Dem lawmaker: Omar's statements 'deeply hurtful to Jews'
Source: The Hill
Freshman Rep. Max Rose (D-N.Y.) said Sunday that his colleague Rep. Ilhan Omar's tweet suggesting that a pro-Israel lobbying group was buying off lawmakers was "deeply hurtful to Jews," including himself.
"When someone uses hateful and offensive tropes against people of any faith, I will not be silent," Rose wrote on Twitter. "Congresswoman Omar's statements are deeply hurtful to Jews, including myself. Implying that Americans support Israel because of money alone is offensive enough. But go a step further, and retweet someone declaring their pain at her sentiment is truly unacceptable."
"At a time when anti-Semitic attacks are on the rise, our leaders should not be invoking hurtful stereotypes and caricatures of Jewish people to dismiss those who support Israel. In the Democratic Party - and in the United States of America - we celebrate the diversity of our people, and the Gods we pray to, as a strength. The Congresswoman's statements do not live up to that cherished ideal."
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(11,443 posts)ck4829
(35,544 posts)WhiteTara
(29,967 posts)trying to suck up dollars and supporters; but mostly money.
(55,334 posts)It usually takes a while, about a generation or two, but we'll get it down eventually. We've done this before
(19,753 posts)This is anti-semitism.
(8,407 posts)so tired of this...
(99,978 posts)There's a quote from Trump that buys into that trope that I have cited here several times as proof of his bigotry.
The Truth Is Here
(354 posts)Im one of the few lucky ones that has a roof over their heads. Yes i live with my family in the basement in a big house with my mom. I do work but i am legally disabled.
Shemp Howard
(889 posts)Are you saying that antisemitic comments are merely a sign of diversity? If you really believe that, what about anti-black or anti-gay comments? Are they merely signs of diversity too?
(7,006 posts)It's Called Free Speech and Rep. Ilhan Omar has a right to it.
(99,978 posts)But when he starts peddling anti-semitic bullshit I'm going to call him out too.
Cold War Spook
(1,279 posts)But diversity means variety, the word does not have anything to do with good or evil.
(15,888 posts)Telling me to get used to it is the same as saying that there are fine people on both sides! I won't get used to it because I'm sick of it!
question everything
(48,441 posts)Jewish community leaders previously expressed optimism after Omar criticized the BDS movement during an Aug. 6 Democratic candidates forum at Beth El Synagogue in St. Louis Park about a week before Omar defeated four other candidates in the partys primary. Omar said she supported a two-state solution in the Israel-Palestine conflict and that the BDS movement wasnt helpful in trying to achieve that goal. Pressed by moderator Mary Lahammer to specify exactly where you stand on that, Omar replied that the BDS movement was counteractive because it stopped both sides from coming together for a conversation about how thats going to be possible.
But as soon as she won the primary - with large support from the local Jewish community - she changed her tune.
I hope that they will be gather courage to oppose her next year.
Response to Jose Garcia (Original post)
Post removed
(898 posts)DemocratSinceBirth
(99,978 posts)I support the Israeli people but I have a huge problem with its right wing leadership as i do my own country's leadership. Trafficking in right wing tropes only drowns out legitimate criticism.
George II
(67,782 posts)....and just weeks later she makes a comment like this and then doubles down with the "it's all about the Benjamins" comment?
(15 posts)It is deeply hurtful to shoot Palestians, and to claim like Bibi you are for a two state solution while stealing the west bank and Jerusalem.
(99,978 posts)Shemp Howard
(889 posts)There are smears that are used to malign groups of people. These smears are often very clever. They don't appear - on the surface - to be bigoted. But they are bigoted. And they are meant to be bigoted.
And when it comes to the Jews, the smear involves money. "It's all about the Benjamins" with the Jews!
Now here's what you don't understand. Society has rejected most of these smears. But for some reason, it's still OK to smear Jews as a whole. Because Bibi. Or because whatever.
(I'm being a bit sarcastic, of course. Because you certainly understand what's going on here.)
