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AND we still have a year and a half!

(45,251 posts)gwheezie
(3,580 posts)Thank you for taking the time to put that together.
(42,557 posts)
(89,511 posts)Thank you so much DI.

(5,813 posts)I will have to find a way to capture the images. Only thing is, the President has aged, however, he did well.
(18,833 posts)Actually, come to think of it, a lot of Republicans probably think this is all proof positive that he's the Anti-Christ.
(54,562 posts)Cha
(307,115 posts)

(307,115 posts)
(17,199 posts)

Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)
The last of the troops leaving Iraq.
(96,075 posts)....and he beamed. Said he couldn't go outside to look at it because the Secret Service would have cleared away all the people who were celebrating , so he settled for watching it on TV.
The GOP candidates' meme these days is that Prez Obama is weak, weak, weak. They're liars -- they got nuttin'.
Drunken Irishman
(34,857 posts)And he was right!
(85,158 posts)Mighty nice photo essay, Drunken Irishman! Thank you! That took a lot of work. It's also nice to have reminders. A GREAT review!
I think history will be very kind to this man. He's accomplished so much - against so much obstruction and so many adversaries, and some of what he's accomplished has been utterly spectacular. He's even redefined the whole notion of "lame duck."
Sure makes me proud!
(20,618 posts)Just putting that out there since I can't believe no one has said it yet.
(147,029 posts)msanthrope
(37,549 posts)Ryano42
(1,577 posts)

(13,340 posts)A supportive Congress his entire Presidency!
He's the best President of my lifetime.
(22,454 posts)Loving me some potus.
(9,917 posts)This President is making his opponents look like poor imitations of Wiley Coyote. Not bad for a guy they once claimed could barely do more then read from a teleprompter.
(57,164 posts)The Republicans THOUGHT they would have a lame duck to kick around.
Instead, they got themselves a not-so-lame Bengal tiger with more fight left in him than the entire Senate Republican caucus room.
(138,138 posts)panader0
(25,816 posts)But he's got over a year to go and I'll bet he adds to his legacy during that time.
(43,876 posts)
(1,504 posts)brer cat
(26,756 posts)Thanks for taking the time to put this together for us to share.
(42,557 posts)Just watched the press conference on Cuba--holy shit, what an incredible president, what an incredible man
(157,987 posts)napkinz
(17,199 posts)June 30, 2015
Although some would have you believe that Obama has been the worst president in the history of America, a new poll shows otherwise. The CNN/ORC poll has found that after two years, 50% of Americans approve Obamas handling of the presidency and our country. According to CNN, the increase is thanks to the presidents treatment of race relations and the economy. CNN added:
The new poll follows a week in which two Supreme Court cases boosted the presidents legacy by upholding the government subsidies at the heart of Obamas health care law, the Affordable Care Act, and affirming same-sex couples right to marry. All this while Obama took several opportunities to directly address the nations racial tensions, closing out the week by singing Amazing Grace on national television.
So, the evil Muslim Kenyan sang Amazing Grace on live TV? People approved? Ill be damned. How does that make your teabagger fee-fees feel? A survey in May previously showed Obamas approval rating to be 45% and 52% disapproved. His approval rating has not seen 50% or higher since May 2013.
The approval rating for handling the economy has also jumped up with 52% approving and 46% disapproving. Also, a majority approve of his handling of race relations. The poll showed 55% approve, up from 50%.