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Related: About this forumAnti-Trump Super PAC Releases Brutal New Ad on His History of Liberal Positions
A newly-launched anti-Donald Trump Super PAC put out a pretty blistering ad this week going through Trump’s entire history of backing more liberal positions.
Our Principles PAC was founded by a top Romney 2012 campaign official, and all she told Politico was, “Our Principles PAC has focused on conservative principles and ensuring that voters have the necessary information to make a wise decision on Election Day.”
The ad goes through a whole litany of liberal statements from Trump, including on the 2016 campaign trail, and how he has effusively praised Hillary Clinton and President Obama plenty of times. A lot of these clips are already familiar to people, but putting them all together like that really packs a punch.
The ad is titled “The Trump Tapes: Vol. 1,” which presumably means there’s more on the way.

The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,559 posts)He's been all over the map politically and the true believers won't like it, even though they enjoy his rude, insulting tough-guy image.
Voice for Peace
(13,141 posts)a wager of some kind, just to show how easily he could do it;; and at some point (after winning the primary?) he'll let us know we were punked.
(30,814 posts)I'm starting to think that Donald Trump's candidacy isn't real and he's actually shooting a secret Borat-esque reality TV show just to punk the Republican party. I bet the first creative meeting went something like this...
A number of NETWORK TV EXECUTIVES sit around a large conference table listening to Donald Trump.
TRUMP: I have an idea for a new reality TV show and it's going to be 'UUUGE! It's going to be the best show ever done in the history of TV by anyone, anywhere. You ready for this?
The TV execs all wait with bated breath.
TRUMP: I'm gonna run for President.
NETWORK PRESIDENT: President of what?
TRUMP: The United States.
Everyone laughs, until they see Trump's dead serious.
TRUMP: Republicans keep saying they're looking for the next Ronald Reagan, but Reagan raised taxes 11 times, he granted amnesty to 3.2 million in1986, and he supported the Brady Bill. So I'm gonna run for President of the United States as a Republican as a joke just to prove they're not looking for the next Reagan because the party's been taken over by the right wing crazies. And I know crazy. I worked with Gary Busey for 11 episodes.
Nods and general enthusiasm fill the room.
TRUMP: So, in the opening episode, I'm gonna declare my candidacy in front of a group of average citizens that I've paid to be there. During my speech, I'm gonna call all Mexicans rapists and criminals.
NETWORK PRESIDENT: Let me stop you right there, Donald. That's too much too soon. You'll be out of the race before we even shoot the first 10 minutes of the pilot.
TRUMP: You're wrong. I'll go right to the top of the polls. Then I'll end the first episode by mocking a female candidate's looks--
FEMALE EXEC: Excuse me, sir. Republican female voters will never stand for that. Your candidacy won't make it past August. If it does, you'll probably end up on some kiddie debate standing next to Bobby Jindal.
TRUMP: I'm not gonna be at some kiddie debate, I'm gonna win the first Republican debate. Because I'm great in a room full of unqualified apprentices. Then, in the next episode, I'm gonna call John McCain a pussy for getting captured in Vietnam and...
The network execs all gasp.
NETWORK PRESIDENT: McCain's a decorated war hero. A REPUBLICAN war hero. You'll be cancelled faster than that shitty Katherine Heigl show last season.
TRUMP: You're wrong. These voters are LOSERS! I might even make fun of the entire Iowa electorate and it won't matter. Next episode, I'll have my bodyguards rough up a Black Lives protester at one of my rallies, or make fun of a disabled reporter...
TRUMP: Of course on camera. What am I, an amateur?
The Network President exchanges worried glances with the others in the room.
NETWORK PRESIDENT: Donald, if you do all that stuff, people will know the campaign is fake.
TRUMP: They won't know. Hell, Texas elected Ted Cruz. And he makes Busey look rational.
The execs exchange looks - he has a point there.
NETWORK PRESIDENT: Is there...more?
TRUMP: More? I'm just getting started. I'm gonna blame any terrorist attack in Europe that kills scores of innocent people on their stupid gun control laws, which will cause my poll numbers to skyrocket again. In another episode I'll claim I saw something that didn't happen like...thousands of Muslims were cheering in the streets of New Jersey after 9/11.
FEMALE EXEC: What?! That's provably wrong. Factually, it simply didn't happen. You'll be toast, Mr. Trump.
TRUMP: Toast? Yeah, I'll be the toast of the Republican party! I'll probably lead by 20 points by then.
Laughter fills the room.
NETWORK PRESIDENT: Donald, I know we deal in outlandish reality in reality TV. But this...what you're proposing...even the Kardashians would go, "Too much." You're not giving any credit to Republican primary voters.
TRUMP: Exactly! They're MORONS! And here's your sweeps month cliffhanger -- after I suggest registering them, I'm gonna propose a ban on ALL Muslims entering the United States.
NETWORK PRESIDENT [stands]: Donald, if you're not going to take this meeting seriously, I'm leaving.
TRUMP: If you're passing, that's fine - I have meetings to get to at truTV, AMC and Lifetime.
NETWORK PRESIDENT [sits back down]: I didn't say I was passing.
FEMALE EXEC [can't hold it anymore, turns to the Network President]: Tony, you can't seriously be thinking about doing this. These views are heinous. This man is reprehensible. Worst of all, what if America doesn't get it? What if they actually elect this guy?
TRUMP: The ratings will be 'UUUGE.
NETWORK PRESIDENT: Vicki, don't you have another meeting to go to?
The Female Exec grabs her things and leaves in a huff.
TRUMP: What's wrong with that broad? Wrong time of the month? You see her? She had blood coming out of her wherever. Hey, somebody write that down. I can use that in an episode with Megyn Kelly.
Voice for Peace
(13,141 posts)
(8,760 posts)it makes him sound sensible
(30,814 posts)jamzrockz
(1,333 posts)I think Trump is a Hillary plant seeing as he is such a good friends with the Clintons and Bill even called him up before he joined the race. My guess is that the original idea was for him to go in and push the republicans to the extreme right to completely destroy any chance of them being a mainstream party in this cycle. But the republicans and the media played so well into his hands that he just continued with it.
(30,814 posts)further and further. It's just surreal to watch. It's like he watched the movie "The Wave" and thought he would give it a shot:
Can you imagine if one day he called a press conference for a major announcement and then started playing video of Hitler and then said "This is your hero not me, you should all be ashamed!" His reality TV show "Nazi Trump Goes To Washington" would have the best ending ever!