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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsI found this on reddit about the repeal vote.
Does this sound about right?
I'm not sure if it's really being appreciated just how comprehensively the Republicans were just fucked over.
See, the Republicans have been trying to pass these godawful healthcare bills through a process called budget reconciliation, which, among other things, protects the bill from being filibustered in the Senate and only requires a simple majority of 50 votes (rather than 60, which the Republicans don't have).
The thing is, the Senate can only consider one budget reconciliation bill per topic per year. Of course, if the bill dies in committee and never comes to an official vote, it doesn't count- which is why they've been able to keep hammering away at the issue.
This bill, though, was allowed to come to the Senate floor, because the Republicans thought they'd secured the votes. Collins, Murkowski and the Democrats would vote no, everyone else would vote yes, and Pence would break the tie. And then McCain completely fucked them. And it was almost certainly a calculated move; he voted to allow the bill to come to the floor. Had McCain allowed it to die in committee, McConnell could have come back with yet another repeal bill; but he let it come to a vote, and now they can't consider another budget reconciliation bill for the rest of the fiscal year. The Senate needs 60 votes to pass any kind of healthcare reform now.
So now they're caught between a rock and a hard place. Either they concede defeat on the issue and try again later (causing a big, unpopular stink that could damage elections if they try it before the midterms, or risking losing the slim majority they already have if they wait) or they actually sit down with the democrats like adults and write a halfway decent healthcare bill.
This is amazing.

(54,553 posts)not fooled
(6,155 posts)explained the process to him. Because no way did he know this beforehand.
Just an observation.
(54,553 posts)And someone explained that they can't they can't have another healthcare reconciliation bill for another year and therefore need 60 votes.
(12,448 posts)I said in another thread that I think Dump could try to disband Congress. It sounds crazy, but look who we're talking about. Only that would or could make Republicans finally rebel.
Someone told him about the process and its limitations so now he wants to change the process.
(148,475 posts)Now, they'll have to overcome a filibuster. Ha!
(188,662 posts)They also can't avoid a filibuster on the Tax plan either.
I had read about this once a year rule. Yes I think that's accurate.
(30,388 posts)I'm suddenly having some respect for McCain.
(58,795 posts)If so, it's nice to see the decent man return, the one who rejected the Muslim characterization of Obama by a rally attendee in the 2008 campaign.
Ace Rothstein
(3,313 posts)tblue37
(66,237 posts)counted as last year's. They get one more for the next fiscal year, which starts, I think, on Oct. 1.
Therefore, they can use the reconciliation process once more and will try to use it for the tax cuts they want. The reason Mitch tried that slick 2-reconciliations maneuver was because they needed to cut some taxes by way of the ostensible health care bill in order to provide revenue neutral wiggle room for their tax "reform," because they hope to make those tax cuts permanent. If they are not revenue neutral, they will expire in 10 years.
Trump couldn't understand why they insisted on doing healthcare first, but that is why--to use the reconciliation trick twice to avoid the filibuster. But since the new fiscal year would prevent them from using the second one, they needed to get healthcare done before Oct. 1.
And THAT is why Mitch was in such a desperate rush on the healthcare bill.
(66,237 posts)in 2017 maneuver.
The healthcare bill was the reconciliation for the last fiscal year, because they did not pass a budget last year. The new fiscal year starts on Oct. 1, so they will have another reconciliation opportunity then, but without the tax cuts they attempted in the healthcare bill, they have less wiggle room for tax cuts, because reconciliation needs to be revenue neutral to achieve their goal.
(10,742 posts)There's no way they can get a tax bill done (without 60 votes) before the election year starts in Jan?
Is that correct?
(66,237 posts)Oct. 1, but unless it is revenue neutral, they won't be able to use reconciliation, so they would need 60 votes. However, if it is neutral (achieved through spending cuts), then they can do it through reconciliation.
If they had succeeded in getting rid of the significant taxes and expenses in the ACA, then they would have had hundreds of billions of dollars as a cushion when they went to cut taxes (the House bill, for example, cut $864 billion from Medicaid over a decade).
But if the tax "reform" bill isn't revenue neutral over 10 years, then the tax cuts would automatically expire in 10 years, the way the Bush tax cuts did under Obama. That is something the GOP wants to avoid. They want the tax cuts to be permanent.
Obviously they could do a tax bill with cuts that would last for just 10 years, and my guess is that ultimately that is what they will do, since they can probably get 51 R votes for that.
(66,237 posts)reconciliation opportunity for the current fiscal year by wasting it on a failed healthcare vote.
This is why healthcare is probably done at least for awhile--because they need next fiscal year's reconciliation opportunity for their tax bill.
