Democrats aren't "mourning" the Death of Soleimani
Nor are they supporting the Iranian regime's aggression into Iraq. But lies are the Republican Party's only talking points these days.
"Trump certainly has given legitimacy to the accusations that he was using this situation, and took this action, to spark a war with Iran that would change the news headlines focus away from his impeachment which, the longer it lies out there and is getting reported and discussed, the more damage it is doing to his slim hopes of re-election. He is on the record claiming that Obama was going to start a war with Iran to boost his sagging approval ratings. As much has he has mentioned Obama in tweets this past week it is clear that is why he went ahead and took a step too far. He thought it would boost his sagging approval ratings and help him with his re-election effort. Clearly, he did not reckon with the fact that between 58% and 62% of Americans are steadfastly against a war with Iran. War weariness has set in. Taking Soleimani out would have been a legitimate military action if there was an impending threat against American interests. This was, instead, an act aimed at the President‘s personal, political interests. There’s no evidence Soleimani was doing anything in addition to what we already knew about him. That did not warrant committing an act that would be considered cause for war or the beginning of an attempt at regime change, both things Trump claimed he did not want to do. So he lied. "