Outdoor Life
Related: About this forumStealth Camping witjh Warrprayer!
I loved camping in the Scouts.... still love it today!
Extreme camping is fascinating...
Love this guys videos. They work, and lead to other ideas too... improvise!
His shelter is HATED!

Oh wait... that's HEATED!

(97 posts)warrprayer
(4,734 posts)I guess you would warm it up inside first, put out the fire and then sleep comfortably!
(97 posts)warrprayer
(4,734 posts)running in their veins!!!
Welcome to D.U. btw.
(97 posts)
(347 posts)Boondocking as a method of stealth camping, just 4 wheels to get us in, and sometimes out of heavily forested areas. Most of our boondocking was done in the state of New Mexico in National Forests.
This photo was taken @ Luna Campground in the Cibola N.F. in NM. This campground is really freaky at night, especially when there's no moonlight, it's totally black, and you can see billions and billions of stars and galaxies under clear cool skies.
(4,734 posts)this is a very cool (true) story
reading the story, I became a bit disturbed about his fate before arriving to the end of story, what with the clandestine CIA bases-towns, kind of scary I think.
Makes me wonder what other areas of the world the CIA is dabbling in, and what they're doing in those areas, I somehow keep thinking Afghanistan for one country where the CIA has set up shop before, and probably now too, slightly after the President Carter administration when Afghan freedom fighters were receiving assistance from Americans during the Afghan-Russian war. How many villages did the CIA set up in Afghanistan. I have to believe the CIA does this type of thing all over the world.
I think what's scarier is being in a foreign country, where the USA has been, and if you're an American in that country, how the native people might treat you as either a guest, or an enemy.
(4,734 posts)who stayed behind in Laos, there was good reason to be afraid. Our government pretty much used and abandoned them to their fate. Imagine being the first American they have seen since that happened...