Texas Calls for Power Conservation After Six Generators Fail
Source: Bloomberg News
The Texas grid operator called on residents to conserve energy Friday after six generation facilities tripped offline amid hot weather, prompting power prices to spike.
The power-plant failures resulted in a loss of about 2,900 megawatts of electricity, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas said in an email statement Friday. That’s enough power for about 580,000 homes and businesses. Natural-gas fired plants make up all of the generation that failed, an Ercot spokesman said.
The Texas grid is being stressed by high heat in a potential preview of peak summertime demand. This summer will test whether Ercot has made sufficient changes to reinforce a system that experienced cascading power-plant failures and deadly blackouts during a historic freeze in early 2021.
On Thursday, the Public Utility Commission of Texas expressed concern that generators haven’t had enough time to perform seasonal maintenance ahead of summer. The risk: summertime maintenance amid stronger heat can lead to supply shortages and potentially rolling blackouts.
Read more: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-05-13/texas-calls-for-energy-conservation-after-six-power-plants-fail

(20,081 posts)Grokenstein
(5,926 posts)"You mean remember how Hunter Biden sold the codes to our grid to China?" /s
(20,081 posts)I hope there will be enough Texans who do remember, especially since this is just the beginning of the problem this summer.
(21,263 posts)Big time heat wave going on now. Texas never addressed their grid problems so now, it’s another round of bandaids at Texans expense. They’re getting what was voted for.
(44,208 posts)OAITW r.2.0
(29,540 posts)Apparently incompetence is OK as long as you own the Libs....
(39,939 posts)Just because it's called the Public Utilities Commission, doesn't mean the public owns Texas utilities.
(3,767 posts)Politicians decided to not allow connections to other grids outside TX to prevent federal oversight (under the interstate trade clause). This means TX consumers are beholden solely to TX generators. If something goes wrong on the system, and it almost always does, they can't transfer power from out of state generators to keep the grid functioning. Thus you can strain the system to the point it partially or completely fails. As a side benefit, folks who buy on the spot market get huge bills if their power stays on. As electricity on the grid becomes scarce, the price goes up (for those not locked into a contracted rate, which is typically higher than the spot price).
So yea, TX politicians (Republicans) are to blame if the grid goes wonky. And when the grid goes wonky, TX residential customers who didn't learn from the last time this happened (and buy electricity on contract vs spot) are going to get astronomical electric bills if their power does stays on.
Funny how the party of commerce (Republicans) doesn't seem to understand or appreciate market forces.
(39,939 posts)I knew Texas boasted a self contained electrical grid, but I didn't think TX politicians solely made that decision but got on board with a corporate idea. If they had final say, maybe it probably comes from TX secession ideas, and how they'd have their own country. Why Texans stay willing to suffer because of their politicians shows how Republicans are the cautionary tale that never ends.
Thanks for your post.
(661 posts)They are asking everyone to keep
their AC set to 78. And we're supposed to
have 99 degree temps starting tomorrow.
We shall see.
(87,173 posts)Meanwhile:
(11,679 posts)IronLionZion
(48,013 posts)that is frustrating to use that much power on something that adds no value to anything.
Fiendish Thingy
(19,023 posts)Doesn’t it drain more energy from the grid, making the situation worse?
(87,173 posts)The industry’s advocates have been making that pitch to the governor for years. The idea is that the miners’ computer arrays would demand so much electricity that someone would come along to build more power plants, something Texas badly needs.
If you're low on gas, drive FASTER, so you can get more gas SOMEWHERE
(5,264 posts)Let's put a useless crypto mining operation that uses enough electricity to power a major city and tie it to the electric grid and see how it turns out.
(48,013 posts)until someone else comes along to fix it.
(3,767 posts)Bit-mine folks have been buying up small waste coal generators to run their computer banks. They also have been buying large generators and hooking them up to gas wells to generate electricity for their computers. You can earn bitcoin by solving difficult algorithms via computers.
