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Yes, pun intended.
After 15 years of impeccable service, and at age 67, allofasudden I'm a trouble maker with a bad attitude and given a choice to take a humiliatingly paltry severance package, or continue to work for the company under threat that the next infraction will result with termination for cause with no severance and no unemployment insurance. Boy, life sure turns around in a hurry.
Ask me anyting.

(59,161 posts)At 67 you qualify for full Social Security, and you must have some savings and 401k or other retirement benefits from the company.
You'll be ok. Not having to rise and shine to beat the clock to work is pretty glorious.
Xipe Totec
(44,254 posts)Medicare will cost $300 per month, and does not include health coverage for my spouse who is 9 years younger than I, so 8 years away from medicare herself. So she will have to find insurance coverage until she gets there. looking at Obamacare prices for coverage for a person at her age runs around $1000 per month. Our plan was for me to retire at 70, so retiring this early means a cut in social security of around $1000 per month for life.
(9,206 posts)$1000 per month insurance premium for a 58 year old is insane. What would it be prior to Obamacare? I don’t care what one’s health situation might be. Can she just take a crappy job just to get health benefits?
Xipe Totec
(44,254 posts)brush
(59,161 posts)Age discrimination is a thing. Employers are always looking for ways to cut older workers.
I have the opposite problem. Over the years, I structured my position as director for Europe to provide me with a lot of job security. At 71, I can‘t find a replacement. The position, as it now exists, offers six weeks vacation (more if you think you need it), a six figure salary, and lots of travel to cool countries. The only essential requirements are a willingness to spend as much as half your time traveling, permits to work in both the EU and the USA, the ability to detect counterfeit money of many countries going back 2500 years, and the ability to speak and write English, French, German, Russian, Dutch, Spanish and Italian. At least one Scandinavian language and Catalan would be a plus, though are not essential languages. On rare occasions, you will be expected to help foreign governments catch bad guys, but no armed conflict is expected.
You‘d think the line of applicants would extend out the door and around the block, right? But nope. Not a soul in sight. I can still handle it, but I might be singing a different tune in ten years.
(59,161 posts)They're crazy to show you the door if you still want to do the job.
(57,415 posts)They‘ve never found another that can do what I can do (we‘ve been looking!), and I‘ll never find another job that pays me this much, while paying me to travel the world, stay where I want, take as much vacation as I want, and take unquestioned time off if I or any of my family get sick. It‘s pretty hard to find a job like that at age 21 or 31, let alone 71.
When my wife last had cancer 7 years ago, they didn‘t say a word when I said I might be out for a month visiting her every day in the hospital. Their only comment was, „hope she makes it (she did).“ I also enjoy unquestioned loyalty from the people here in Europe that work under me, because they know I have their backs in the same way. Plus, I‘m the only American in the outfit that speaks all of their languages (French, Dutch, Italian, German and Spanish).
Nothing lasts forever, but there‘s nothing wrong with making the best of a good situation while it lasts.
Think. Again.
(21,619 posts)...a job for 2 or 3 people!
(57,415 posts)If I go, I‘ll be expensive to replace.
But, as Clemençeau so astutely noted, the cemeteries are full of irreplaceable people, all of whom have been replaced.
Xipe Totec
(44,254 posts)OldBaldy1701E
(7,400 posts)All of that translates into "We want someone younger and cheaper." So sorry that you are going to have to deal with this. Take it from someone who has dealt with this for the past ten years. They don't want you if you are not going to be a good little wage slave who will suffer even as the CEO makes 200 times what you make while doing little or nothing. It's the American Dream!!
(59,161 posts)justaprogressive
(2,987 posts)What does your lawyer say or failing that what does legal aid say?
Speak to them first if you have not!
"The best defense is a good offense!"
*I was about to be fired for no just cause like you, and was able to prove that I was too valuable
to be fired to the CFO, who overruled all the the other made-up crap and bought me another 6 months!
Another one for ya: "Age and treachery always beats youth and skill!"
Hope this helps
Good Luck!
(15,551 posts)In 2010, I went from having a great, high-paying job, to having melanoma, laid off, dog put to sleep...totally fucked. They downsized a tiny percentage of the hospital and, even though I was the only person doing my job and drs were happy, I got axed. And life slowly sank into the shithole for me.
I'm so sorry. I get Obamacare, and, due to being on SSDI now, it is free to me. My Medicare kicks in 12/1. Life. I'm much more cynical and easily disgusted now with "the American Dream"
(57,415 posts)After a run like that, I‘d feel the same way!
(15,551 posts)Thanksgiving, too. Couldn't even let us have peaceful holiday season. Then I "did the right thing" bound and determined to get an equal job. Had to have health benefits, too. Thought Id die from cancer. Lost 25k in salary. I left the job before a merger made it go poof!
And ended up working ten yrs in a shit job before I became disabled in 2021. Then had to hire an attorney to get my SSDI.
I know we're supposed to move on and put the past behind etc, but I'm still fucking bitter. Now we can't even afford a condo.
