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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsDid anybody else notice when the GOP started becoming Pro-Putin?
I know that we're all starting to realize that it's not only Trump who appears to be in thrall to Russia/Putin but also several Republican members of Congress but did anybody else start noticing Pro-Putin attitudes start to filter into the GOP over the past few years as well? I remember right-wingers start to develop a bit of a love-fest with Putin when they started comparing him favorably over President Obama in terms of how he conducted foreign policy. I remember some people weirdly obsessing over the idea that Hillary was going to pick a fight with Russia and using that as their justification for voting against her last year. What did everybody else observe over the past few years?

(6,284 posts)with the passage of magnitsky act. Thats when putin ramped up his propaganda effort that accelerated after citizens united ruling
(12,608 posts)Bongo Prophet
(2,732 posts)that "allegedly" tried to assassinate FDR. The part of GOP that was less toxic NE moneyed class was less noxious than the Strom Thurmond dixiecrats. History wiggles through time like a meandering river. So it goes.
(21,124 posts)until tRump.
Eliot Rosewater
(32,540 posts)It was clear , crystal, that the party as a whole was willing to accept Putin if it meant defeating Obama or Hillary or whoever.
(6,762 posts)professed his admiration.
the intersection of faux christianity, whiteness,misogyny,and big money--in retrospect I could see the path but I did not predict it.
I remember when Putin showed up and professed his Christianity, after G W weaseled into the White House and weaseled us into war.
(119 posts)Irish_Dem
(63,019 posts)Iahotdog
(119 posts)I wonder how many other republican congress members speak fluent Russian!!
(63,019 posts)Putin has been busy cultivating and recruiting American politicians.
Kirk Lover
(3,608 posts)OnDoutside
(20,680 posts)Anti Trump, and suddenly did a 180. Priebus will have questions to answer.
(30,801 posts)RW Townhall says it's fake. It is not fake.
(20,680 posts)delisen
(6,762 posts)that once the Russians gave up "godless communism" there would be so manifold warriors eager to make nice.
(13,365 posts)Joe941
(2,848 posts)Repukes immediately started rooting for Putin.
(29,190 posts).
Now, it looks like he made Trump his.
November 17th, 2015... Palin then began to praise Putin for defending his country against ISIS.
(1,057 posts)"I looked the man in the eye. I found him to be very straightforward and trustworthy. We had a very good dialogue. I was able to get a sense of his soul; a man deeply committed to his country and the best interests of his country."
Proud Liberal Dem
(24,816 posts)forgot about that one.
(5,210 posts)EVANGELICALS:
The emerging alliance between Putin and Trumps God squad; The unlikely partnership is years in the making.
Reverence for Putin on the Right Buys Trump Cover
The veneration of Mr. Putin helps explain why revelations about Russias involvement in the election including recent reports that members of Mr. Trumps inner circle set up a meeting at which they expected a representative of the Russian government to give them incriminating information about Hillary Clinton and Mr. Trumps reluctance to acknowledge it, have barely penetrated the consciousness of the presidents conservative base.
Guns and religion: How American conservatives grew closer to Putins Russia
Growing up in the 1980s, Brian Brown was taught to think of the communist Soviet Union as a dark and evil place.
But Brown, a leading opponent of same-sex marriage, said that in the past few years he has started meeting Russians at conferences on family issues and finding many kindred spirits.
Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage, has visited Moscow four times in four years, including a 2013 trip during which he testified before the Duma as Russia adopted a series of anti-gay laws.
What I realized was that there was a great change happening in the former Soviet Union, he said. There was a real push to re-instill Christian values in the public square.
How Russia Became the Leader of the Global Christian Right
While the U.S. passed gay-rights laws, Moscow moved hard the other way.
RACHEL MADDOW: Russia makes inroads with American right via guns, religion DURATION 6:10
Richard Engel, NBC News chief foreign correspondent, and NBC's Kelly Cobiella look at how members of the American political right are building an appreciation for Vladimir Putin through guns and Evangelical Christianity.
GOP campaigns took $7.35 million from oligarch linked to Russia
Dallas Morning News
Russian influence over GOP goes back as far as Tom Delay and Jack Abramoff
Over 400 Trump Docs Leaked: Russian Money Tied to McConnell, Cruz, Rubio, McCain, and RNC
McConnell linked super PAC took $2.5 million from a pro-Putin Ukrainian businessman
Link to tweet
(THREAD) 1. Why Mitch McConnell is sabotaging Russia investigationdark money trail leads right to himBlavatnik, is pals with Putin crony Vekselberg
Link to tweet
McConnell, Ryan, Gov. Walker up to their eyeballs in Russian money
Adam Khan has been busy in the past few hours with info about McConnell's SuperPAC funded by Russian money, primarily Blavatnik.
Keep reading through the feed to another didturbing news story about Chao/McConnell family shipping business. Unbelievable how news gets buried.
The Repugs are SO FAR deep into Russian money. Good ole dark money coming to light!
March in June being organized regarding corruption and demand for Trump/Russia investigations.