When natural gas was expensive back in the 2000s I remember reading how one large natural gas fired power plant shut down, sold all of its gas contracts, bought electricity on the spot market (to cover its electric contracts) and still made a handsome profit.
Market forces can do weird things. In the age of low interest rates, all assets generally become inflated. Bitcoin is thought to be one of those hyper inflated assets (though the blockchain tech probably does have some value). The recent collapse of crypto currencies is probably a direct result of rising interest rates.
(39,212 posts)
Oh, my bad. That would be the dumbshits that voted for him. Like my BIL.
(162,408 posts)there is not one redeeming feature to that Trump-humping piece of SHIT
(45,656 posts)
C Moon
(12,736 posts)TomSlick
(12,203 posts)I'll grant you it's hotter than usual for mid-May but imagine where they will be come August.
The good people of Texas need to decide they have had enough of the GQP running the State and its power grid.
(13,966 posts)If they just would let the power companies do their job, fix stuff only when it needs to be fixed, add new power sources when the company needs it, charge what they want so's they can build new stuff when it is needed....
we wound 't have emergency alerts like this.
mountain grammy
(27,577 posts)little money left for anything else.
(22,850 posts)"Cindy Lou! Crank up the AC, the tee-vee, and the dee-vee-DEE!"
(40,915 posts)Texas electricity Patrick Cruz Paxton blame democrats
Pic Of The Moment: Ah, The Party Of Personal Responsibility
“California is now unable to perform even basic functions of civilization, like having reliable electricity,” Cruz wrote back then.
(48,013 posts)At least Cancun Cruz stayed to help his people
(40,915 posts)
(12,676 posts)Traildogbob
(10,762 posts)The girls up to Canada for some family time. You go Greg, freedom. Damn Mexican heat is crossing the boarder. Build the wall higher.
(41,563 posts)CaptainTruth
(7,466 posts)One thing I remember from the devastating "Texas freeze" that knocked out 20% of America's oil refining capacity (which increased gas prices, but no one is blaming Texas Republicans for that, & gosh, where was all the Democratic messaging about that? I guess I missed it), anyway, one thing I remember was how all the fossil fuel generation failed but throughout it all the sun didn't stop shining & the wind didn't stop blowing, so all the renewable energy sources just kept on generating.
(39,212 posts)Besides, we're 40 years behind the 8-ball, now. They have decades of messaging (lies) behind them, a HUGE right-wing media machine. We have crickets.
(9,561 posts)There’s too much regulation and no one can build power plants because of liberals trying to save some endangered insect or something to do with the global warming hoax. That’s what they’ll say even if there’s not a shred of truth to it so get ready to knock down that talking point.
(29,409 posts)I mean, the copy practically writes itself!
Come to TEXAS: We guarantee you summers full of sizzling hotness, and the most chill winters south of the Mason-Dixon line!
(48,013 posts)It might be a long hot sweltering summer in Texas. Might be time to upgrade their systems
(476 posts)Just asking for a friend
(1,383 posts)Pas-de-Calais
(10,062 posts)They’ve said just about all that has been posted under this entry.
Best one?
Let’s vote the bastards OUT!!
(11,756 posts)TeamProg
(6,630 posts)herding cats
(19,659 posts)It's not even seriously hot here yet. Next week it will be and it's a strong La Niña pattern. Unless we get some tropical storms in Texas it's going to be a record breaking heatwave this year.
We're in such deep shit here.
(11,885 posts)Showing how little he's done to protect the Texas power grid. We haven't got that hot yet. When if fails and people suffer again from Abbotts failures , he'll be good as gone. He'll blame others again , and lie again like he did when the power grid failed from the freeze and he killed hundreds . Has Cruz left for Alaska yet?
(45,656 posts)cold snap like the one that nearly took the power grid completely down. Since we didn't have much trouble last summer, maybe because it was a relatively mild summer, he probably felt like he could keep that gamble going through his reelection. This summer could be miserable, but maybe it will help give us Governor O'Rourke.
(2,343 posts)I have it booked marked. Look at it 2-3 times per week at list. After a few weeks, one can learn there a ha dful of states with insuffienct capacity.
