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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsWho should run against Trump in 2020?
Assuming Trump is still president then, who would you like to see run against him?
38 votes, 5 passes | Time left: Unlimited | |
Hillary Clinton | |
4 (11%) |
Bernie Sanders | |
3 (8%) |
Elizabeth Warren | |
4 (11%) |
Joe Biden | |
3 (8%) |
Gavin Newsome | |
1 (3%) |
Kamala Harris | |
6 (16%) |
Terry McCauliffe | |
1 (3%) |
Cory Booker | |
0 (0%) |
Al Franken | |
15 (39%) |
Other (please specify in post) | |
1 (3%) |
5 DU members did not wish to select any of the options provided. | |
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Disclaimer: This is an Internet poll |
(12,786 posts)BlueMTexpat
(15,509 posts)DRoseDARs
(6,810 posts)Last edited Wed Oct 18, 2017, 02:38 PM - Edit history (1)
Jesus, what a mess that was. For those that live in defense mode always, it's a joke. The smiley is right there and always was. You know you laughed with the rest of America when Kate McKinnon made the same joke last Saturday as Kellywise the Dancing Clown. Kindly Get. A. Grip.
And thank you to the Admins, I'm genuinely surprised this was restored and grateful I was wrong.
(42,862 posts)Response to NurseJackie (Reply #11)
Post removed
(9,967 posts)only myths to rely on. They are truly pathetic
(55,041 posts)Last edited Wed Oct 18, 2017, 01:24 PM - Edit history (1)
the night before the election.
And 538 debunked the claim that she lost the election because of not having gone enough to those two states.
You clearly are delighted by spreading false talking points. When I say something untrue, I correct myself and refrain from repeating it again, but then I value truth and my own intellectual integrity.
I do find it interesting how so many have eagerly adopted the corporate medias misinformation designed to justify their contribution to Trumps installation in power. Things that make you go hmmm.
(42,862 posts)PS: Thanks for the links and for correcting the LIES and MYTHS that are being shoveled out here.
(37,748 posts)Thank goodness Democrats don't (all unsupported and biased allegations aside, that is).
Eliot Rosewater
(32,539 posts)grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
On democratic underground
(42,862 posts)Rollo
(2,559 posts)Last edited Wed Oct 18, 2017, 07:22 PM - Edit history (1)
Although nearly all the options I suggested are Dems, save for Sanders.
If you want a restricted poll, please feel free to start your own.
Thanks for understanding.
(751 posts)King_Klonopin
(1,343 posts)This is partly a trick question because Trump should be in jail in 2020.
(3,231 posts)phylny
(8,618 posts)JustAnotherGen
(33,958 posts)McMullin
Those two should definitely primary him.
Depending on who wins or becomes the early front runner will determine which DEMOCRATIC Party member I will support.
(10,237 posts)...all of my top choices are women. Among them are Sens. Gillebrand, Harris, Duckworth, Klobuchard and possibly Caroline Kennedy.
I have less than zero interest in Bernie Sanders.
My two cents, and quite possibly overpriced at that!
(4,558 posts)Primarily as I believe he's a sure win against agent orange.
I'd like to see him pick a glass ceiling running mate such as Senator Harris or Senator Warren. Would bring in the most voters, make progress, and setup a good glass ceiling candidate to succeed him.
His incredible military experience would shine in stark contrast to Trumps bone spur.
He would bring in a huge number of the swing voters.
He certainly passes the vast majority of the purity tests.
The disgusting tactics used by the right to paint our candidates as "anti-American" would be completely useless against him.
He'd likely even be capable of pulling in some of the republican votes like McCain and Collins into progressive led legislation.
(33,958 posts)But he's not going to run.
(4,558 posts)I'm begging him on his facebook page
I'm thinking that anyone with a D by their name should be able to take 2020, but then again, I fully believed Hillary had it locked.
If General Clark ran, no amount of voter suppression, intimidation, or dirty tricks would keep him from sweeping it.
(31,564 posts)And I don't think 45 will be around in 2020.
I hope the rest of us are around then.
(33,424 posts)It is just a poll on a internet website. Do you think DU is going to pick the next nominee?
(37,748 posts)What (other than petulance or a desire to appear clever) leads you to believe someone thinks DU picks the nominee?
(82,383 posts)Typical failure to concentrate on midterms and overly concern the Presidency.
And Donald may well be primaried and not be the candidate. Hasn't even been a year and the Rs are already getting annoyed.
(96,882 posts)LanternWaste
(37,748 posts)Little time and much less effort than you appear to think in simply throwing names around.
Unless of course, you think throwing names around is in fact, too great an effort for you-- which I'd think is wholly on you and you alone, despite projecting that same weakness onto others.
(20,777 posts)Since we don't have any obvious front runners, now is a good time for interested parties to start getting out there, becoming better known nationwide.
My choice would be Sherrod Brown and Amy Klobuchar. One for President, one for VP. I don't care which is which. Both a from swing states in the Midwest.
(6,615 posts)imanamerican63
(14,459 posts)InAbLuEsTaTe
(24,695 posts)the House and the Senate... would love that, not to mention the impeachment proceedings, which, hopefully, will start the very next day.
(30,038 posts)i'm voting for it. seriously it almost does not matter to me as long as we get rid of republicans.
i'll wait to see who runs before i decide.
radical noodle
(8,876 posts)lillypaddle
(9,605 posts)someone else
(4,492 posts)We have less than a month until the 2017 elections. THis is where many local and county offices will be decided, three full statehouses (2 in NJ, 1 in VA), 2 governors, and control of the WA state senate (special election).
What are you doing to get out the vote in your local elections? The bench needs to be built starting November 7.