(15 posts)It is about the money spent buying are pols, money corrupts all people, always has always will.
(99,978 posts)Israel's base are the eighty million evangelicals who support everything it does. Why are there no yarns spun among dollar based conspiracies about them?
To put it colloquially whenever a person starts talking about Jews and money he or she is likely up to no good.
(7,813 posts)there's nothing hurtful or anti-semitic about the comment. AIPAC does buy off US politicians and are spreading their bull-sh*t anti BDS clauses around the country like a grass fire. I'm definitely not anti-semitic or anti Israel, but their sponsorship of unconstitutional legislation around the country is no different than what the Kochs do. There's places where you cannot get a job unless you agree in writing to never boycott Israel...that's some really weak BS. AIPAC does not represent all Israel or all Jewish people. She is right to denounce their strongarm bull-sh*t.
(99,978 posts)"There's nothing hurtful or anti-semitic" in suggesting "It's all about the Benjamins baby," when referring to Jewish support of Israel. ?
(7,813 posts)what are these clearly unconstitutional clauses about if not money? I see little more here than someone pulling the discrimination card when not warranted.
(49,532 posts)run this story into the ground, ignoring other very real stories. They've already given a ridiculous amount of time to Warren's Native American ancestry, which is just as republicans wanted. They push our buttons and play on our righteous indignation. Sometimes references to money are just about money and "Benjamins" about $100 bills.
We need to brace ourselves for two long years of this kind of stuff, distracting us from very real issues. The right wants to control the narrative and they are good at it if we allow it.
(37,748 posts)"I see little more here than someone pulling the discrimination card when not warranted..."
Odd that, as I see little more here than someone minimizing and trivializing obvious and blatant antisemitism as something other than what it is.
(17,568 posts)...motivated by Saudi money anti-Muslim?
(99,978 posts)TomCADem
(17,568 posts)They by definition make campaign contributions. It is worrisome that AIPAC gets a free pass just because they are connected to Israel.
(99,978 posts)TomCADem
(17,568 posts)But everyone piles on because a Muslim spoke ill of campaign contributions from a PAC.
(43,860 posts)Don't let facts get in your way.
(2,576 posts)She said "AIPAC". AIPAC does spend money on Pro-Israel lobbying, so how exactly is it anti-semitic to point that out? Indeed, political lobbying is their stated mission.
AIPAC doesn't seem any different from any other lobbying organization (including, as one other commenter pointed out, the Kochs).
(99,978 posts)Why didn't she refer to the eighty million evangelicals who support Israel as "being all about the Benjamins"?
(2,576 posts)DemocratSinceBirth
(99,978 posts)"It's all about the Benjamins".
-The Merchant of Venice
The test of whether or not a statement is offensive is usually whether or not the person or group being referenced find it offensive. Why are we suspending that test in this instance?
(2,576 posts)AIPAC is a lobbying organization that does what all lobbying organizations do. Criticism of AIPAC is not necessary criticism of "Jewish" anything.
Aren't we supposed to not be cool with PACs spending money on political lobbying? Is there no possibility of non-anti-semitic criticism of AIPAC?
EDIT: Can I criticize Sheldon Adelson?
(99,978 posts)One of the ways you can criticize Israeli policies without being anti-semitic is without making dark allusions to Jewish money, i.e. "It's all about the Benjamins."
(2,576 posts)Is Omar able to criticize AIPAC political spending at all without seeming anti-Semitic? If not, is it because of her history of comments on Israel, or is it just a general rule for everyone not to talk about AIPAC's spending because of the historical conspiracy theories against Jews?
I want to emphasize that I am not trying to be difficult here. There are plenty of folks on this thread that I could have asked questions to, but you have a good reputation in my eyes for your comments on DU, and I figured you would be the best person to ask.
(33,643 posts)When leveling a criticism, why should one logically assume that the money-related aspect of the criticism is directed towards the person(s) handing OUT said Benjamins, as opposed to criticizing those who are ACCEPTING them?