(8,285 posts)hunter
(39,379 posts)Electrical demand usually starts to peak in the late afternoon just as solar power is fading.
Here in solar-friendly California that's when the gas plants power up. A number of gas plants are always kept hot, not generating power but ready to pick up the load whenever wind and solar power fade.
Wind and solar are the best thing that could have happened to the natural gas industry. They will only prolong our dependence on natural gas. Wind and solar cannot displace natural gas entirely because there is no technically feasible way to store solar and wind energy away for days or weeks the wind isn't blowing briskly and the sun isn't shining brightly.
The situation in Texas ought to be alarming for Texans. Their state is beginning to resemble one of those "developing" nations that can't keep the lights on. An electric grid is nothing you can fix with prayer or psychopathic political and economic theories. A state or nation has to listen to the engineers and make sure they get whatever resources they need to fix the problem. If your political system doesn't allow for honest engineering because of corruption or regulatory incompetence the lights won't stay on.
(19,798 posts)Either grid-scale, or home-based like a Tesla PowerWall or the F-150 Lightning's system.
But those systems would need to be scaled up a LOT. And we are rapidly running out of time to do so.
(39,379 posts)I don't think all these people can afford Tesla PowerWalls or Ford F-150 Lightnings.
The much celebrated grid scale battery systems have a capacity measured in minutes. When solar or wind power unexpectedly drop out, as they do because of weather, these battery systems immediately pick up the load giving less nimble fossil fuel power plants a little extra time to power up.
The technology is not perfected. Many of these grid scale battery systems have been knocked out of service by fires. This has happened multiple times on some sites.
(8,285 posts)If I recall correctly Texas did what a number of other GOP led states have done and made investing in personal solar installations more than mildly expensive in order to give the edge to utility companies who build acres of arrays to control your cashflow.
Given the situation they still need all the alternative sourcing it is possible to install.
As you correctly point out the Untility industry in Texas is as corrupt as they come. They pull plants from production to squeeze customers into accepting higher rates. Their maintenance record is an industry joke. ...And as we have seen recently they have no coordinated planning to cope with weather outages despite the frequency of hurricanes.
Since they can count on regulators to look the other way on issues like these, or worse yet enact anti-consumer legislation, they have no incentive to do anything that would resemble best practices or responsible public service management.
(9,549 posts)Wind sure blows where I live at 6500 ft. It’s wind farm city around here - monster transmission lines -problem is - almost all the power generated is going to Arizona and California for big bucks. Our Gov just said we will have to open up our closed coal fire plants or we will have rolling blackouts this summer. Huh!!!
(36,393 posts)Never mind.
(15,543 posts)So typical
(63,544 posts)Link to tweet
Roisin Ni Fiachra
(2,574 posts)twodogsbarking
(12,961 posts)hunter
(39,379 posts)... and more have been proposed but Mexico is not going cooperate with a racist temper-tantrum throwing man-child who breaks things.
And Texas fears such trade would invite Federal regulation, which is the same reason it's not connected to the grids of other states. It seems Texas would rather fester in their own corruption and irrational economic theories than acknowledge it has a problem.
Texas voters need to evict the psychopathic clowns that run their state.
(3,572 posts)...we want to power our vehicles off the grid?
...we can't even keep the air-conditioners going...
...good luck...
(12,676 posts)henbuck
(51 posts)They are more worried about abortion than having enough electricity. How can they keep voting for these clowns?
(29,692 posts)...if it were enough to sweep Abbott out of office.
(24,158 posts)the electric generation ppl say that is in line for ca.
(4,123 posts)moonshinegnomie
(3,178 posts)to conserve power....
(8,202 posts)
(896 posts)He’s now earned a reputation for bailing in energy crises. Since it’s going to be hot in Texas, maybe Antarctic beaches.
(24,961 posts)samsingh
(18,003 posts)Martin68
(25,124 posts)OldBaldy1701E
(7,400 posts)Just call up the state and tell them those pesky generators are having abortions. That seems to get money flowing, now doesn't it?