Trump sends vague midnight tweet about 'negative press covfefe'
Source: USA Today
Donald Trump has been active on Twitter since his return from his first overseas trip as president. And he kept the ball rolling with a tweet shortly after midnight on Wednesday morning.
But it is not at all clear what the president was tweeting about.
"Despite the negative press covfefe," Trump wrote.
Link to tweet
Unsurprisingly, most of Trump's fellow Twitter users jumped all over the apparent mistake. And #covfefe became a trending topic on Twitter.
(More, including tweets)
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Is mocking Don important news of national interest?
(20,477 posts)...apparently the idiot meant to type in conference. Probably high on coke
(25,757 posts)from him. In the melee that ensued his little fingers on his little hands were only able to hit the following letters 'covfefe'.
(1,387 posts)jpak
(41,780 posts)lunasun
(21,646 posts)emmadoggy
(2,142 posts)But how that turns into "covfefe", I have no idea. This is 45 we're talking about...
(1,387 posts)Yes. The mood of a nation is always relevant. But, then, I assume you know that.
(60,011 posts)And to prove it, everybody is tweeting everybody else over "covfefe" and I have been laughing my butt off reading some of the comments.
(3,147 posts)For my own conscience.
(83,446 posts)+3 million more popular vote wins
(83,446 posts)losing the popular vote!
My husband just left for work, saying "enjoy your covfefe!"
(9,122 posts)lastlib
(24,390 posts).
(*"You Owe Me A New Keyboard!"
"Authorities are investigating a MAJOR coffee spew at the home of (lastlib)......"
(3,147 posts)Gave me a nice smile this morning!
Grassy Knoll
(10,118 posts)...Send Wally Cleaver? WHAT!!!
Ken Burch
(50,254 posts)Last edited Thu Jun 1, 2017, 01:57 AM - Edit history (1)
I can't imagine Trump ordering anything like that.
(22,681 posts)NanceGreggs
(27,835 posts)... and served with ketchup.
Ken Burch
(50,254 posts)...and you eat it with a fork.
(7,596 posts)The tweet's been up for over an hour now. He never finished it nor did he correct the misspelled word. Did he tweet this in his sleep? Did he need to abandon his phone from a sudden case of severe diarrhea after his latest fried chicken binge? What? I'm on pins and needles here!
(25,036 posts)The Velveteen Ocelot
(119,240 posts)flibbitygiblets
(7,220 posts)The covfefe will not be televised! (Just tweeted.)
(7,769 posts)jpak
(41,780 posts)L. Coyote
(51,129 posts)womanofthehills
(9,122 posts)montana_hazeleyes
(3,424 posts)pressing the covfefe out.
(13,776 posts)orleans
(34,553 posts)he probably picked it up on his world tour
(15,700 posts)Time to stop tweeting.
(2,931 posts)Cuz nothin' is ever his fault.
(83,446 posts)hatrack
(60,309 posts)icymist
(15,888 posts)Cha
(302,727 posts)laughing so hard.. tears were coming!
(24,390 posts)okay, the rest were,too, but they weren't automated........)
(1,180 posts)But the bots have been adding followers to Trump's acct at a 100 a minute. Maybe this was a bot.
C Moon
(12,470 posts)SergeStorms
(19,259 posts)look like a Rhodes Scholar. I never thought that as long as I lived we'd see a President worse than Bush, but I "misunderestimated" the GOP once again. Republicans detest education.......all that 'book larnin' doesn't sit well with them. They'd rather have a "man of action", like Trump, any day.
Colluding with a sworn enemy of the United States to interfere with our hallowed election process? NO PROBLEM! Alienating our allies all over the world? NO PROBLEM! Disgracing the office of President of the United States? NO PROBLEM! Dismantling the Federal Government, and trashing the Constitution of the United States? NO PROBLEM! Abandoning the most vulnerable in our society, and making health insurance too costly for 25 million Americans? NO PROBLEM! Using the wrong email server to deliver messages to other Democrats? HOLY FUCKING SHIT! PUT HER IN JAIL, PUT HER IN JAIL! HITLERY IS TOO CARELESS TO RUN THIS COUNTRY!
The Republican party has demonstrated time and again that they are unfit to occupy ANY government position. They're traitors, hypocrites of the first order. Never again! But that's exactly what I said after George W. Bush, never again. And then the sherbet shyster came along, and the entire mismanagement of our government started anew. ONLY MUCH WORSE! Never again, I tell you, never again!
(34,738 posts)jmowreader
(51,134 posts)We get that from context..."despite the negative press covfeve" translates into English as "despite the negative press coverage."
Okay, Don...despite the negative press coverage, WHAT?
