Women's Rights & Issues
Related: About this forumPlease help me with a homework assignment
In one of my classes this term, I need to create an idea for a mobile app or web application that will make the world a better place. It does not need to be technically or economically feasible to actually create this; the instructor is trying to get us to think big.
I've decided that I'd like to create a smartphone app relating to rape.
The features I'm considering for this include (in no particular order):
1. A way to use the phone's GPS to locate the nearest rape crisis center.
2. A checklist for someone who has just been raped, including how to preserve evidence while waiting for law enforcement.
3. A "panic button" that will send the victim's location to trusted friends and family.
Please let me know what you think about this. Can you think of more features? How can I make this as useful as possible?
Thanks in advance!

(110,159 posts)just what womans issue, then what rape app you could do. this is excellent what you are suggest.
i am technically stupid. but, kick some ass on this. good luck
(2,171 posts)After Steubenville and similar cases, I want to make it easier for the victim to get help and build a strong case against her attacker(s).
(68,644 posts)These would work with smart phones but maybe not with all phones:
4. Photo function in the app for documenting injuries, location, other evidence.
5. Voice memo function to allow for recording sounds and spoken descriptions.
6. Auto-record any calls made related to an incident (check with local laws about recording others' w/o permission).
7. GPS tag every action used by the app.; where you were when you took pic, recorded voice, made a call.
8. Auto-upload to cloud storage all data in case phone is lost or stolen.
Re: #5, even if it's illegal to record another person's voice at the other end of the call, the app could record your side of the conversation.
Hope these seem helpful.
(2,171 posts)Those are awesome suggestions!
I want to be very careful not to undermine the victim in any way, so the voice recording is definitely something I'll have to look into before adding that functionality.
I love the GPS tagging and cloud backup ideas. Those are essential, especially in a case where law enforcement might be prone to erasing data to protect the local football team (for example).
(870 posts)sends police a message with GPS coordinates, starts the voice recorder
(2,171 posts)That would be a lot less obvious to an attacker, and it would not cause the victim to lose her phone right away.
Thank you!
(6,153 posts)very small in most areas of the country, but it can happen, and if there is a App like you are talking about is available, it would certainly be big help to the victim. Because in that traumatic state it must be very difficult to think of taking all the necessary steps.
I go into panic mode when I can't find my car keys or worse when I can't find my wallet lol.
(2,171 posts)Im paranoid about the possibility of being locked out of my house or car, and I know Id probably be quite freaked out if I lost my keys or wallet.
When I was raped in college (before date rape was actually considered real rape), the first thing I did was run to the showers and try to remove all trace of the encounter. Having something like the app I envisioned would be more useful today, I think, since its slightly more likely that the rapist might be punished.
Thank you for your reply! I had forgotten about this post, but I see its still in my journal.