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Impure: contaminated; unclean; mixed with inferior substances.
-- The H2O Man Purists Dictionary; page #9.
Shortcuts to rational thought often include stumbling blocks. For example, even on what is supposed to be a liberal-progressive internet forum such as the Democratic Underground, from time to time people will be referred to as purists -- as if that is by definition a bad thing. One wonders: is it really difficult to chose between a clean glass of water (pure), and a glass of water contaminated by toxic industrial waste?
Without question, not every social-political choice we make is that clear cut. There are times when voting for the lesser of two evils is valid. Yet, if that defines our thinking and thus actions at all times, than our minds are locked up behind bars, just as surely as if we were physically incarcerated in the local county jail.
In order to have some degree of self-respect -- something necessary in order to be respected by others -- one must have those beliefs that we call principles, ethics, and/or morals. In an unhealthy society, such as ours, those without principles, ethics, and/or morals tend to rise up in business, including the business of politics. In order for them to succeed, at some level, there must be a group at a lower-level who willingly suspend their principles, ethics, and/or morals.
Indeed, it has become common for those employed in business to be confronted with the command to rise above their principles. As if thats the true nature of it. For only that person with damaged principles can actually rise above them, hence becoming a more principled person! That command in the context of the business world is simply an excuse for dipping well below your principles. Its an invitation to apply to the 1%-ers club.
Being true to your values does not prevent a conscious person from being pragmatic. That is true in the business world. This clearly includes politics. It is that way, from the local school board level, to the White House. To be unwilling to take a pragmatic approach on a wide variety of issues would be as mentally handcuffed as if you always allowed others to do your thinking for you to such an extent that you accepted their definitions of every choice you pretend to make. Dont volunteer to become a robot. Its beneath human dignity, as Gandhi taught us, to be a mere cog in the machine.
The problems that we face today are as stark as that glass of pure water versus the glass of sludge. The only potentials for solutions demand that we, as individuals, as citizens, hold on tightly to our values, our principles, ethics, and/or morals. To be pragmatic, when necessary. Yet to fully recognize the need to be creative. And to think outside the box
..because the mental box that currently houses the majority of the populations mind is contaminated by those same toxins that poison much of the nations water supply.
Lets consider an example. President Obama was pragmatic to his approach in dealing with Iran. As citizens, our values should result in our supporting him on this deal. The only people who dont support the treaty with Iran are those who: (a) seek some benefit from a war with Iran, or (b) are robots. This is no time to throw out your principles, ethics, and/or morals.
Its also no time to trust anyone who went along with Bush and Cheney on Iraq. This doesnt preclude us from every supporting such an individual in the future. But they have to own that one: not resort to the bad intelligence bullshit, but admit that Bush and Cheney purposefully lied this country into war. And, at the time, they rose above their principles, and voted for the murder of thousands.
When we think of the great leaders -- at all levels -- they are the men and women who were pragmatic, in order to advance their values. This doesnt include compromising your principles, ethics, and/or morals. They were purists in the same sense that those who violate their values for some type of advantage are impure, contaminated, unclean, and mixed with inferior substance.
Keep on fighting the Good Fight!
H2O Man