Behind the Ronald Reagan myth: “No one had ever entered the White House so grossly ill informed”
Monday, Dec 28, 2015 04:15 PM CST
Behind the Ronald Reagan myth: No one had ever entered the White House so grossly ill informed
Reagan embarrassed himself in news conferences, Cabinet meetings. Recalling how GOP cringed at his lack of interest
William Leuchtenburg
No one had ever entered the White House so grossly ill informed. At presidential news conferences, especially in his first year, Ronald Reagan embarrassed himself. On one occasion, asked why he advocated putting missiles in vulnerable places, he responded, his face registering bewilderment, I dont know but what maybe you havent gotten into the area that Im going to turn over to the secretary of defense. Frequently, he knew nothing about events that had been headlined in the morning newspaper. In 1984, when asked a question he should have fielded easily, Reagan looked befuddled, and his wife had to step in to rescue him. Doing everything we can, she whispered. Doing everything we can, the president echoed. To be sure, his detractors sometimes exaggerated his ignorance. The publication of his radio addresses of the 1950s revealed a considerable command of facts, though in a narrow range. But nothing suggested profundity. You could walk through Ronald Reagans deepest thoughts, a California legislator said, and not get your ankles wet.
In all fields of public affairsfrom diplomacy to the economythe president stunned Washington policymakers by how little basic information he commanded. His mind, said the well-disposed Peggy Noonan, was barren terrain. Speaking of one far-ranging discussion on the MX missile, the Indiana congressman Lee Hamilton, an authority on national defense, reported, Reagans only contribution throughout the entire hour and a half was to interrupt somewhere at midpoint to tell us hed watched a movie the night before, and he gave us the plot from War Games. The president cut ribbons and made speeches. He did these things beautifully, Congressman Jim Wright of Texas acknowledged. But he never knew frijoles from pralines about the substantive facts of issues. Some thought him to be not only ignorant but, in the word of a former CIA director, stupid. Clark Clifford called the president an amiable dunce, and the usually restrained columnist David Broder wrote, The task of watering the arid desert between Reagans ears is a challenging one for his aides.
No Democratic adversary would ever constitute as great a peril to the presidents political future, his advisers concluded, as Reagan did himself. Therefore, they protected him by severely restricting situations where he might blurt out a fantasy. His staff, one study reported, wrapped him in excelsior, while keeping the press at shouting distance or beyond. In his first year as president, he held only six news conferencesfewest ever in the modern era. Aides also prepared scores of cue cards, so that he would know how to greet visitors and respond to interviewers. His secretary of the treasury and later chief of staff said of the president: Every moment of every public appearance was scheduled, every word scripted, every place where Reagan was expected to stand was chalked with toe marks. Those manipulations, he added, seemed customary to Reagan, for he had been learning his lines, composing his facial expressions, hitting his toe marks for half a century. Each night, before turning in, he took comfort in a shooting schedule for the next days television- focused events that was laid out for him at his bedside, just as it had been in Hollywood.
His White House staff found it difficult, often impossible, to get him to stir himself to follow even this rudimentary routine. When he was expected to read briefing papers, he lazed on a couch watching old movies. On the day before a summit meeting with world leaders about the future of the economy, he was given a briefing book. The next morning, his chief of staff asked him why he had not even opened it. Well, Jim, the president explained, The Sound of Music was on last night.
(38,481 posts)Now we know. It was for his ignorance and lack of intellect.
(4,113 posts)Think about it.
Republicans were blamed for getting us into the Great Depression. We went 20 years before we elected another Republican POTUS, but Eisenhower would be branded a flaming liberal by today's standards. Then we had Nixon/Ford and all of the scandal that went with it.
The Republican party made up its mind that they were going to take Reagan and prop him up into this bigger-than-life figure of the party. They've had the media propaganda machine working for them all of this time. You ask a Republican what they stand for, and Reagan was a polar opposite. But, the propaganda machine was in place and these people can turn to the said media to affirm their beliefs about Reagan.
I've gotten into arguments with in-laws who make the comment that we need another Reagan in the White House. I give them both barrels of facts:
Under Reagan:
11 tax hikes vs. 4 tax cuts
Tripled the national debt
Record budget deficits
Took the U.S. from world's largest creditor nation to largest debtor nation
On a per-annual basis, Reagan didn't create any more jobs than Jimmy Carter, the punching bag of Republicans
Reagan did NOT end the Cold War - he happened to occupy the White House when the wheels were coming off of the Soviet Union
And for the family values conservatives:
Reagan is our only divorced president
Nancy was pregnant before marrying Ronnie
When governor of California, Reagan signed legislation that liberalized access to abortions
Despite all of these verifiable facts, they still want to believe that Reagan was the best POTUS of our lifetime. That's what a well-oiled propaganda machine does to your country. Thank you Faux Snooze, RW talk shows and the rest of the lazy-ass "news" media.
(51,575 posts)Carter: 2,584,000 jobs per year on average
Reagan: 2,012,000 jobs per year on average
Faux pas
(15,411 posts)and pretty much ruined everything and was appalled when he had the audacity to run for president. He was the first example of what an 'entertainer' could do to bring down the country. Knowing, after the fact, that he had Alzheimer's made the whole thing an even bigger debacle.
Hopefully enough of the country remembers this and doesn't make the same mistake with trump.