(22,433 posts)ck4829
(36,205 posts)To stop treating the executive branch as a cult.
To declare that he is a servant among many others, not a CEO or selected by God.
And to urge Americans to reject the idea of the bully pulpit, that just because the POTUS says something you shouldn't believe it. We need a moment in our history like in Japan where the Emperor declared to his people that he was no god. Our country followed a President's whims into Iraq and caused a disaster that should have never happened in the first place and now Russia has seen our cult of the executive branch and knows how damaging it is to us.
If that person is Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Gavin Newsome, Kamala Harris, Al Franken, etc., then I will vote for them.
(31,464 posts)smirkymonkey
(63,221 posts)for the job, but I really don't think he wants it and I am not so sure how the rest of the country would respond to him. For one reason or another, I'm just not seeing anyone on that list who I think is going to be much of a threat to the republicans. I think most of them are great, but just because we think they are great doesn't mean they have what it takes to win over the country.
(36,186 posts)Can anybody blame him?
It's going to take a very special person (man or woman) to take the plunge and run in the next race. That person will deserve all of our support from every Democrat. It's too early to talk about it however I really hope Trump will be already gone by then.
(31,180 posts)He used to "run for president on SNL". It was hilarious. I believe he had these crazy presidential medals. I can just see the Republicans throwing this stuff out there...
(2,848 posts)He would win in the next election as well.
(9,967 posts)GulfCoast66
(11,949 posts)He will never win a Democratic Primary vs an actual democrat.
(31,464 posts)America will not vote for an avowed socialist. Not gonna happen. We've been told our whole lives to believe that socialism is evil. But he might have won New England and California.
(2,848 posts)stevenleser
(32,886 posts)None of the general election polls matter before September 1.
(13,947 posts)I could think of no better defeat for that racist, misogynist, lying, ignorant POS.
Mike Nelson
(10,405 posts)...not sure Bernie will run as a Democrat, though. He shows the early signs he's running, in my opinion - but will it be as an Independent next time?
Jim Lane
(11,175 posts)And, BTW, the Lieutenant Governor of California is Gavin Newsom, not Newsome.
(148,150 posts)So, aperanntly, speling dosent mater.
(30,613 posts)Whether by Article I, Amendment XXV, or Amendment II (i.e. his own side).
(148,150 posts)2020 will take care of itself, and Trump probably won't be on the ballot anyhow.
(65,539 posts)I am determined to not take things for granted next time and support the Dem nominee more. It's too important.
(3,841 posts)Setting aside Barack for a moment. The last 3 (I'm including Gore) Dems to win the presidency have been southern Dems.
(65,229 posts)Smickey
(3,841 posts)I did not mean "southern democrats" which is a loaded term I guess. I meant democrats from the south.
I am not sure who that would be at this point.
I will be watching though.
(2,559 posts)And some of you may remember his prophetic mock autobiography, "Why Not Me?", in which he details his fictional disastrous stint as President back in the 1990's. It would be great to see him reduce Trump to a quivering mass of tweets during the debates.
(3,830 posts)politicaljunkie41910
(3,335 posts)FTR, being from California, I know that Kamala is more than just a black woman. I know she is very intelligent, but my main reason is that she wouldn't take any shit off of him during a campaign. She'd be quick on her feet with the comebacks. It would be the highlight of the campaign season, and the only thing better than Harris on the top of the ticket, would be Maxine Waters as her VP.
(51,350 posts)I love Warren, but fear she'd suffer the same fate as Hillary since she's been the focus of right wing hatemongers for so long.
(4,533 posts)California liberal would have problems in those states
Its basically impossible to dislike Amy Klobuchar
(51,350 posts)Trumpocalypse
(6,143 posts)And she's very hard to dislike too.
(4,533 posts)And I just get a feel from her that she is a real person, that some deplorables will see her as actually liking them. Gillebrand would also be a fabulous President, IMO, her absurdly beautiful smile is worth a lot of votes, but she just doesnt scream out middle class like Amy does. Amy probably knows more about football than anyone you know. Gillebrand is more sophisticated, more the ideal candidate for the main line suburbs of Philadelphia. Yes, I said it - shes pretty much Grace Kelly come back to earth.
(6,143 posts)heavily republican district in upstate NY against a long time GOP incumbent. And since she left to go to the Senate, the GOP has retaken that district.
(4,533 posts)Good to know
(7,581 posts)And let's concentrate on 2018 please!
A Brand New World
(1,134 posts)I like his calm, cool demeanor. Reminds me of No Drama Obama.
(10,555 posts)Doodley
(10,452 posts)lunamagica
(9,967 posts)shenanigans from the GOP and the Russians aren't deal with, they will steal the election AGAIN
(32,886 posts)liquid diamond
(1,917 posts)We need a candidate who has no problem attracting and exciting minority voters. However, I will support and vote for any lifelong democrat.
(24,658 posts)A couple times around the exercise yard should do it.
(6 posts)A Warren/Brown ticket beats Trump due to a progressive coalition. Warren brings in Female,millenial,african American voters while Brown brings in White working class voters especially from the midwest. They both bring a progressive ticket something Trump won't be able to compete with.
(6,143 posts)adigal
(7,581 posts)Come on, the Presidency isnt the only job in town.
And I think Kasich is going to primary Dotard if he is still free and hasnt stroked out from boxes of Krispy Kremes.
(2,559 posts)Knock yourself out...
(7,581 posts)You are missing the point. We may not have elections by 2020 if we don't get the House back.
Purely speculative and really has nothing to do with an internet poll about the 2020 presidential contest.
(11,843 posts)I want Trump watching the elections on a 12" black and white TV in his prison cell, while eating a bologna sandwich on stale bread.