(73,279 posts)chimpymustgo
(12,774 posts)rzemanfl
(30,385 posts)tblue37
(66,237 posts)They have already used up the one they had for the current year--the one they wasted on the failed healthcare vote. They won't try to do healthcare through reconciliation again next fiscal year (starting Oct. 1), because they need it for tax "reform."
(30,385 posts)Justice
(7,198 posts)janx
(24,128 posts)figured out that McCain wasn't going to vote for the bill...? When Pence arrived he went over to McCain for a little chat; there was also word that he passed a phone--with Trump on the other end--to McCain just outside the Senate floor.
Trump's tweet lauding McCain for showing up to vote sounded very optimistic.
When did they know, or did they not know until it happened?
(66,237 posts)the Democrats smile, that is when they knew what he was going to do.
(24,128 posts)
(32,295 posts)Honeycombe8
(37,648 posts)Trump now knows that the Prez isn't the only one with power. But I think McCain really was wanting to get a bill best for his state, and this wasn't personal. He said he had been working w/the AZ governor on it, and the current bill would be bad for Arizonians, as is the current ACA, so they have to come up with something else.
McCain said the AZ gov's office had a couple of amendments, which McCain has ready, and other Republicans have ideas worked out, none of which have been considered, apparently.
McCain wouldn't have lied to the Prez and Pence beforehand, so my guess is that when Pence asked, McCain told them how he was going to vote. But the roll call is taken beforehand by McConnell's staff, so they know if they have the number needed to pass. So McCain must have indicated either "yes" or "maybe" to them, or they wouldn't have proceeded with the vote.
Because McCain was voting no, then Lindsey Graham and Ron Johnson were free to vote for it, knowing it wouldn't pass. (Johnson, Graham, & McCain gave a press conf. about the bill....all said they didn't want to vote for it, unless they could get a promise from the House that they would take it to conference to change it up, this skinny bill would just be a vehicle for working on a real one, because as it stood, the bill was horrible and they wouldn't go for it.) Graham later said he'd finally gotten a guarantee on that from the House (previously he had said that Paul Ryan said he couldn't guarantee it wouldn't be passed "as is" and go to Trump for signature), so he voted yes. Apparently that guarantee didn't work for McCain.
(24,128 posts)McCain has been in the Senate for 30 years. No wonder the guarantee didn't work for him.

Thanks for your reply.
(28,876 posts)Well played.
(92,389 posts)... the fight is on for next year though
(79,866 posts)(congressional)?
(7,097 posts)This is why McCain was trying to force them to a real vote and to go back to a normal process. For all his issues, he seems the only one in the GOP interested in following any sort of rule of law
(40,915 posts)Saw some headline recently that Trump was telling them to change the rules.
Not that that would be a first.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)oasis
(51,950 posts)yardwork
(65,459 posts)I think McCain was angry at McConnell for the highhanded secretive way he tried to push this through.
(30,385 posts)OnlinePoker
(5,894 posts)Welcome to a real example of power politics.
(37,648 posts)One Repub on tv today said he thought McConnell should resign his post, that he's been ineffective as a leader.
Several on tv were complaining about the secretive way the HC bills were handled, and stating that they couldn't vote for something that they didn't know what it was, so they would only vote if they got it ahead of time enough to review it.
But apparently they weren't angry enough not to vote for the old terrible bill and this new terrible one.
(66,237 posts)just so he could get something passed, and doing so without allowing them any input on it.
He really made them stick their necks out, so now they are on record voting for it, and all for nothing since it didn't pass anyway.
(37,648 posts)McCain, Graham, Ron Johnson (& Bill Cassidy joined in) had a press conf. on the bill.
McCain said he had been working w/the AZ governor & his people on the HC bill. The gov's office drafted a couple of amendments, which McCain had ready to go. He said he and Graham and others have ideas that they think might fly, but which haven't been considered at all. He thinks they could even get some Democrats on board with some of their ideas.
It's clear they didn't like the secretive, fast way this was handled without thought of the effect on people. McCain said the people of AZ were being hurt by the ACA, and would be hurt by this skinny repeal. He said this bill would make premiums skyrocket even more.
(37,648 posts)Puzzler
(2,505 posts)... that was a pretty brilliant tactical move. He well and truly fucked them:
Check mate
Well played. And I regret some of the comments I made about McCain too.
Of course, there's a chance that he just had a sudden change of heart. But it seems a bit unlikely to me. I think he's experienced enough to have known the consequences of his earlier vote. And to know strategically what this vote really meant.
(60,014 posts)That has to be figured into the equation. He is not stupid.
(63,221 posts)I also regret some of my comments, but he came through in the end. I wish him well.
(5,439 posts)thankfully privately, when it is I who am a stupid old woman.
