Sanders rally breaks Zorn Arena attendance record
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Source: WEAU (Eau Claire, Wisconsin, NBC affiliate)
EAU CLAIRE, Wis. (WEAU) -- The scene inside the Zorn Arena in Eau Claire was packed on Saturday to listen to Bernie Sanders.
The line to get in Saturday morning ran from the Zorn Arena all the way up Garfield Hill.
The weather wasn’t great but people still came out in packs to support at the Sanders rally.
Over 3,400 people were inside the Zorn Arena Saturday; Sanders' campaign is estimating around 4,300 people total including those in an overflow room.... "I may not necessarily agree with every issue he has, but, in this field with our candidates, I have confidence he is the man with integrity and America's best interest at heart," Conner Franz of Stevens Point said.... "I was glad to find out that, not only did he say what he wanted to do, which sounded idealistic, but he actually seems to have a symbol of a plan,” Stephanie Turner of Eau Claire said.
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Metric System
(6,048 posts)Elmer S. E. Dump
(5,751 posts)aspirant
(3,533 posts)Attorney in Texas
(3,373 posts)
Metric System
(6,048 posts)Turn CO Blue
(4,221 posts)about five years ago who worked as the main news story writer for the websites for two different local news channels locally here, in Denver, which I assume is a pretty large market. I checked later and his byline was on at least half the stories.
I asked him about his journalism experience, etc. None. He had no degree in English, writing, creative writing, communications or journalism background. His background was in web development, HTML, XML, Java, etc.
In other words, the web dev and maintenance people also fill in the news content.
They would get most of the stories from the AP and Reuters, and that is all cut and paste.
Where you see all the typos and grammatical errors is where they have to gather local news themselves (sports wins, local high school stuff, local crime, local weather events).
I had no idea, and was just flabbergasted. Still am. The corporate mindset destroyed journalism in more ways than one.
Metric System
(6,048 posts)JDPriestly
(57,936 posts)establish goals and work with Congressmembers to fill in the details.
That's how you really get things done in grouops and that means in Congress.
The more input members of Congress have in filling in the details with amendments and their ideas, the more likely the bill will pass.
Hillary does not understand this process as viscerally as Sanders does. Bernie was the King of Amendments and knows how to work with and not insult people who disagree with him.
He will achieve his goals by working with Congress not by commanding Congress.
(148 posts)...and then on to New York!
(13,297 posts)great, thanks for the post
(28,136 posts)Feel it!
Major Hogwash
(17,656 posts)In Eau Claire!!!!!
Oh, my, how I do love Eau Claire.
(26,582 posts)You can repost in General Discussion: Primaries