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Last edited Sat Jun 4, 2016, 02:42 PM - Edit history (2)
"...Back in February when democracy was still serious and Trump was still a joke...
What side you're on in that debate is all about your generation.
Older Americans are more religious, and America's real religion is capitalism, and like any religion it needs a devil, and that devil has always been socialism...
Republicans always think if you allow a little socialism it'll spread out of control. But actually, it's the opposite. It's capitalism that we've let spread out of control.
It's eaten our democracy...middle care system...prison media...our food system...because capitalism is ... an unthinking force that devours everything in its path...
And now the latest our national parks...
...when you're handing over national parks to's time to realize we're better off if there are few things that free market profiteers can't get their cloven hooves on...
...older people think socialism's capitalism's enemy, and younger people think it's capitalism's replacement. But they're both wrong.
What socialism is, is capitalism's lap band, something to prevent it from eating everything."
(9,866 posts)bjo59
(1,166 posts)as the two likely candidates for President in 2016 would suggest. Or, as Puerto Rico's likely choice for the Democratic candidate indicates - even the prospect of of a $4.25 minimum wage can't seem to scare people away from an abiding affection for corporate capitalism. Does anyone ever get depressed enough to start thinking that people get what they ask for, what they deserve? Nature and the wildlife that inhabits it certainly don't get what they deserve but then they have no no say in the matter.
(Sorry - meant to respond to the post, not to your response!)
(17,320 posts)but this is some real strong and true "stuff". Congrats Bill. Keep the "noodle" working.
(42,331 posts)parks, nature and national memorials too apparently. Excellent rant about the Great Devourer Bill.
(11,444 posts)He's got that right.
mountain grammy
(27,006 posts)for Bill Maher, who gets it, most of the time anyway.
(9,933 posts)Equinox Moon
(6,344 posts)The US Government pays for them!!!
Redistribution of ideology.
We spend 57% of the GDP on the military. 57%!!!!!
Democrats had better get to work, not just protesting, but actually changing the ideology.
(Yes, that includes me, and I have been and will continue)
(3,585 posts)Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)Politifact is a joke.
(3,585 posts)Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)Is this all new to you???
(3,585 posts)To debunk that go here.
Here is the CBO chart.
Here is Wikipedia.
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)As if the government owns the GDP.
This argument is nonsense on a Liberal website anyway.
We all KNOW the United States is overspending on the military.
It's become a contest in DC where both parties try to prove they can spend more.
Same goes for prisons.
(3,585 posts)America's total GDP on the military.
It is a ridiculous claim.
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)BTW:
(3,585 posts)Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)What's nonsense is trying to claim Social Security is about the same like that pie chart you posted.
I suppose next you'll claim taxes are too high and we need to cut foreign aid.
(3,585 posts)have been agreeing with the poster that I corrected.
The military does not take 57% of America's GDP.
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)Archie Bunker once said we have the grossest domestic product.
The GDP goes up if there's a natural disaster or a war.
(3,585 posts)Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)JDPriestly
(57,936 posts)It is funded for the most part by payroll taxes and employer taxes that are really are placed in a trust fund managed by the Sec. of the Treasury. It's in the Social Security Act. Look it up if you think I am wrong. It's in the United States Code.
(24,324 posts)but only because of his, to me, infantile shtick.
BUT, he usually does get it. And in this case he WAAAAY gets it.
The thing is, millions of us have known this for decades!
(37,656 posts)pangaia
(24,324 posts)Maybe I should have had a late night gab fest show way back when.
(1,400 posts)Just ask the folks in Flint.
(3,396 posts)Uncle Joe
(59,624 posts)Thanks for the thread, ancianita.
(37,656 posts)appalachiablue
(42,331 posts)bjobotts
(9,141 posts)5 months paid maternity leave, one extra month's pay per yr called the "13th month" plus national HC and more. 57% of our taxes go to defense spending. What Bernie suggests for America is working everywhere else in the world. People have been led to believe we can't afford these things but we can easily afford them.
(42,331 posts)receive in most advanced countries, in every category. I think we're now 16th in education for one example. It's appalling, and the dumbing of the population by M$M and the educational system enables it, like the venom propaganda from RW think tanks especially the libertarian ones, the worst IMO. I'm looking forward to watching Michael's new movie which I ordered through Move On with a donation that he sponsored.
Since I've travelled overseas a fair amount, beyond the two oceans that separate us from Europe and Asia, and know people outside the US I'm familiar with many of the differences. I studied in England briefly just before Thatcher, a good friend from college moved to France and another is in Germany where I've travelled some. Appreciating nature, family time and not worshipping money and shopping at Malls gets major respect from me.
In the film it's amazing when Moore asks young Danes about college debt, they don't understand at first but then answer that they don't have student debt there. In Sweden the govt. prepares your tax statement and all you do is sign off on it unless there's a dispute. An accounting of every category that the nation's revenue goes into is sent to citizens annually according to what I've read. How remarkable, but not happening here.
(65 posts)The problem is that capitalism essentially leads to the monster eating itself as the regulators are bought off and the regulations are removed. Its a Catch-22 in the long run. It was a good experiment for some time, but everything we are seeing now is the backside of that failed experiment. The super rich are now cashing in for all they can and war is being used to inflate the economy. The US is now in the late stages of unbridled capitalism combined with imperialism 101. This will end badly unless the American people take back control of the government.
