2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumThere is plenty she can do to win my vote.
But paying lipservice to something she will abandon at the first chance she gets isn't one of them.
Here is the key-word for winning my support: UNEQUIVOCAL.
You want my vote? Then I want to be able to trust Clinton.
You want me to trust her? Then she has to become unequivocal in her championing of positions I hold dear.
And that would start with the big trust-winner of them all: "I was wrong".
For Clinton to win my trust, she has to say, clearly, that she was wrong to oppose my marriage rights, and EXPLAIN why she changed her mind. If that is "I changed my mind because the polls changed" I might not like the answer as much as an "epiphanous moment", but at least I would know that she is for once speaking the truth.
For Clinton to win my trust, she has to clearly say: "I was wrong to promote the TPP, and here is why" and explain what she will do to bury that piece of sovereignty-undermining corporation-coddling.
For Clinton to win my trust, she has to clearly say: "I was wrong to give signs to Wall Street that I was for sale, and take bribe-sized speaking fees from them. From here on, my Wall Street policies will be copied straight from Elizabeth Warren's recommendations. Here are some examples, which I promise to implement IN FULL! And while we ladies are at it, I promise to let Bernie have a field day with Citizens United."
For Clinton to win my trust, she has to clearly say: "Third Way is over. It should certainly not presume to rule the Democratic Party anymore. Which is why I have asked president Obama to dismiss the current useless chair, and appoint someone not in the pay of laon sharks and prison industry to replace her with immediate effect."
For Clinton to win my trust, she has to clearly say: "I was wrong on Iraq, wrong on Syria, wrong on Libya. I took the wrong advice from the wrong kind of so-called friends. I disavow those friends, and from hereon, I will take better advice, specifically from such-and-such."
I could go on, but you get my drift. For Clinton to win my vote, she'd have to start disavowing the things she did wrong. "but we must look forward now and by the way I have ovaries" will not woo me.
(151,298 posts)SheilaT
(23,156 posts)And you've eloquently summed up my feelings here.
The Velveteen Ocelot
(119,153 posts)of the high-buck speeches she made to the vampire squids of Wall Street, and apologize for the appearance of impropriety giving those speeches created. And then she can tell us in specific detail what she would propose doing to (1) clean up the bought and paid for corruption of our political system, and (2) take away the power and influence the obscenely wealthy financial sector has on pretty much everything.
Even then I probably won't trust her because she's been marinated in that corrupt stew for so long she doesn't even smell it any more.
(740 posts)azurnoir
(45,850 posts)Svafa
(594 posts)snowy owl
(2,145 posts)Lip service? - but at least absolute.
(1,249 posts)djean111
(14,255 posts)Not ever. She simply cannot win my vote.
(79 posts)I am not sure the independents & crossovers will vote for her irrespective of what she says because even if Hillary adopts Bernie's platform, there is the question of trust.. For what we have seen from Hillary career is that she will say one thing publicly and do another privately for power and wealth not to mention her Slash and Burn (Bern), Then Worry About Party Unity Later plan.
So if Hillary ends up with the nomination it will likely be a republican win because of the Ralph Nader effect. There are many Bernie independents & crossovers supporters that might shift to Dr. Jill Stein whose platform is close to what Bernie's is.
Picking the lesser of two evils is not necessarily a choice for people of conviction.
Remember: Passion comes from conviction.
(50,414 posts)Because, at best, that's all we'll get.
Betty Karlson
(7,231 posts)silvershadow
(10,336 posts)Kalidurga
(14,177 posts)That's how long the Clinton's have been sleeping with dirty money. Looking at a list of their fundraisers is like a list of Who's Who that should be in federal prison.
