Texas School Board Censures Right-Wing Member Caught in Library
Earlier DU thread: Book-Banning Fever Hits a New Low in a Texas Town
Source: Daily Beast
Texas School Board Censures Right-Wing Member Caught in Library
Karen Lowery was accused of lying to gain access to a high-school’s book collection, but denies it.
Michael Daly
Special Correspondent
Updated Aug. 24, 2023 4:12AM EDT Published Aug. 24, 2023 12:14AM EDT
A far-right member of the school board in a Texas town, who has been on a crusade to ban books, was censured on Wednesday night for allegedly lying to gain access to a high school library.
The 5-2 vote to reprimand Karen Lowery came after dozens of residents of Granbury—evenly divided between those who were appalled by her actions and those who defended her—spoke during a five-hour meeting about what’s being called Librarygate.
Lowery also spoke, insisting she did not lie about where she was going when she showed up at the school, did not turn out the lights so she could skulk around in the dark, and did not falsely claim she had permission to be there. She also said she would not resign.
“‘Vengeance is mine, and recompense,’ says the Lord,” she said. “I am not going anywhere.”
Read more: https://www.thedailybeast.com/granbury-school-board-censures-karen-lowery-right-wing-member-caught-in-library