(72,003 posts)Link to tweet
Mean Adam? @Mean_Adam 1h1 hour ago
It's 2am. Do you know where your #covfefe are?
5 replies 92 retweets 384 likes
Palmer Report Retweeted
Melissa Jo Peltier?Verified account @MelissaJPeltier 1h1 hour ago
Time to make a #COVFEFE sign for #MarchForTruth.
10 replies 45 retweets 213 likes
Link to tweet
(1,524 posts)Last edited Wed May 31, 2017, 04:10 AM - Edit history (1)
Huff Post had the story and several Twitter responses. My favorite response got replaced but it said #Covfefe: Ukrainian word, roughly translated, means: your urine tastes of cigarettes.
Link to tweet
(1,474 posts)He does have one quality all want in a narcissistic, traitorous, pussy grabbing, conman for a president:
He is seriously stupid. Not just stupid like other repugs.
He is bigly stupid.
(16,464 posts)It stands to reason.
(9,122 posts)BHDem53
(1,076 posts)alternative facts.
(185,289 posts)DFW
(55,936 posts)Ковфєфє (transliteration: "Covfefe" is a perfectly normal Russian word. Negative press Ковфєфє is what happens to a country when it lets a narcissistic psychopath 70 year old showing the first signs of dementia become its leader, and the press, if still free, takes a dim view of that. Thus, there is negative press Ковфєфє.
Doug the Dem
(1,297 posts)In fact, it's vital to the survival of the Republic!
(83,446 posts)Maybe it's the new term for White House scrambling to explain away looming IMPEACHMENT?
Or maybe that's the launch code?
Doug the Dem
(1,297 posts)But the launch codes are all in Cyrillic now.
(58,724 posts)yardwork
(63,362 posts)oberliner
(58,724 posts)I wonder if this whole string of morning tweets is him or someone else.
(63,362 posts)Vinca
(50,744 posts)He's getting fatter by the day and something's got to give.
(63,362 posts)The tweets his account is sending this morning weren't written by him.
(8,510 posts)Transient ischemic attack. I had one over a decade ago. It took me almost two years to get back to the way I was. My suspicion is that this happened and someone noticed the bizarre tweet and went to check on him, and now his people are trying to cover it up by tweeting in his place.
We'll see if he makes any kind of appearance today.
(In my case I wasn't overweight, but had been mostly inactive for a few months because of a deep depression over loss of several loved ones in a short period of time.)
skip fox
(19,480 posts)Trump is in bed, tired and foggy.
He thinks he is beginning a sentence "Despite negative press coverage" and then initially planned to add an independent clause like: "my administration has accomplished more than any other in the first 120 days."
But he begins falling asleep 1/2 through "coverage" and types "covfefe" instead (note: the letters e, r, a, g, and e are all close to f, e, f, e). Then, thinking this is the end of his thoughts (imagining in his drifting off mind that he already had typed the independent clause at the beginning of the sentence), he hits the send button and enters slumberland.
It seems pretty clear.
(45,799 posts)hope it doesn't take one to know one
Be strong, you can get through this
skip fox
(19,480 posts)Now I have to run. Time for my exorcism.
(45,799 posts)Cov Fe Fe .... Fe is the chemical element symbol for Iron
expect brass knuckles and iron stranglehold on the press
central scrutinizer
(12,262 posts)One Cobalt atom + one Vanadium atom + 2 atoms of Iron
Not sure what that makes but it can't be good
Roy Rolling
(7,113 posts)That's exactly what Trump lacks---humility and the ability at self-deprecating humor. He is afraid of words, you are the exact opposite. Thanks for the post.
(14,686 posts)We need to know what we're dealing with.
El Mimbreno
(780 posts)BobTheSubgenius
(11,724 posts)How much positive covfefe have you seen lately?
And another thing from that article that struck me - if they are concerned about what their child sees and hears, what parent lets an
11-year old watch Kathy Griffin?
(8,510 posts)I'm not buying that Barron even saw the picture. An 11 year old shouldn't be allowed to watch certain things. Is nobody watching that kid?
Furthermore, there have been, and will continue to be, many crude and awful things publicized about 45. 45 brought this on to his family. Melania and the nannies better be vigilant if they want Barron to be shielded from them.
(23,483 posts)haele
(13,206 posts)And so, there should be quite a lot of National Interest in the fact the man is up at 3am his own time making increasingly incoherent tweets. There's a major cognitive problem there, especially when adding his increasingly diminished ability to speak in a professional manner (let alone a conversational manner), and his random, rather low energy physical presence.
Shakespeare would describe him as being in his dotage...and the GOP continues to stand by him in his dotage so long as they can stuff their pockets with public money and resources before they drop him.