Donald Trump could be planning Turnberry trip as Scots airport told to expect a high-flyer the day b
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Source: The Sunday Post
Donald Trump could be planning Turnberry trip as Scots airport told to expect a high-flyer the day before Joe Bidens inauguration
Prestwick airport has been told to expect the arrival of a US military Boeing 757 aircraft, that is occasionally used by Trump, on January 19 the day before his Democratic rival takes charge at the White House.
Speculation surrounding Trumps plans has been fuelled by the activity of US Army aircraft, which were based at Prestwick airport for a week and said to be carrying out 3D reconnaissance of the presidents Turnberry resort.
Sources at Prestwick said two US military surveillance aircraft were circling Turnberry in November, using the Ayrshire aviation hub as a base. US media has reported that Trump will break with tradition and snub the inauguration of President Joe Biden on January 20, instead announcing a re-election bid on Air Force One.
A source said: The survey aircraft was based at Prestwick for about a week. It is usually a sign Trump is going to be somewhere for an extended period.
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(25,111 posts)Just saying.
(3,540 posts)Once they drop him there they don't have to bring him back, on January 20, 2021 he no longer has access to USA government planes. We, the tax payers, have not obligation to pay for anything else for him. I do understand that we will continue to pay for security as all past presidents have that, but once on jail we will only have to pay for his stay there.
Although I do think he will fly to the arms of Putin who will later try to negotiate him for sanctions...."I will send you the buffoon if you release some of the sanctions against Russia." I have to think that Putin, like the rest of the World, doesn't want him around.
(30,613 posts)DENVERPOPS
(9,566 posts)That Trump and his Spawn realized a while back, that should their party end in Washington DC, the only thing available to continue their grandiose lifestyle would be the sale of U.S. Intelligence. It would also be the only thing of value they have to keep them alive. Once they have sold the intelligence to Saudis, Russia, China, NKorea, etc TRUMP INC are all 100% expendable.
The Trump Clan are all up to their eyeballs in Debt, their businesses will produce little if any profits, so they have to do something to stay afloat. To be truthful, Putin has no reason to "purchase" the intel, he can bring Trump and his spawn to Russia, and extract the information the "old fashioned way"................
And also he could have Trump on Russian State owned TV and Radio, (like Limbaugh) spreading RW crap from inside Russia.
(8,784 posts)Junior, Eric the paste eater, and Jarvanka would all be left holding the bag here in the states.
I'd like to think Trump isn't that vile, but then what he did about his dad and his fortune tells me Donnie Smallhands would absolutely throw his kids to the wolves to save his skin.
(58,173 posts)So long as we have an extradition treaty with Scotland.
(12,068 posts)Freethinker65
(10,702 posts)Take the money and run. The piece of $hit scumbag, head of the GOP, should be tied to every legislator that questions the inauguration of Biden.
(2,886 posts)James48
(4,549 posts)Before traveling. On the next day to Russia. Putin has a nice Dacha in the countryside reserved for him. Right down the street from Edward Snowden, and on the same street as George Pappadopolus and Paul Manaforts future homes.
(11,239 posts)Trump would no longer have the right to military transport, and Russia would no doubt enjoy confiscating one of our planes.
Miguelito Loveless
(4,593 posts)provided Trump hasn't corrupted the pilots, or has plans to take the plane by force.
(4,117 posts)..think even Putin would allow it as it's a very clear violation of our norms if not laws. And yes, at 12 noon plus a few ticks on Inauguration Day he can't control any US military plane anymore.
(93,447 posts)getagrip_already
(16,843 posts)And the pilots would have to go where he ordered the plane. But after, not so much. But there are lots of ways to get out of scotland.
Oligarch's have a private fleet of corporate jets with more than enough range to get him anywhere.
But hopefully somewhere in the doj is a hold and extradite request to scotland / interpol waiting for 12:01.
(26,788 posts)one and go on from there.
Captain Zero
(7,278 posts)lagomorph777
(30,613 posts)erronis
(16,376 posts)Another spy returning to his motherland.
(1,153 posts)If his aircraft is out of the country, at this time, then I would say yeah, Trump is going into exile somewhere. I think Biden can order that military aircraft that Trump has to return to the US the minute he is sworn in. So Trump would have to be on the ground and off the aircraft.
(17,184 posts)Get OUT - and STAY out!!!!
(19,248 posts)they return the plane though. Trump probably thinks it's his for life. I really don't care where he goes. so long as he GOES!
(5,802 posts)A US Marshall's bull horn "You hear me talking', hillbilly boy? I ain't through with you by a damn sight."
Pulp Fiction 1994 Ving Rhames: Marsellus Wallace
(67,112 posts)DENVERPOPS
(9,566 posts)Me and my boys gonna go mid-evil on your ass????????
(5,802 posts)wasn't there some reference to using a pair of pliers/????????
Maybe not, maybe just my imagination.......
(23,854 posts)Texin
(2,625 posts)Response to gab13by13 (Reply #8)
AkFemDem This message was self-deleted by its author.
(4,613 posts)is not conducive to golfing right now
(134,618 posts)IADEMO2004
(5,802 posts)Siwsan
(26,997 posts)Saying they are expecting a US military Boeing 757 that is OCCASIONALLY used by trump" and also saying he will make a 're-election' bid ON AF1. That means he will be in a foreign country, no longer president, WITH President Biden's official aircraft. What can go wrong with that?
I guess I never paid attention to what kind of transportation departing presidents have used, other than Nixon and the helicopter. 'Army 1'. And he wasn't leaving the country.
(877 posts)Is whatever airplane the president is on not a specific plane.
