but who is tying his hands!!
VOTE to help him to help us.

(32,268 posts)salib
(2,116 posts)riderinthestorm
(23,272 posts)FSogol
(47,145 posts)PasadenaTrudy
(3,998 posts)Erich Bloodaxe BSN
(14,733 posts)I think I've seen exactly one post claiming the person wasn't going to vote.
Activists vote. Liberals vote.
But I've got to say, by all the polls, it's looking like a really scary early November, possibly followed by some really sucky next few years.
I certainly hope the polls are enough wrong that we can at least pull a 50-50 senate with Joe the decider.
(36,392 posts)and you're right, our party doesn't seem to have a message. This is the problem with trying to place yourself a tiny bit less extreme than the rwnj's.
Erich Bloodaxe BSN
(14,733 posts)Where it would get out to an audience of people who aren't automatically oriented towards voting.
(38,613 posts)On second thought, forget the word "kindly".
(3,977 posts)But some of us are prevented , legally , from voting.
(38,613 posts)Edited

(3,117 posts)efforts against so called 'voter fraud'?
(38,613 posts)To those people I would suggest never keeping quiet about it!
(53,475 posts)kentuck
(113,190 posts)Are you sure ?
(53,339 posts)Taverner was here for 9 years and logged more than 55,000 posts:
(171,806 posts)Lex
(34,108 posts)you can. I was able to. It felt good.
(15,435 posts)and made sure my son and his wife had absentee's sent to them. Told them to fill them out, bring them to me so I could verify they voted and gave them the stamp. Walked them down my driveway and said put them in!
Told them I rarely asked any of them for favors... NOW I was. Have one more to go, My 18 yr. old grand daughter, texted her today and I'm going with her Friday! If I have to hold hands... I hold hands. no fraud, just giving them DIRECTION!
Great work.
(28,394 posts)I will vote on Tuesday to oust the worst PA governor ever.
(20,647 posts)K&R.
(3,068 posts)YES ON 2!!!
(72,790 posts)
Fred Sanders
(23,946 posts)marym625
(17,997 posts)Luckily, Illinois has a grace period to register. Also, very lucky I checked for my early polling place or I wouldn't have known. Had I just gone to vote on election day, I would have been turned away
(118,561 posts)Washington is a vote by mail state so I received my ballot then. It's nice to get this out of the way.
(5,082 posts)The executive level has been corrupted. Senate and House seats have a lesser degree of corruption and matter more and don't forget in many places we have direct say with ballot initiatives. I'm pretty sure everyone on DU votes. When people talk about a loss of interest in voting they are referring to the general populace who isn't politically savvy or involved. And we need their interest and shouldn't be doing stupid, pompous things to alienate them like electing people who don't even try to keep their promises or politicians who are clearly working for the banks and military/surveillance/mass incarceration complex.
(38,538 posts)You're fine with me.
(67,112 posts)RKP5637
(67,112 posts)

(9,298 posts)you're popular with ME! You are right - our lives DO depend on it. My household of 3 mailed in our ballots last week - very easy and felt soooo good.
(7,318 posts)msanthrope
(37,549 posts)
mountain grammy
(27,514 posts)Kalidurga
(14,177 posts)Cuz Minnesota is lagging behind the cool kids yet again. But at least we are Blue, yay Blue.
(32,054 posts)BlueJazz
(25,348 posts)

(5,861 posts)Democrats need to rethink their long hard slide to the right, if they want to win.
(161,709 posts)after I vote, of course
(I voted last week)
(97,380 posts)mopinko
(72,153 posts)imma coming to get ya if you are in the 7th and you havent voted for du'er kelly westlund and mary burke.
still time to donate, too.
just sayin.
Elmer S. E. Dump
(5,751 posts)herding cats
(19,658 posts)As is your post.
Vote as if your very existence depends on it, because it does.
(53,661 posts)OnyxCollie
(9,958 posts)Unfortunate choice.
(82,383 posts)
(15,435 posts)I'm a long time liberal, probably to the left of many. Did what had to be done! SHOW the Repukes we CAN hold our noses and play their game! No backing down, might start a trend and eventually find Democrats who will fight for "we the people!"
BOTTOM LINE, VOTE! Kick the crooks out!
(14,337 posts)for Crist.
lady lib
(2,933 posts)airplaneman
(1,298 posts)Beartracks
(13,665 posts)Not voting is NOT the same as not participating.
(29,047 posts)the rec total before I pressed rec was 123. I sometimes feel weird recing when I like the current number of recs, but I always resist the urge to leave the number alone. Just a quirk of mine.
I'm not popular either. At least not on DU. In my flesh life most people seem to like me very much, which can be bothersome since I suffer from social anxiety. I sometimes find this odd because I am stranger in my flesh life than I am on DU. I have an easier time hiding my weirdness online.
(50,983 posts)Omaha Steve
(104,348 posts)Etched in stone!

(36,392 posts)
Feral Child
(2,086 posts)Voting early to avoid standing in line with a bunch of stank-ass Republicans.
Georgia has quiver-fulls of them...
(11,539 posts)raouldukelives
(5,178 posts)And whom is tying his hands? Obstructionist Republicans and the major corporate donors & lobbyists who back them.
Who funds the corporations and lobbyists? That is the root of our problems.
Please vote, and please, don't feed the bullies turning our country and our world into a cesspool. We have little time to be playing footsie anymore.
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)SpankMe
(3,364 posts)I voted two weeks ago by absentee ballot.
Fla Dem
(26,244 posts)riqster
(13,986 posts)
(10,716 posts)Duval
(4,280 posts)valerief
(53,235 posts)Atman
(31,464 posts)We have to have more members than the Tea Party. I can never say anything right (correct) on DU. I think I have more people who block me than who read my posts. So let's dance!
Elmer S. E. Dump
(5,751 posts)
(23,724 posts)
Elmer S. E. Dump
(5,751 posts)And I don't see anything wrong with the name tavernier.
(43,876 posts)DH's too.
(168 posts)see article on greg pal last cross check.
(46,436 posts)straight Democratic except for governor where the Democrat Byron Mallott is running for light guv with an independent, Bill Walker.
(1,763 posts)LeftInTX
(32,220 posts)I'm really mad and kicking myself that I can't do volunteer work this year.
(7,358 posts)Cha
(307,115 posts)tavernier
(13,408 posts)So... using my outdoor voice really does get results.
Laffy Kat
(16,555 posts)Thanks for reminding everyone!