The time is now for Bernie Sanders as the US needs his policies more than ever, however, I fear the DNC is making the wrong choice and the media is fixing the election because they are all trying to protect their ill gotten gains.
(9,141 posts)if they don't take heed of the message. Stop the oligarchy don't cater to them.
(1,178 posts)Playing a game of Monopoly with friends and family is fun. That is, until one person owns all the railroads and utilities and has hotels on all of the best properties. Then it becomes a boring slog as all the other players earn just enough Passing Go to keep the bleeding going for another circuit. I don't think I've ever made it to the end of a game before everyone mutually decided to call it quits because it was no longer fun. Why is it people don't grasp that this is EXACTLY what happens with unregulated capitalism?
(8,175 posts)It needs to be well regulated, and combined with non-profit social programs.
And in this country, the right calls that socialism, as if it is a dirty word.
Unfortunately, too many dems feel the same way, as evidenced here on DU.
(6,017 posts)as well as highly regulating corporations.
(8,251 posts)The generations since Reagan believe, and nothing with change their minds, that capitalism=freedom. WRONG!!!!!!
(6,164 posts)felix_numinous
(5,198 posts)and puts a check on their insatiable hunger for resources and control.
ADDICTION is the most excellent metaphor representing unfettered capitalism, and the prognosis if not treated is just as dire.
Like addicts people tend to see any reform as a threat to their existence, when in actuality health and balance is the only goal here.
Those in the throes of addiction cannot control their insatiable hunger for resources-- they lack a sense of boundaries as to what is 'theirs' and 'yours'. So they will just take what is yours, or belongs to another country or the EARTH. All the while putting on a show they deserve it, need it have to have it and/or that you don't deserve or need it! Most people recognize this dynamic.
They are acting like spoiled addicted juveniles who need treatment and intervention.
(37,656 posts)and want to keep to the comfortable pain they know, no matter what damage it does to either them or the world beyond them.
To me, Bernie is the medicine that can't go down with a spoonful of sugar. His medicine of socialism is the cure for the addiction of capitalism.
(5,198 posts)which is why I think going along with the status quo is a cop out, it is not the HARD choice, it is EASY to keep going the familiar path
(9,141 posts)bjobotts
(9,141 posts)up everything in sight. Balance does not mean constantly making or getting more. Making money with 'capital' requires greed which is why it needs to be heavily regulated or it leads to monopoly and tyranny. People will kill to take it, make it, or protect it, There should be a 100% Billionaire tax for any amount over a billion. People making 3-4 billion a year have no need for any amount over a billion save bragging rights. We could end poverty etc. Put your money back into your business or pay higher salaries etc or turn it over to the treasury.
I"ll say it again" Democratic Socialism is the only form of government which both ensures our freedom AND our survival making our government large enough to protect our environment from pollution and ensuring what we all need to exist is managed by all of us collectively and not a greedy few who profiteer from controlling us. The people decide what we should all share for the public good and will not be privatized. We don't allow a greedy few to decide what is the collective good. VA, fire departments, police, libraries, EPA, FPB, Medicare, SS. civil rights, labor rights, post office, public education etc etc etc. It cannot be a government by for and of the people if we privatize it. We vote and we decide our social safety net and we protect it from the vultures of Capitalism.
(13,877 posts)but everyone pays essentially the same, for the most part...some use it, some don't.
They call it actuarial, not socialism.
(67,112 posts)pansypoo53219
(21,475 posts)we did not DEMAND BETTER govt. i NEVER bought into tinkle down. saw it as the scam it ALWAYS WAS. zombie reagan must die. no more inching left. LURCH LEFT.
(42,331 posts)of his policies for 3 or 4 generations. Dysfunction and decline of democratic institutions and the lifestyle and standards of working Americans and the middle class ever since.
(79 posts)My favorite person, but I have to say he's spot on with this. I don't think capitalism is inherently a bad thing if it's regulated.
A synergy between capitalism and socialism is most realistic solution. Because the power needs to reside with we the people and that's someplace near the middle of the two. Too much government or private/corporate power are both equally bad.
Some steps towards the social market economy type of system like in Northern European countries wouldnt be a bad thing. We were closer to that in the mid 20th century pre Reagen. When Reagen said one day there's going to be a line in the sand. There is going to be the haves and the have nots he was right. That's what a unrestricted free market economy produces.
They problem it's so hard to convince people were getting screwed on a daily basis by big money interests. This whole election cycle should have been a wake up call on all side of the fence.
(10,056 posts)Beartracks
(13,196 posts)And capitalism must be regulated, else it spins out of control. Like a nuclear reaction: regulated, it is sustainable and powerful; unregulated, it quickly melts down and destroys everything, including itself.
So, yeah, I can see an argument being made that socialism can be capitalism's regulator -- the "lap band," as it were.
(14,459 posts)The 1% are socialists. It works great for them, especially when they steal more from the rest of us to become even more obscenely wealthy for no particular reason.
They just don't think we're good enough to have it, and that we can be convinced it's Satan incarnate.
I say it's time for us to share.
(37,656 posts)Hydra
(14,459 posts)But by "Us" I mean everyone. There are a lot of non-1%ers that refuse to see us as a larger community and want everything to continue as it is...because that other lazy person might get something more than they "deserve."
(37,656 posts)eraofoperation
(40 posts)i guess we should maybe cut down on "Defense spending" and start taxing the rich? lol
(3 posts)If only the mainstream media were as outspoken as him. Anyway, I wish Bernie the best of luck with his campaign.