2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumEditorial published in the East Oregonian -- a very republican part of Oregon
Letter: Some reasons to vote for Donald Trump (please don't be swayed by the title, just read the editorial).

Bernardo de La Paz
(52,850 posts)justiceischeap
(14,040 posts)If you plan to vote for Donald Trump because President Obama is a black man, there are better reasons.
Vote for Mr. Trump because he used to be a Democrat but isnt now. Vote for him because he used to be pro-choice but isnt now. Vote for him because he used to be godless but has now found religion. Vote for him because he used to be a birther but isnt now. Vote for him because he likes women, lots of them. Vote for him because he believes in the sanctity of marriage, three times. Vote for him because he has used thousands of dollars of other peoples money from a charity to pay his personal debts. Vote for him because he has swindled thousands more from folks who had signed up for his fake Trump University. Vote for him because he has bilked building contractors out of millions for his bankrupt Trump Casino.
Vote for him if you want a reactionary, vindictive, me-first, sociopath, with the personality of a child, with his hand on the big red nuclear war button. Vote for him if you want to see NATO gutted and Russia invading Estonia and Latvia with impunity. Vote for him so he can become the worlds second wealthiest man, after his buddy Vladimir Putin. Vote for him because Russia has endorsed him. Vote for him because he refuses to release his tax returns because they will show his cheating on charity contributions and his financial ties to Russia. Vote for this billionaire, born with a silver spoon in his mouth, who has never worked a day for wages in his life, because he is just one of the guys. Vote for him because he says he will cancel trade agreements and somehow, miraculously, bring back jobs that were actually mostly lost to technology advances rather than trade. Vote for him because, when asked why he had outsourced his trademark Trump apparel line to China, he said You cant get anything made in this country.
And, most of all, vote for him because he is not a woman.
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,850 posts)canetoad
(18,679 posts)Cookie Keeper is a good add-on. Deletes cookies after closing sites, allows whitelists (ie. DU), bamboozles a few pay walls.
(1,657 posts)sorry about that
I'll try to clip and post a little bit later
Binkie The Clown
(7,911 posts)SharonClark
(10,422 posts)Very good, however.