(26,997 posts)But then, depending on his flight timing, it might NOT be AF1 for the entire flight. It will morph into LOSER 1.
(22,233 posts)ie sam 2000. there was a incident were a pres long ago who had a plane and there was another plane with the same tail number caused confusion. the other poster is correct.
(67,112 posts)Siwsan
(26,997 posts)They should just seal it up in a huge hanger and blow in disinfectants by the truck load.
(67,112 posts)Evolve Dammit
(17,916 posts)William Seger
(10,909 posts)... and the towels.
(9,566 posts)his supply of XXXXX-L DEPENDS, with the Presidential emblem printed on all of them.......
(2,626 posts)They can Uber to Russia using donations from the faithful hoards who believe they can overturn the election and kill Democracy on behalf of their king and savior.
(2,625 posts)He's going to have to travel farther than Scotland to escape extradition though.
(45,677 posts)C_U_L8R
(45,339 posts)Trump has Jared googling for answers.
Evolve Dammit
(17,916 posts)DENVERPOPS
(9,566 posts)of thumb drives loaded with U.S. Intelligence to sell.
It is open knowledge Jared has already sold U.S. intelligence to the Saudi's in order to make the money he needed for a 150 Million Dollar Mortgage payment due on one of this failed real estate investments........Interestingly, a number of the Saudi's officials disappeared a few days later......
And then of course, there was the information the Saudi's needed to catch and saw up that US journalist........
(58,785 posts)to distant points, including Moscow.
But not speculative is that this is a really lousy time of year for golfing in Scotland.
If Trump were afraid of far more serious prosecution than just the financial stuff he's fought all his life, I could accept his ending up as a permanent confinee of that village where Putin puts criminals on the run from their home countries, unable to leave except for "shithole" countries that wouldn't extradite him. This is all definitely wishful thinking, though. Most likely, one way or another, free or incarcerated, we'll be suffering the schmuck's dimmed but always malignant presence until Alzheimer's finally gags him.
Mike 03
(16,616 posts)First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said she wont protect the soon-to-be former president of the United States if wrongdoing is found.
(9,566 posts)If Trump, his arm-candy Christmas hating Twat and spawn should land there, they should arrest him on the spot......
(25,011 posts)his B757-200 which cannot make it to Moscow on a full tanks of gas, but he can make it on a taxpayer funded B-747-400 for his treason, with a big old presidential seal on the fuselage, just for added fun ..................
Lock his ass up before he goes, to end his shenanigan's of "blackmail" ............... thats all he does is blackmail someone , country, elections...............
(53,073 posts)redstatebluegirl
(12,385 posts)I wonder if has the money to get home, if he will ever come back here.
(13,528 posts)Good riddance! Though i would like to see him hogtied & hauled out of the WH
(10,203 posts)receive a warmer reception.
(7,304 posts)I say set the controls for the heart of the sun.
(9,263 posts)services except SS coverage
(101,060 posts)George II
(67,782 posts)Ziggysmom
(3,501 posts)irisblue
(33,698 posts)electric_blue68
(16,805 posts)I'm sleepy and going to sleep soon.
A sleepy question perhaps .
He's using this military Boeing 757 that the president occasionally uses.
So this then is not one of the two
super fancy equipped Presidential planes?
If it isn't - then I guess it wouldn't be the worse thing if he headed to Russia - at least we wouldn't lose one of the extra special planes.
Though I really want him to be tried here in NYC for some crimes at least. And truly somehow for his deliberate lying to Americans with all this "hoax" & no masks BS - ?criminally negligent homicide?
I guess we'll find out "soon" enuff.
(21,111 posts)jalan48
(14,137 posts)lagomorph777
(30,613 posts)jalan48
(14,137 posts)BadgerKid
(4,614 posts)relayerbob
(6,865 posts)Oh, oops, I meant Russia.
I suspect his stay there will be short, he's a loose end with a big mouth. Tea?
a la izquierda
(11,856 posts)(or as of midnight tonight) so what the fuck does he expect to do?
(10,394 posts)on American soil.
(46,610 posts)forcing him to continue to Russia. It would be great if he was expecting a nice dacha but is instead sent to Siberia.
lonely bird
(1,822 posts)Nobody in Europe should allow that fucker to land. If they run out of fuel they can land. The authorities should cordon off the play and have the FBI in place to arrest the asshat.
Joe Nation
(986 posts)He knows too many of our national security secrets. I wonder if he is taking the nuclear football with him?
(11,554 posts)Mexico isn't paying for it.
(38,067 posts)like Scotland is a non-extradition treaty country.
(50,710 posts)elleng
(134,618 posts)thenelm1
(905 posts)C Moon
(12,461 posts)llmart
(16,120 posts)My guess is no.
(11,717 posts)It will be "Biden's plane" that afternoon.
I particularly "enjoyed" the "break with tradition" phrase. Cause, yeah. That's what he's been doing. "Breaking tradition."
You've gotta admit, encouraging gangs of armed maniacs is not the staid, predictable old "politics as usual," is it?
(51,101 posts)...the government will almost certainly call the crew: "Bring him back."
(1,723 posts)Coyote45
(29 posts)He will never land in Turnberry. Biden, as commander in chief, will have been sworn in and ordered the plane back to USA. Refuel in Iceland and beck to a greeting committee at Long Island, NY. He will become familiar with the place.
(71,941 posts)Coyote45
(29 posts)donnie, you are never going to make it. long island is in your future.
(2,195 posts)Of course some place without an extradition treaty and he can sell secrets. Russia? N.Korea? Iran?
marble falls
(60,059 posts)Omaha Steve
(102,363 posts)This post is speculation, opinion and analysis.
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