To illustrate: if a random person said to you 'I'm all about the Benjamins', would you assume that person is referring to money that they:
A) Give Out, or
B) Receive?
I'm guessing most everyone would assume the latter.
Seems to me there's maybe a bit of an assumption being made that this is meant to be 'trafficking in an anti-Semitic trope', when that is really not necessarily the case.
(2,576 posts)As for Omar, I don't know much about her except her previous statements about Israel "hypnotizing" the west, for which she apologized. She really needs to take care in the future to be more precise about who she is actually criticizing.
(33,643 posts)DemocratSinceBirth
(99,978 posts)I do know I'm always passionate. Netanyahu sucks. Got that out of the way.
IMO whenever one talks about Jews, money, and power he or she is treading in dangerous waters.
(2,576 posts)I just didn't want you to think I was attacking you or anything. I appreciate that you take the time to discuss things.
Israel is such a tough subject because on the one hand there is the whole history of anti-semitism, while on the other hand we should be able to criticize groups that identify with foreign nations if we feel those groups are promoting policies that are wrong-headed.
(5,553 posts)Or is it just the Jewish contributors?
(99,978 posts)Or a politician's support of this or that issue is contingent on money, especially from certain sources.
It is true that AIPAC buys off politicians, that is its whole purpose. It is not antisemitic at all.
The real shame is that Israel and the Israeli lobby have spent so much money and effort convincing legilators that they have a right to violate human rights of Palestinians. If only they had spent that kind of money and effort making more peaceful solutions, things could be so much better. Looking past this controversy to create a better Israel/Palestine should be the goal here.
Jose Garcia
(2,754 posts)DemocratSinceBirth
(99,978 posts)jcmaine72
(1,782 posts)One would hope that Omar, an adherent to a minority religion that is also incessantly demonized by some in this nation, would be a little more sensitive to this sort of thing. One would hope...
(46,657 posts)She may not be connected in any way to Farrakhan, but she echoes him, and his vicious anti-Jewish remarks.
As to Netanyahu(sp?) and his actions, sooner or later he'll be voted out.
It's inevitable.
(1,782 posts)LovingA2andMI
(7,006 posts)Saying Its All About The Benjamin's with Many Politicians and AIPAC? Where exactly is he in her statement there?
(46,657 posts)Exactly WHO is getting "paid off?"
And by who?
This is just anti-Jewish hysteria, sounding like the shit put out by Farrakhan.
(7,006 posts)Again, we ask, Where Oh Where Did SHE Mention Jewish People or Farrakhan?
(2,584 posts)It seems to me that she is referring to Kevin McCarthy, or 'political leaders'. This is not antisemitism, it's about politicians being bought, which just about everyone agrees with.
Even tweeting 'AIPAC' in response to a question about who is doing the buying, does not seem antisemitic to me.
(7,006 posts)George II
(67,782 posts)...something like "I apologize to anyone who might have been offended" - it should be an unequivocal apology.
(10,491 posts)She's been toying with this type of rhetoric for a while.
(49,532 posts)It sounded anti AIPAC and anti Bibi Netanyahu and his right-wing government. Every reference to money is not necessarily a slur. In this case, it is more of a political statement about Netanyahu's corrupt administration and party. Netanyahu and other right-wing Israeli politicians openly brag about having Washington "wrapped around their finger".
You can support Israel and its people while opposing their corrupt government and its lobbyists. But that would take political courage.
George II
(67,782 posts)The Netanyahu government has done Israel no favors. They have backed themselves into a difficult corner but another Israel/Palestine is possible!
(99,978 posts)PatSeg
(49,532 posts)of lobbyists or Netanyahu's administration as a reflection on a religion or the Jewish people. We wouldn't hesitate to criticize other lobbyists for greed, but if it's for Bibi's administration, we can't mention money? And that is exactly what he wants. He plays American politicians as fools and doesn't even pretend he isn't doing it.
(99,978 posts)Link to tweet
Why did she resurrect this antediluvian anti-semitic trope and ignore the eighty million evangelical voters who are the actual Israel lobby?