(17,533 posts)Here's an excellent list of reasons why Hillary should not be the Democratic nominee:
*Supports death penalty in an imperfect and biased legal system
*Voted to allow cluster bombs in civilian areas
*Opposed single payer and has pushed that movement back (supported by 80% of Dems a year ago)
*Supports subsidizing health insurance companies which is like subsidizing a wall between patients and medical help
*Supported the DNC when it overturned the Obama rule banning lobbyist contributions
*Two votes for domestic spying which caught zero terrorists and cost billions (ten NSA agents have been caught spying on significant others, however)
*Has favored numerous trade deals, from NAFTA to TPP
*Publicly opposes for-profit colleges, yet emails show she handed out favors for predatory for-profit college Laureate after it paid $16 million to Bill to hold an honorary title for 4 years
*Voted for and helped shape No Child Left Behind and seems to think it was a good law (she was on the committee that wrote it)
*Voted for special-interest handout deceptively titled the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 (created no jobs; handed $150 billion to the already rich)-opposed by Biden, Kerry, Kennedy, and Sanders
*Supported gutting of welfare
*Supported creation of prison industrial complex
*Voted for the Secure Fence Act of 2006 (the 'build a wall' of its time)
*Voted to bail out bankers who defrauded Americans out of billions; no bailout for those everyday Americans
*Voted for bill making bankruptcy more difficult for everyday Americans
*Voted for Iraq war/preemptive war
*Opposes tuition-free collegeher plan says make the states do itmany of the states are broke; they then raid college budgets; its an unrealistic plan
*Believes in fracking which poisons water supplies of the marginalized
*Voted to expand offshore drilling
*Called economic necessities like health care and education "free everything" like Republicans dothe opposite of FDRs Economic Bill of Rights speech
*Fails to be transparent on Wall-Street speeches (would not be an issue except she keeps saying she will be toughest on Wall Street); also tries to claim unfair to ask for transcripts when these companies crashed the economythey have donated $44.1 million to Hillary over the course of her career. Why? Because they like her? Or because she plays ball?
*The email server at home is shady as shitand whether she broke the law or not, she failed to comply with national archives requirements, which caused huge delays to Freedom of Information Act requests; even if legal, it was dumb and sketchy
*Has not denounced super PAC and other shady forms of campaign finance
(643 posts)Sounds an awful lot like a Republican platform to me. Guess it's hard to tell the difference, isn't it? And how telling is it that no Clinton supporter will address these facts? And just blindly vote for her because of her "experience."
Blue Meany
(1,947 posts)acting as a sales persosn for the US arms industry (which he referred to as a jobs program), diplomatic intervention in Honduras and Haiti to make things worse for workers, betrayal of promises on the Columbia Free Trade Agreement, pushing for military intervention in Libya, Syria, and greater military involvement in Iraq. Just a few of her accomplishments off the top of my head.
(109,360 posts)I was wrong to say that marriage equality should be a states rights matter (till 2009.)
I was wrong to vote against the Brady Bill.
I was wrong to vote for the PLCAA.
I was wrong to support the bill protecting the Minute Men.
I was wrong to sponsor a bill to store Vermont's nuclear waste in Texas.
I was wrong to say that discussions about abortion were a "distraction" from important issues.
I was wrong to say that Hillary Clinton wasn't qualified to be President, because I didn't bother to read past a misleading headline.
When will Bernie admit he was wrong? When hell freezes over.
Betty Karlson
(7,231 posts)If Bernie has been wrong occasionally, that doesn't make me distrust him. I know he's not perfect. But he is good.
Clinton, on the other hand, is the lesser of two evils. And the lesser evil is still evil. I don't trust evil. It has to stop being evil before I trust it.
(109,360 posts)You have been trained to distrust Hillary. They taught you well.
Betty Karlson
(7,231 posts)I will say that it's pretty tin-eared to bvelieve that any criticism of Clinton is due to some right-wing conspiracy. Some of it comes from character flaws that the candidate has. Ignoring that as if it were some Tea Party convolution is beyond disrespectful to those on the left with genuine concerns over, for instance, foreign policy, Wall Street reform, "trade" agreements, gay rights, and so on.