Then, when Slavit put up a poll on Twitter last night, asking if McCain would vote Yes, No, or Yes and give a speech, I voted Yes+speech.
Love being wrong when it counts!
(9,866 posts)Lucinda
(31,170 posts)
(13,785 posts)all in one night on the hill. Something to remember.
(4,940 posts)AC_Mem
(1,979 posts)The new fiscal year starts 10/1, which is less than 3 months away...
(66,237 posts)reconciliation opportunity of next fiscal year on another quixotic run at the ACA, because they need to use it for a big tax cut bill.
(367 posts)...thank you for posting. I said in another DU thread reply an awful thing about McCain when he voted to allow this to come to the floor for consideration/debate. I see after reading your post I was unfair to him. I see now he really did turn the tide on this. I believe he knew what he was doing.
The fiscal year ends September 30th so they could introduce a new bill. Risky with budgetary issues needing tended this year plus election year. Interesting.
I do have new respect for McCain's finesse of this. He played this straight. He said he would not vote for it in its form. He wasn't grandstanding as I initially thought.
Thanks again for posting this, Flaleftist!
Great thread and informative dialogue, everyone!
(66,237 posts)Last edited Sat Jul 29, 2017, 10:09 AM - Edit history (1)
sure can't get 60, which would be required now.
And they won't use reconciliation on healthcare next fiscal year, either, because they need to use reconciliation to force their big tax cut bill, and they only get one reconciliation per fiscal year.
(367 posts)...and defunding of insurance in marketplace is doing. Otherwise the economy will take a huge hit. Their pride and hatred could hurt the economy with their punishing and abusive use of power.
(66,237 posts)Last edited Sat Jul 29, 2017, 12:40 AM - Edit history (1)
would cause a possible up to a million jobs in healthcare -- just as Trump'sfederal guiding freeze and laying off of other federal employees not only undermines government functions but also means jobs are lost.
Furthermore, all those lost jobs mean that many people won't have money to spend, which further contracts the economy, leading to a negative feedback loop that could end up causing another great recession, or even a depression.
At least the healthcare jobs didn't get destroyed this time.
(367 posts)It was people losing jobs, parents losing not only employment, but also healthcare assistance for their parents/ children, sometimes even grandparents! It was so much more than the numbers predicted of those actually losing healthcare. Hospitals knew it would mean restructuring over failing to save themselves and as many jobs as they could. Geez, they've been restructuring the last 8 years to accommodate insurance companies dictates.
Combined with trump allowing to remain empty hundreds of federal positions we will soon begin seeing that toll on business being on hold. I believe he's not filling those positions to keep a tight reign on functions of running the's how he ran his businesses (unsuccessfully, obviously). Doubtless, he'll blame the Democrats for obstructing and taking his attention away from the running of the country...Oh ...oops! Done!
I feel the same as you....this time we can count what we've learned in this battle and apply it and build upon it for the next challenges. Bet that will be LGBTQ issues!
(1,473 posts)flamingdem
(40,071 posts)
(5,439 posts)McConnell who was pressing his docs to clear him to come back for the Motion to Proceed, or was it someone else. If someone else, surely at the direction of McConnell.
(13,794 posts)still_one
(97,455 posts)SHRED
(28,136 posts)...then I take back all my venom towards him on this issue and owe him an apology.

(347 posts)They failed to passed an amendment to the House bill. McConnell then put the House bill back on the legislative calendar. He can bring it back up anytime he wants.
(36,372 posts)Twitler was going apeshit about demanding they abolish the filibuster.
(347 posts)catbyte
(36,372 posts)Under Senate interpretations of the Congressional Budget Act, the Senate can consider the three basic subjects of reconciliation spending, revenues, and debt limit in a single bill or multiple bills, but it can consider each of these three in only one bill per year (unless Congress passes a second budget resolution). Consequently, in the Senate there can be a maximum of three reconciliation bills in a year, one for each of the basic subjects of reconciliation.
This rule is most significant if the first reconciliation bill that the Senate takes up affects both spending and revenues. Even if that bill is overwhelmingly devoted to only one of those subjects, no subsequent reconciliation bill can affect either revenues or spending because the first bill already addressed them.
(347 posts)However, the bill has not failed. Only an amendment to the house bill failed. It can come back up on the Senate floor anytime the Maj. Leader wants.
(24,571 posts)They will let drumpf wreck the ACA, destroy healthcare for 36million, then declare that Obamacare failed. No, it didn't fail, they killed it. However will RW folks hear this when Faux/Breitbart/Drudge will just lie and say look what these nasty dems did. Hopefully Ind. will hear the vicdictiveness and hate in drumpfs voice and realize that he personally killed the ACA, and take revenge on the r's at the polls.