Latin America
Related: About this forumMythmaking in the Washington Post: Washington’s Real Aims in Colombia
Weekend Edition December 27-29, 2013
Mythmaking in the Washington Post
Washingtons Real Aims in Colombia
Last Sundays Washington Post carried a front-page article by Dana Priest, in which she revealed a CIA covert action program that has helped Colombian forces kill at least two dozen rebel leaders. Thanks to a multibillion-dollar black budgetnot a part of the public $9 billion package of mostly U.S. military aid called Plan Colombiaas well as substantial eavesdropping help from the National Security Agency, the initiative has been successful, in Priests assessment, decimating the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) guerrillas, as the countrys vibrant economy and swanky Bogota social scene flourish.
The lengthy piece offers a smorgasbord of propagandistic assertions, pertaining both to Washingtons Colombia policies, and to its foreign conduct in general. For a sampling of the latter, consider one of the core assumptions underlying Priests reportnamely, that our noble leaders despise drugs. The FARCs links with the narcotics trade and drug trafficking motivated U.S. officials to destroy their organization, were supposed to believe. True, CIA informants in Burma (1950s), Laos (1970s), and Afghanistan (1980s) exploited their Agency ties to become major drug lords, expanding local opium production and shipping heroin to international markets, the United States included, Alfred W. McCoys research demonstrates. True, a few decades ago the Office of the United States Trade Representative joined with the Departments of Commerce and State as well as leaders in Congress for the purpose of promoting tobacco use abroad, the New York Times reported in 1988, quoting health official Judith L. Mackay, who described the resulting tobacco epidemic devastating the Philippines, Malaysia, and other countries: smoking-related illnesses, like cancer and heart disease had surpassed communicable diseases as the leading cause of death in parts of Asia. True, the DEA shut down its Honduran office in June 1983, apparently because agent Thomas Zepeda was too scrupulous, amassing evidence implicating top-level military officials in drug smugglingan inconvenient finding, given Honduras crucial role in Washingtons anti-Sandinista assault, underway at the time.
But these events are not part of History, as the subject has been constructed in U.S. schools. Its common to read, every year or so, an article in one of the major papers lamenting the fact that American students are less proficient in their nations history than in any other subject, as Sam Dillon wrote in a 2011 piece for the Times. The charge is no doubt true, as far as it goes: Dillon explained that only a few high school seniors tested were able to identify China as the North Korean ally that fought American troops during the Korean War, for example. But the accusation is usually leveled to highlight schools inadequacies, with little examination of the roles these institutions are meant to serve. And the indictments are hardly novel: in 1915, a Times story on New York Citys public schools complained their graduates can not spell simple words, were incapable of finding cities and States on a map, and so on. That piece explicitly critiqued graduates abilities to function as disciplined wage-earners, and so was more honest than the majority of todays education coverage. The simple fact is that the public schools are social institutions dedicated not to meeting the self-perceived needs of their students (e.g., by providing an understanding of how the world works) but to preserving social peace and prosperity within the context of private property and the governmental structures that safeguard it, David Nasaw concludes in his fascinating history of the subject. Private schools, to be sure, are similar in essential respects. And one result of this schooling is that well-educated journalists can repeat myths about U.S. foreign policy, as their well-educated readers nod in blind assent.
The notion that U.S. officials have a coherent counterdrug policy is, again, one of these myths. In addition to the historical examples of U.S. support for drug traffickers cited above, we can note that the slur narco-guerrilla, which Washington uses to imply that the FARC is somehow unique for its involvement in the narcotics trade, ought to be at least supplemented byif not abandoned in favor ofnarco-paramilitary. Commentators tend to discuss the paramilitaries and the Colombian state separately, presupposing the former are rogue entitiesanother mythwhen it would be better to view them, with Human Rights Watch, as the Colombian Armys unofficial Sixth Division, acting in close conformity with governmental aims. Paramilitary leader Carlos Castaño admitted in March 2000 that some 70% of the armed groups funding came from drug trafficking, and U.S. intelligence agencies took no issue with his estimateand have consistently reported over a number of years that the paramilitaries are far more heavily involved than the FARC in drug cultivation, refinement and transshipment to the U.S., International Security specialist Doug Stokes emphasizes.