(7,006 posts)This Right Here!!!
(99,978 posts)George II
(67,782 posts)DavidDvorkin
(19,753 posts)A twist that apparently makes it acceptable to many here.
(99,978 posts)If a person stakes out a position he or she can not logically defend either he or she is not very bright or the position is inherently odious.
(576 posts)Will be deemed anti Semitic, no matter the facts regarding Isreals strong armed lobbying tactics.
Meanwhile it will be enforced to ignore reality of this subject and tacit approval given to bash Muslims on the rebound.
(90,700 posts)DemocratSinceBirth
(99,978 posts)2naSalit
(90,700 posts)What has that got to do with my agreeing with the comment above? Don't insert your anger into my comments, please.
(99,978 posts)I am just trying to learn when yarns about deep dark Jewish conspiracies are acceptable and when they aren't, and if they become acceptable or unacceptable depending on who is telling them.
(90,700 posts)Well, it might be more fruitful for you understand what you seek if you can avoid assuming what others are thinking or agreeing to.
I really don't care to fight about this, I expressed agreement with what one person said and now I find you following me from comment to comment badgering me about it. Honestly
(99,978 posts)I oppose anti-semitism, xenophobia, homophobia, nativism. Islamophobia, et cetera and my denunciation of those forms of prejudice are consistent. It does seem some forms of bigotry are more acceptable than others, depending on the environs.
(99,978 posts)Last edited Mon Feb 11, 2019, 12:59 PM - Edit history (1)
A little, a lot, how much?
(576 posts)Clearly stating the pro Israeli lobby uses its money to willing Congress people, it's one of the most powerful lobbies and had shaped the US middle East policy. Of which Palestinians has suffered greatly.
What I am pointing out is the double standard on this site when it comes to Isreal.
(99,978 posts)Why no antediluvian yarns about Christian conspiracies?
(3,218 posts)Look, there have been threads about synagogues torched in Germany (scumbag wasn't charged with a hate crime because he said it was in protest of Israel), Jews regularly harassed in the US, Canada, and European nations and they get few if any responses. Someone looks sideways at anyone Muslim on a random Monday and the thread is 200 replies within an hour. That's a double standard.
(10,491 posts)There's a reason that the GOP has essentially taken the position that Israel can do no wrong over the past 20 years. They think Democratic honesty on Israel will hurt support among Jews. It has not, because most American Jews see Israel honestly. You can support its right to exist without supporting its treatment of Palestinians.
Allowing open Anti-Semitism into the party is not a way to maintain this balance.
(7,006 posts)Liberalhammer
(576 posts)You can not critisize Isreal and it's actions without being called an antisemite on DU.
Nor it's powerful foreign lobby that has shaped American middle east foreign policy.
(10,491 posts)You can't say that the only reason Americans support Israel is because Jews pay them.
(90,700 posts)what did she say? I mean what did she actually say?
(99,978 posts)2naSalit
(90,700 posts)Now I know what she said.
(99,978 posts)But I don't blame all of Christendom for him and his messed up policies.
(4,376 posts)<OPE>
(99,978 posts)And what conspiracy about money explains near unanimous evangelical support for Israel?
(4,376 posts)The motivation assigned was to McCarthy (R-CA).
(99,978 posts)Because the assertion embodied in the sentiment was the suggestion McCarthy is a tool of Jewish money. It's more likely that he is responding to the eighty million evangelicals who give carte blanche to all of Netanyahu's poilicies.
(4,376 posts)Pretty straight forward assertion at that, if a little sarcastic.
(99,978 posts)Bok_Tukalo
(4,376 posts)The Congresswoman is accusing the Republican Minority Leader of being motivated by political contributions. That is so unbelievably non-controversial that I suspect people are going after her for some other reason.
(99,978 posts)theboss
(10,491 posts)As soon as you start hearing "money hungry" and "bribes" when it comes to Judaism, bad things follow.
(99,978 posts)The former is the most antediluvian of thought.