(109,360 posts)Betty Karlson
(7,231 posts)then you are tin-eared to the concerns of the 70 % of voters to her left. In 2014, the Democratic Party was shown what happens when Debbie fields candidates who leave 70% of the country to their left.
And when you write "they taught you well" you are essentially saying that I have been indoctrinated by the right. Skirting a breach of the TOS, that is.
(109,360 posts)Betty Karlson
(7,231 posts)Dem2
(8,175 posts)The so-called "progressives" are often just as bad as the Republicans whereas they simply repeat the character assassination that's been done to Hillary over the past 30 years, then they (laughably) complain about the MSM and 'oligarchy'. Hypocrites.
Response to pnwmom (Reply #18)
Post removed
(6,604 posts)and it would still take ten years for her to prove it.
To me, she's toast.
(53,475 posts)Betty Karlson
(7,231 posts)Scuba
(53,475 posts)oldandhappy
(6,719 posts)kstewart33
(6,551 posts)I don't think that Clinton would engage in your grand confessional for anyone at any time and certainly not for your vote.
After reading your list of demands, I think she'd tell you to take a hike and she doesn't give a whit about gaining your trust.
I know I would.
Betty Karlson
(7,231 posts)"A lot of people don't remember this, but back in the day, it was very difficult to talk about HIV / AIDS. And the activism of Nancy Reagan and her husband started the national conversation about it."
"Oopsie. Here are two twitter lines to say I'm sorry not sorry"
"Oopsie indeed! Here are more words to obfuscate that I don't care at all to know what, or whom, I am talking about."
(6,551 posts)But what sense does it make to generalize her mistake to Clinton supporters like me?
I care very much about HIV/AIDS. I dedicated my dissertation to a dear friend who died of AIDS.
I believe that vast majority of Clinton's supporters care very much about this and are certainly proponents of gay rights.
We aren't your enemies. We simply believe that Clinton, for all her shortcomings, would be the better president.
(45,319 posts)remarks about the Reagans and AIDS. What she said was similar to claiming that George W Bush was the savoir of New Orleans when Katrina struck, only worse because it's about tens of thousands of dead. I have no idea how any Democrat could say such a thing. I do not understand why her supporters shrug it off as you do here. You, she, the lot of you seem to not care at all about even speaking the truth about basic LGBT history. American history.
I'm a serious multi-generation Democrat. I feel very much unwelcome in a Party that is that ignorant about the history we all lived through, a Party that teaches a history more favorable to Ronnie Reagan than to LGBT and African Americans who died while Ron and Nancy did nothing. They did nothing, she said they did everything and we did nothing.
And you all wave it away as meaningless to you. It's disgusting.
Maybe not enemies by you sure are not acting like friends.
Betty Karlson
(7,231 posts)Bluenorthwest
(45,319 posts)That's the whole of their response, wave it away. It's indicative of a cohort that would not protect even our basic rights.
Jackie Wilson Said
(4,176 posts)her name.
But then I have been around a while and I know that no matter how far right Hillary is on some stuff, and god help us she is, there is nothing to think about if the alternative is any living republican.
Betty Karlson
(7,231 posts)When the GOp rightward lurch is used as an excuse for the ever more Republican policies of the Democratic Party, maybe it is time for a strategy that shifts the political centre back to where it belongs. And rewarding the demonising (by the Third Way dead end) of the left isn't part of that new strategy.
Jackie Wilson Said
(4,176 posts)You can argue that you dont care, but you cant argue there isnt a huge difference.
Betty Karlson
(7,231 posts)you know, to deny Trump.
Meanwhile, peripheral Republicans and Independents would give Sanders such a landslide that the GOP would cease to function as a party.
But no... that would really endanger certain status quo interests, wouldn't it? So let's just emotionally blackmail Sanders' supporters into voting for Clinton "OR ELSE".
Jackie Wilson Said
(4,176 posts)Do you think the Koch Bros and friends will just sit back and do nothing?
Look, vote for Bernie, I am. But if he loses, you have to vote for Hillary and a straight democratic ticket unless you are voting for the GOP.