I'll stop there -- I actually have more.
Bongo Prophet
(2,732 posts)especially considering how much I trusted dry-drunk conman GWB to have an an accurate read of another, smarter, conman oligarch.
It's interesting how many people who still think of Russia as communist, though. "Why do these cold warriors embrace commies?" I hear too often. but seriously, i tell them, "these are not communists anymore, but rather fascist money grabbers, who will don any sort of ideological garb that enables them to collect more, more, more." Nihilists! Lol, sad.
rogue emissary
(3,220 posts)After reading stories about how they would use racist caricatures to insult Obama. I thought even the GOP would stand up for the president of the USA.
When the stories about the LGBT community were being attacked in Russia and they were enacting anti-gay laws. During that same period, LGBT people could serve openly in the military and the eventual passing of gay marriage in the US. It became clear to me that Putin and the GOP shared common enemies.
That Roy Moore interview, where he came out in support of Russia anti-LGBT propaganda and then spoke Russian didn't surprise me in the least.
(113,931 posts)having to face any charges. He made sure western media covered that news.
The Republicans fighting against equality here ate it up with a spoon.
(2,241 posts)Not questioning what you posted but the first russian crap memes I remember seeing on the internets was putin riding a horse without a shirt on...
(113,931 posts)they all started worshipping his 'manliness'.
(34,707 posts)Moscow on the Potomac.
(11,566 posts)I specifically recall thinking: what's all the Putin-love about? Initially, I believed it was merely a way to dig at the President: Putin = strong, Obama = weak. That didn't make much sense, of course, because an autocrat is always the strongman. Otherwise, he wouldn't survive. And so you have all these pictures of a bare-chested Putin riding a horse, chopping wood, etc. Stongman = endurance, vitality and power over your life. And death. Bears no comparison to a leader of a free society, a Democratic Republic.
But recently, I've wondered if the strange Puty-love was tied to something else--money and/or favors or who knows what? It never made any sense that the Party of Reagan would turn on a dime and embrace a former KGB officer. In fact, I suspect old Ronnie has flipped in his grave several times.
During this same period, we had revelations on the NSA, serious questions about our intelligence community's credibility, Wikileaks and Snowden etc. Was that timing coincidental? Or were the doubts about our own system and the era of Puty admiration more than random in nature? That's not to say that all doubts or disappointments were baseless. But we now know the power of social media, the way it can capitalize on vulnerabilities, steer discussions, amplify emotional reactions and actually effect the way people perceive issues. And then, act accordingly.
I've frequently read that the Russians are experts at playing the long game.
Pretty chilling when you think about it.
(1,837 posts)I was over at freeperville during the Syrian Crisis in August/September 2013, and that is when the hero worship of Putin began. Remember when President Obama wanted to stop the slaughter after the chemical weapons attack but he wasn't allowed to by the Reich Wing? I remember being appalled and stunned at their hero worship of Putin even then, and more than a little scared.
(57,596 posts)Sneederbunk
(15,595 posts)I don't get GOP Russia admiration before Trump.
(6,762 posts)Republican business interests in Russia-even Huntsman.
(33,404 posts)Hoyt
(54,770 posts)was helping him.
(36,249 posts)as demographics start to overtake them so they've embraced Soviet-style authoritarianism over multi-racial democracy. They know they're dead meat unless they are able to gerrymander their districts to dilute Democratic influence. It really took off in 2011 after the Republicans took over so many statehouses--then they really got started with the voter suppression and gerrymandering. They hate Democracy now because they know they will soon be irrelevant.
(103,300 posts)When the Koch Bros first started getting noticed for their shady after hours activities financing these horrid monsters. When Putin first appeared on the scene and he started mirroring things that the end times wing of the GOP was saying I knew we were headed for trouble. I just didn't know when.
(36,881 posts)We should do one huge fundraiser and ask them to go away entirely.
(10,167 posts)McCamy Taylor
(19,240 posts)who were committing genocide in the Balkans by courting Republicans and encouraging them to object to the humanitarian US intervention.
The GOP has been in Russia's pocket for decades---and there are a lot of reasons why Putin hates the Clintons. And Russians pretending to be Americans have been posting on message boards like these for a long, long time. It is just that in recent years they have gotten better at it. In the 1990s you could spot them a mile away. Now, you have to read a few of their posts to get the picture.
(138,063 posts)damn good question
(6,817 posts)"I looked into Putin's eyes...."
(39,220 posts)Many uber-wealthy Russians and U.S. Americans have invested their fortunes in tax havens that are essentially Ponzi schemes. (Bitcoin is a minor one.) To those invested in these schemes (and the money laundering machinery behind them) these economic charades must be protected at all costs. This explains Trump's Russian connections. Trump is not uber-wealthy himself but he is an agent of the money laundering machinery.
Secondly, if you look at a map of the arctic, Northern European Democracies and Canada occupy about half, Russia and the U.S.A. the other half.
The true first world nations will share the wealth created by arctic resource development with their people. The U.S.A. and Russian oligarchs will develop these resources only to enrich themselves.