2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumYet another demand from the FEC for information from the Sanders Campaign.
He has already received four or five letters totaling about 750 pages of questionable or inaccurate of impermissible contributions and disbursements.
This latest one was issued yesterday, and it's a whopping 645 pages!

(51,122 posts)puffy socks
(1,473 posts)It will be conveniently ignored by the Bernie Sanders crowd
OR they'll make up a new conspiracy theory on how the establishment is in it for Hillary!
(42,862 posts)... it certainly doesn't bode well as an indicator of how Bernie would do running an entire country.
Do they feel the rules don't apply to them? Or are they in over their heads?
Were they not prepared? Or do they just not care?
I don't know the answers to these questions, but they're fair questions that deserve to be answered. Obviously the FEC feels that the questions deserve to be answered too.
Whatever the correct answer may be, the fact that the questions are being repeatedly asked doesn't reflect very well on the candidate's ability to choose responsible and capable individuals, or his ability to delegate and take charge, or his ability to prioritize and accept responsibility, or his ability to quickly address and resolve problems.
George II
(67,782 posts)....for their MARCH Amended Report, not their April report!
(42,862 posts)... is the Sanders campaign breaking any laws by not responding?
I don't know the details of such things, that's why I'm asking. It seems logical that there would be some penalty (either criminal or fines) for non-compliance.
The FEC is enforcing actual LAWS, right? These aren't just "optional guidelines and suggestions" that campaigns are permitted to ignore because they're inconvenient, right?
The FEC's authority isn't based on some "honor system" among campaigns or the fear of being "publicly shamed" for willful non-compliance, right?
From my perspective (and I could be wrong) it appears that Bernie's campaign isn't taking this matter as seriously as does the FEC.
George II
(67,782 posts)....Just looking at the first three contributors (more than five pages alone), each of them have exceeded the $2700 limit:
Abdelmeguid, Ahmed $12,604.05 (9 contributions)
Abramowitz, Jeremy $4,536.86 (125 contributions!)
Abramowitz, Nancy $3,013.66 (26 contributions)
This also shows how the Sanders campaigns can boast that his average contribution is $27.00, he just gets his contributors to donate $27.00 100 times or more.
This just scratches the surface, there are about 640 more pages of similar stuff.
I have been a treasurer for about 10 campaigns, and one of the cardinal rules is that if you're not sure that a contribution is legal or withing the limits, you don't cash the check until you're sure it it okay. Even cashing it could be prosecuted.
The FEC or state agencies (to whom I submitted my reports) will overlook a few errors, but certainly not 50,000 of them.
(42,862 posts)How are these things generally resolved? (With a fine? Or by reimbursing the donor? Or both?)
And what happens if the money has already been spent? What if the campaign doesn't have enough on-hand funds to actually refund the donor for their illegal contribution?
Then what?
George II
(67,782 posts)....are responsible for making sure the contributions are legal and within the limits.
(2,902 posts)for not putting a stop to this sooner. That's their job. They have one job, but they didn't do it.
Response to NurseJackie (Reply #3)
Post removed
(25,111 posts)disclose their years of taxes.
(12,958 posts)Every campaign submits one every month.
Too funny!
George II
(67,782 posts)AgingAmerican
(12,958 posts)lol like the Starr Report!
(13,466 posts)George II
(67,782 posts)....accepted by the Sanders campaign.
Add to that the 750 pages he's already received, it comes to about 50,000 total.
This isn't just a few mistakes, this is "YUUUUUGE".
(3,089 posts)bahrbearian
(13,466 posts)George II
(67,782 posts).... (although there are plenty already to choose from)
(9,148 posts)No one else but campaign bernie has the mess of finances he has.
Who donated the $10 million mystery money?
FEC asked for that explaination months ago
Ignoring ithe FEC won'make them go away.
(30,318 posts)Sheepshank
(12,504 posts)...not when Devine must be paid first and foremost, then of course there is Weaver, the family on the payroll and ads, gotta outspend Hillary on those state ads.
(110,159 posts)mcar
(43,843 posts)Cali_Democrat
(30,439 posts)NurseJackie
(42,862 posts)Or am I mistaken?
George II
(67,782 posts)....are required to DOCUMENT it in advance, not wait for the FEC to ask for it.
(10,336 posts)Hired a whole bunch of staffers and built out a headquarters, not filing the paperwork timely, colluding, all while continuing her $250,000.00-a-pop "speaking tour" (wink, wink) to Wall Street- (the transcripts of which, if released, would end her campaign within 24 hours)- they would go ahead and tidy up some clerical issues, none of which rise to the level of Clinton's violations. Non-issue, non-story, just another in a string of such "stories".