Mr. Scorpio
Mr. Scorpio's JournalThe Ultimate Poll for all the marbles... you very much to whoever gifted me a star
Thanks for remembering that Im still around
A spine is under a spotlight in the middle of a room full of Republicans...
Theyre all surrounding it, afraid of it and unable to understand what it even is.
Thats pretty much Washington DC under Trump today.
On MrScorpio's HOUSE FIRE!
We'll also pay special tribute to Kobe and Gigi.
Make sure to tune in!
Friday, 07 Feb 1PM ET/ 6PM UTC+1
Da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da, Bath Robe
Jeezus Hockeysticks Keryst.'m going to take one for the team tonight...
I'm going to turn to C-SPAN, where there won't be any talking heads giving us play-by-play and no scrolling text. Between the SOTU and the Democratic response, both ignorant Trump cultists and relatively sane other people will call in to give their opinions and their responses. Then, I'm going to turn the TV off and stew.
I think that it's important for all of us to know where we were when an unhinged psychotic narcissist gangster addresses the nation.
I do this because I'm alive right now and that I can.
Amber Heard & Johnny Depp: The Real ABUSER FINALLY REVEALED!!
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Member since: 2002Number of posts: 73,714