Xipe Totec
(44,254 posts)I don't know what to say; here I am bitching about getting laid off when I'm still able bodied. My cancer is an extremely rare type of blood cancer that can be controlled (not cured) through medication. It's called Erdheim-Chester disease and there only about 500 recorded cases world wide. Naturally no pharma company is going to invest in finding a cure; there's no money in it. So I'll have to take a very expensive medication for the rest of my life. Suddenly having health care coverage becomes more important than salary.
(326 posts)Employers love to bitch about the lack of work ethic with young people, but can't wait to get rid of the older ones.
Xipe Totec
(44,254 posts)Those that will hurt you if they have to.
Those that don't care if they hurt you or not,
And those who will hurt you for the sheer pleasure of it.
(30,564 posts)but you will find that your life be filled with something new. I know it's scary. Change is always scary. Are you eligible for Medicare? Look at all government programs that can help you. Big hugs and lots of strength to you.
Om Mani Padme Hum... Behold the Jewel in the Lotus. See deep inside to see the beauty of this for you.
Xipe Totec
(44,254 posts)I am eligible for Medicare. The problem is (and I loathe to call it a problem) is that I have a wife much younger than I am and not eligible for medicare. So even if I'm covered, she won't be for another seven years! So I need to find health care insurance for her, or one of us has to find a job that offers health care. We will, I know it, It's just a matter of time.
(30,564 posts)If you are the sole wage earner, you may be eligible for Medicaid. Don't think you are without resources.
(24,906 posts)but regarding collecting unemployment, your employmer does not have the final say in that. There is an appeal process where you may fight their decision. I have done so and won. I found the referee, who was a retired Superior Court judge was if anything biased in my favor. He reached back to a 1952 Supreme Court decision to back me up. The decision only took a few days.
Xipe Totec
(44,254 posts)People are coming out of all departments in the company expressing shock and dismay for the abrupt termination. I think the VP is in hot water now.
That won't change the outcome for me, but perhaps others who remain will be treated with more respect.
(43,446 posts)the steps at school and got a concussion.Had to learn to walk and speak again. When I came back I had a hard time going up the stairs to my classes--I was now a teacher on a cart instead of a classroom. I was fired. Taught for 42 years. I was not eligible for UC or SS. But I did take SSDI. At 65 it switched to SS. Looking back I wished I would have sued them as I tripped over a book case and fell down two flights of steps. Even workman's comp didn't help. I wish you well my friend. I t is hard financially but what hurt worse was knowing I gave 42 years to a Catholic school that was not there when I needed them. You are stronger then them. There are agencies that can help you. Wish you all the blessing I have. Love. Debbie
Xipe Totec
(44,254 posts)I feel fine. Frankly, I'm privileged to be in the position I am. I can weather the storm for a year even with just the money I have in my checkbook. I've been living well bellow my means for over a decade, tucking away the surplus. I can't really complain; most workers are in a far worse situation than I am. I feel I can still find another job that will let me coast to the finish line at age 70.
But it's nice to know that there are people who care. Most of them are progressives that proudly carry a 'D' on their chest.
I'm a bleeding heart liberal and proud of it.
(6,704 posts)medium to big sized companies is that they will make up any story or set you up anyway needed in order to get rid of you once they don't want you.
Xipe Totec
(44,254 posts)PBateman70
(62 posts)I'm SO sorry. Sounds like a shitty company. Sounds familiar these days unfortunately.
Xipe Totec
(44,254 posts)At one time it made the list of the best companies to work for in America.
Then the vultures moved in and wrecked it.
(9,607 posts)I wish the best for you whatever you decide.
Lawyers are not crashing through the door to take my case, so I guess I'll take the miserly severance and move on.
But I have until Nov 30 to make a decision so I will let them sweat till the last moment.
Xipe Totec
(44,254 posts)So I talked to an attorney.
The first thing he said was: This is a perfect case to present to a law class at Harvard:
Company located in Massachusetts, employee located in Texas, and Boss located in California. The question:
What labor law to apply, Massachusetts? California? Texas? or Federal.
He went on to say that there's enough evidence to indicate indicate age discrimination plus the aggravating factor of health condition. That the case could potentially be worth a million dollars and maybe a bit more. The key tell, is that they hired another person to take my place, with similar abilities but much younger.
After discussing the costs of taking on the case and the possibilities of settling before getting to court filings, which are dauntingly expensive, I decided to go forward and hire the attorney to represent me.
It means I have to ignore the severance package giving me two months with benefits, but I think the risk is worth it so I'm going to take the case as far as I can and see what I can squeeze from the company before I run out of funds.
Wish me luck, and I'll keep you posted from time to time.
(11,845 posts)I wouldn't worry about it, though. We all hate Larry.
(Seriously though, considering her part time income, I would think that if you wife files her taxes separately, she would get more of a subsidy to pay for her insurance.)
Xipe Totec
(44,254 posts)After hiring a lawyer to represent me, nine months have passed, and here is the outcome:
My boss got fired.
The head of HR got fired.
The company settled for an undisclosed amount equivalent to 3 years salary plus attorney's fees.
Could've pushed it further for more money, but this is enough.
Bottom line, don't let them push you around, and don't sign anything before checking with a lawyer.