Those are your choices, as adults we are responsible for making the decision and not leaving it up to others.
Voting 3rd party or not voting is not making the decision and therefore is NOT the adult thing to do.
Sure, you will hate it, but we hate lots of things we have to do as adults.
Betty Karlson
(7,231 posts)Isn't it the adult thing to say: "stop screwing me!" ?
(1 post)I like Hillary, and will probably vote for her. I'm tired of seeing her demonized. I suspect the article linked below is just more BS Trump generated Propoganda to discredit Hillary.
Betty Karlson
(7,231 posts)demwing
(16,916 posts)But it's easier to defend her, I guess, when you pretend that her average critic is "demonizing" her
(70,595 posts)I call that demonizing and unfair.
(16,916 posts)The truth is often unfair.
(82,383 posts)you have to vote according to your best interests, not make personal demands. This Earn My Vote theme makes you likely to vote or not vote, in contradiction of your own interests, over a personal struggle with Hillary that will never happen as Hillary will not single you out to satisfy you, nor would any other candidate.
This whole theme of Earn My Vote makes a person look egotistical and not really understanding of politics. That is about us pulling together to decide how we govern ourselves. It is living with others in peace even though we differ.
Betty Karlson
(7,231 posts)Because I have a few bookmarks from Clinton's supporters clutching their pearls and their wallets at the same time.
(16,916 posts)in fact, I cannot even identify what she'd have to do to earn my trust. The goal seems beyond her reach.
No trust, no vote.
(6,551 posts)No one is telling you not to. No one is campaigning for your vote. Hillary doesn't have the time or frankly interest in campaigning for support that is impossible to receive.
And then let's move on to defeating Trump.
(39,645 posts)Not gonna happen. Even if it did, she'd flip flop on it. And you know that, right?
(2,418 posts)Betty Karlson
(7,231 posts)Sanders isn't perfect, but at least he's good. That could hardly be said for Clinton: as the lesser of two evils, she is still evil.
Maru Kitteh
(28,704 posts)On Mon Apr 25, 2016, 09:53 AM an alert was sent on the following post:
There is plenty she can do to win my vote.
This post is disruptive, hurtful, rude, insensitive, over-the-top, or otherwise inappropriate.
""but we must look forward now and by the way I have ovaries" This is so offensive on so many levels. As if the only thing Hillary has to offer is her gender and the only reason people would vote for her is her gender. You should really be spending your time making a case for your candidate rather than making offensive remarks about the opponent combined with hyperbolic misrepresentation of said opponents positions. This is just all around offensive and tasteless.
You served on a randomly-selected Jury of DU members which reviewed this post. The review was completed at Mon Apr 25, 2016, 10:09 AM, and the Jury voted 0-7 to LEAVE IT.
Juror #1 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #2 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #3 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #4 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #5 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #6 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #7 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: This is a seriously stupid, childish, petulant and whiny post. In fact I can practically see the OP's quivering lower lip sticking out and taste the bitter, salty tears as it is written. And YES, it is offensive - but not over-the-top offensive, and it should therefore be addressed and argued out in the post rather than hidden.
Betty Karlson
(7,231 posts)I assume you were juror # 7? (As there was only one juror taking the time to explain his / her position.)
Maru Kitteh
(28,704 posts)oldandhappy
(6,719 posts)Mine is no fracking, no war. Please support tax reform and immigration reform. Please take action re voter suppression. Equally impossible with trump v clinton. The primary process has helped me identify and focus on the issues where I want to spend my time. So this is more of an 'I will' list. I will find ways to work on these issues. Not all of them all at once! But as I find opportunities I will make efforts in these areas. Have worked on some of them already. Need to do some looking around re the others.
(70,595 posts)I am sure the GOP Trump is way more trustworthy. Blackmail is so ugly. I am about ready to say screw all of you...not worth your votes.
(12,685 posts)Unicorn
(424 posts)I wouldn't trust her even if she said all that.