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TPP, TTIP: Eliminating Nations, Turning over the World Economy To Mega-corporations. Obamas Secret Trade Deals vs. Trump and Bernie
Jon Rappoport's blog
The press refuses to state the obvious: two US Presidential candidates who couldnt be more different are on the same page when it comes to Globalist trade treaties.
Trump and Berniethe gunslinger fasttalking cowboy and the programmatic socialist.
If the press did connect the dots, it would be admitting that millions of Americans from both candidates camps recognize the danger of these treatiesand pumping up that revelation would bring a major threat to the Globalist water-boy in the White House.
He is Barack Obama. When a preliminary vote on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) stalled in Congress last year, Obama and his team jumped on the phones and stayed there night and day trying to drum up support. And now, when the UK is considering an exit from the European Union, thus throwing a large monkey wrench in the US-EU Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), Obama flies to London, where, shockingly, he lowers the boom on the British government and the public, warning that an independent UK would have to stand at the back of the line when it comes to formulating a separate trade pact with the US.
Obama, as you might remember, was tutored on foreign policy, after his election in 2008, by Zbiggie Brzezinski, the intellectual water-boy for David Rockefeller, the king of Globalism, Planet Earth.
Brzezinski once wrote (1969):
The nation state as a fundamental unit of mans organized life has ceased to be the principal creative
force: International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far
in advance of the political concepts of the nation-state.
These Globalist trade deals are, indeed, exercises in eliminating nations and turning over the economy of the world to mega-corporations.
Continued on:
(This is why I will vote for Bernie Sanders or no one.)
Ghost Dog
(16,881 posts)If fascism, as Mussolini said, is the political union of corporations and the State, promotors of these treaties are pursuing a fascist goal.
Which, together with other corporatist-statist leanings, logically makes Clinton at least as fascist as Trump, although the latter, while a student of 'Hitlerism', seems more neo-Mussolini in style.
All will have studied Machiavelli, that's for sure.
(50,983 posts)It is Fascism.
(24,692 posts)It is UKIP and the right wing base that is supporting the UK exiting the EU. The Labour Party and the unions oppose leaving the EU largely because of the workers' rights that come with EU membership. I am glad that Obama backed the position favored by British unions.
Blame FDR for modern globalism. He inherited a country that republicans had saddled with high tariffs, restrictive immigration laws and an isolationism that kept the US from joining the League of Nations (which failed) or any other international organization or agreement. There was no hint of globalism under Calvin Coolidge or Herbert Hoover - just nationalism. Sounds a lot like Trump.
FDR created his own (liberal?) new world order which deemphasized nationalism and the nation state in favor of international cooperation and multilateral action on global problems. The UN, the IMF, the World Bank, the International Trade Organization (which republicans killed but from with GATT and the WTO evolved), all came from the mind of FDR, not from Coolidge, Hoover or any other republican. Unsurprisingly given who created them, the modern republican base wants the US to withdraw from the UN, the IMF, the World Bank and the WTO.
(9,922 posts)Origins of the EU USA Covert Operations to Assimilate Europe Into A Federal State
A memo from the US State Department dated June 11, 1965, advised the vice-president of the European Economic Community, Robert Marjolin, to pursue monetary union by stealth. It recommended suppressing debate until the point at which adoption of such proposals would become virtually inescapable.
The vision of American economic dominance is now within sight with the secretive and soon to be enforced trade deal known as TTIP.
This agreement represents a massive attack on the sovereignty of democratically elected governments and clearly shows American intentions right from the beginning in 1950. The US wants to harmonise standards between the EU and the US, seen by opponents as hitting hard-won protections on food and chemical safety (eg in cosmetics, insecticides and pesticides), the environment and workers rights. US agribusiness is pressing hard for Europe to import currently illegal GM products (which the EU authorised imports of in April 2015), and meat that does not conform to EU standards, such as cattle raised with growth hormones (this ban continues but only with an agreement to buy an additional 48,000 tonnes annually of American beef without growth hormones).
Fracking and the privatisation of the NHS are all in sight of American corporations, both of which are aggressively promoted by a Conservative neocon right-wing government whose profit driven ideology will turn Britain into a western outpost vassal state of the USA if it is allowed to continue.
The reason the TTIP negotiations are so secretive is that the Americans recommended, as stated previously, suppressing debate until which point adoption was inescapable.
(24,692 posts)We and the other United Nations are going forward, with vigor and resolution, in our efforts to create such a system by providing for it strong and flexible institutions of joint and cooperative action.
Of course one uniting principle of the far-right political parties in Europe is a desire to see the EU disappear.
(9,922 posts)TTIPAmerican Economic Imperialism
By Paul Craig Roberts
Greenpeace has done that part of the world whose representatives are so corrupt or so stupid as to sign on to the Trans-Pacific and Trans-Atlantic partnerships a great service. Greenpeace secured and leaked the secret TTIP documents that Washington and global corporations are pushing on Europe. The official documents prove that my description of these partnerships when they first appeared in the news is totally correct.
These so-called free trade agreements are not trade agreements. The purpose of the partnerships, which were drafted by global corporations, is to make corporations immune to the laws of soverign countries in which they do business. Any countrys sovereign law whether social, environmental, food safety, labor protectionsany law or regulationthat impacts a corporations profits is labeled a restraint on trade. The partnerships permit corporations to file a suit that overturns the law or regulation and also awards the corporation damages paid by the taxpayers of the country that tried to protect its environment or the safety of its food and workers.
The law suit is not heard in the courts of the country or in any court. It is heard in a corporate tribunal in which corporations serve as judge, jury, and prosecutor.
Today an article in the Independent reported that the leaked documents show that US corporations will be granted unprecedented powers over any new public health or safety regulations to be introduced in future. If any European government does dare to bring in laws to raise social or environmental standards, TTIP will grant US investors the right to sue for loss of profits in their own corporate court system that is unavailable to domestic firms, governments or anyone else. For all those who said that we were scaremongering and that the EU would never allow this to happen, we were right and you were wrong.
And the most vulnerable in all these nations losing their rights and control will be the ones to suffer first and most.