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G_j's Journal
G_j's Journal
January 31, 2013

U.S. wildlife agent accused of trapping a neighbor's dog


U.S. wildlife agent accused of trapping a neighbor's dog

By Tom Knudson

Published: Thursday, Jan. 31, 2013 - 12:00 am | Page 7A

The arrest of a federal Wildlife Services trapper in Arizona earlier this month on a charge of animal cruelty has sparked renewed concern about the little-known agency.

Wildlife Services, which was the focus of a Bee investigative series last year, is a division of the U.S. Department of Agriculture that specializes in destroying and dispersing animals considered to be a threat to agriculture, the public and the environment.

Since 2000, employees have killed more than 1 million coyotes and other predators, along with many other species, from nonnative starlings and wild pigs to migratory shorebirds, beaver, porcupines, river otters and other native wildlife.

In the process, they have also accidentally killed more than 50,000 non-target animals, from domestic dogs to golden eagles and black bears, The Bee investigation found.

In Arizona, Wildlife Services employee Russell Files is accused of setting traps with the specific intent of capturing a neighbor's dog he found troublesome.

Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/2013/01/31/5153892/us-wildlife-agent-accused-of-trapping.html#storylink=cpy
January 31, 2013

Realtime Political Fact-Checking Becomes A Reality With WaPo’s ‘Truth Teller’


Realtime Political Fact-Checking Becomes A Reality With WaPo’s ‘Truth Teller’

We are coming closer to a reality where no politician can ever spread well-known lies.

Today, exclusively with TechCrunch, The Washington Post has announced a fully automated fact-checking program, Truth Teller, that displays “TRUE” or “FALSE” in real time next to video of politicians and pundits as they speak. Given the fact that almost one-fifth of registered voters still believe Obama is a Muslim, a tool to curb widespread myths could benefit our democracy

The Knight Foundation-funded Truth Teller program automatically transcribes speeches and checks the statements against a database of well-known facts. For example, when House Speaker John Boehner claims that raising taxes on the top 2% would kill 700,000 jobs, Truth Teller pops a big red “FALSE” next to him, after cross-checking his statements against The Washington Post‘s own list of curated facts and other popular fact-checker databases.

For now, the early beta prototype has to be manually hand-fed some facts, and thus only works on topics it has been specifically designed to recognize. Since Congress has yet to pass a budget, and financial discussions are prone to widespread lies and misstatements, Truth Teller is being piloted on the issue of tax policy.

Eventually, The Washington Post‘s digital team hopes that Truth Teller can automatically draw from wisdom of the entire Internet and be available for citizens on their smartphones to fact-check politicians as they hold backyard BBQs during campaign season. Indeed, National Political Editor, Steven Ginsberg tells TechCrunch that he was inspired to pursue the project after witnessing Republican candidate Michele Bachmann spread lies to a small crowd of unsuspecting Iowans.

January 30, 2013

Oxfam: The cost of inequality: how wealth and income extremes hurt us all


The cost of inequality: how wealth and income
extremes hurt us all

The world must urgently set goals to tackle extreme inequality and extreme wealth
It is now widely accepted that rapidly growing extreme wealth and inequality are harmful to
human progress, and that something needs to be done. Already this year, the World Economic
Forum’s Global Risk Report rated inequality as one of the top global risks of 2013. The IMF and
the Economist2 agree. Around the world, the Occupy protests demonstrated the increasing public
anger and feeling that inequality has gone too far.

In the last decade, the focus has been exclusively on one half of the inequality equation - ending
extreme poverty. Inequality and the extreme wealth that contributes to it were seen as either not
relevant, or a prerequisite for the growth that would also help the poorest, as the wealth created
trickled down to the benefit of everyone.

There has been great progress in the fight against extreme poverty. Hundreds of millions of
people have seen their lives improve dramatically – an historically unprecedented achievement
of which the world should be proud4. But as we look to the next decade, and new development
goals we need to define progress, we must demonstrate that we are also tackling inequality- and
that means looking at not just the poorest but the richest5. Oxfam believes that reducing
inequality is a key part of fighting poverty and securing a sustainable future for all. In a world of
finite resources, we cannot end poverty unless we reduce inequality rapidly.

