2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumSanders to launch campaign tour of historically black colleges and universities.
http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/265457-sanders-launching-hbcu-tourSanders will kick-off his Feel the Bern tour at South Carolina State University in conjunction with Benedict College in the early-voting state.
Bernie is asking African American voters for a second look and some real in-depth talk about the issues. His strategy seems to be getting to know people one at time and creating a political base. That's how he wins.

(9,522 posts)
(13,877 posts)intelligent on how he's rolling things out. Now after all the "blacks don't go for Bernie" probably because most don't know who he is, I think this idea is brilliant. He couldn't do it all at once as he started from scratch. But whatever he's doing is working.
(6,145 posts)He's peaking at just the right time.
He decided to build up a political base by meeting people and selling them on his message face to face just like he's always done. You can't fake sincerity and Bernie has it.
(13,877 posts)Kids book authors teach a lot about life.
(2,546 posts)It is ALL Over For Hillary once this is solidly underway...
(814 posts)Howard is on the list. Spellman should be on there too.
(6,145 posts)Obama had some huge crowds in 2008 but it was his address on race at the constitution center that won the election IMO. It's the important policy address when all eyes are focused on you that makes a president. Now it seems Bernie is getting his moment in spotlight.
Uncle Joe
(60,582 posts)Thanks for the thread, pa.