That is why we are calling for a new global goal to end extreme wealth by 2025, and reverse the
rapid increase in inequality seen in the majority of countries in the last twenty years, taking
inequality back to 1990 levels67.

Extreme wealth and inequality are reaching levels never before seen and are getting

Over the last thirty years inequality has grown dramatically in many countries. In the US the
share of national income going to the top 1% has doubled since 1980 from 10 to 20%. For the
top 0.01% it has quadrupled8 to levels never seen before. At a global level, the top 1% (60 million
people)9, and particularly the even more select few in the top 0.01% (600,000 individuals - there
are around 1200 billionaires in the world), the last thirty years has been an incredible feeding
frenzy10. This is not confined to the US, or indeed to rich countries. In the UK inequality is rapidly
returning to levels not seen since the time of Charles Dickens11. In China the top 10% now take
home nearly 60% of the income. Chinese inequality levels are now similar to those in South
Africa,12 which are now the most unequal country on earth and significantly more unequal than at
the end of apartheid13. Even in many of the poorest countries, inequality has rapidly grown14.

Globally the incomes of the top 1% have increased 60% in twenty years.15 The growth in income
for the 0.01% has been even greater16.
Following the financial crisis, the process has accelerated, with the top 1% further 17 increasing
their share of income18. The luxury goods market has registered double digit growth every year
since the crisis hit19. Whether it is a sports car or a super-yacht, caviar or champagne, there has
never been a bigger demand for the most expensive luxuries.

The IMF has said that inequality is dangerous and divisive and could lead to civil unrest20. Polling
shows the public is increasingly concerned about growing inequality in many countries, and by
people across the political spectrum.

January 23, 2013

The Pentagon as a Global NRA


The Pentagon as a Global NRA
For Washington, There Is No Arms Control Abroad
By Tom Engelhardt

Given these last weeks, who doesn’t know what an AR-15 is? Who hasn’t seen the mind-boggling stats on the way assault rifles have flooded this country, or tabulations of accumulating Newtown-style mass killings, or noted that there are barely more gas stations nationwide than federally licensed firearms dealers, or heard the renewed debates over the Second Amendment, or been struck by the rapid shifts in public opinion on gun control, or checked out the disputes over how effective an assault-rifle ban was the last time around? Who doesn’t know about the NRA’s suggestion to weaponize schools, or about the price poor neighborhoods may be paying in gun deaths for the present expansive interpretation of the Second Amendment? Who hasn’t seen the legions of stories about how, in the wake of the Newtown slaughter, sales of guns, especially AR-15 assault rifles, have soared, ammunition sales have surged, background checks for future gun purchases have risen sharply, and gun shows have been besieged with customers?


Between them, the White House and the Pentagon -- with a helping hand from the State Department -- ensure that the U.S. remains by far the leading purveyor of the “right to bear arms” globally. Year in, year out, in countries around the world, they do their best to pave the way (as the NRA does domestically) for the almost unfettered sales of ever more lethal weapons. In fact, the U.S. now has something remarkably close to a monopoly on what’s politely called the “transfer” of weaponry on a global scale. In 1990, as the Cold War was ending, the U.S. had cornered an impressive 37% of the global weapons trade. By 2011, the last year for which we have figures, that percentage had reached a near-monopolistic 78% ($66.3 billion in weapons sales), with the Russians coming in a distant second at 5.6% ($4.8 billion).


January 23, 2013

Millions Die in Africa After Big Pharma Blocks Imports of Generic AIDS Drugs


WED JAN 23, 2013

"Fire in the Blood": Millions Die in Africa After Big Pharma Blocks Imports of Generic AIDS Drugs

The new documentary, "Fire in the Blood," examines how millions have died from AIDS because big pharmaceutical companies and the United States have refused to allow developing nations to import life-saving generic drugs. The problem continues today as the World Trade Organization continues to block the importation of generic drugs in many countries because of a trade deal known as the Trips Agreement. We’re joined by the film’s director, Dylan Mohan Gray, and Ugandan AIDS doctor Peter Mugyenyi, who was arrested for trying to import generic drugs, and is recognized as one of the world’s foremost specialists and researchers in the field of HIV/AIDS. [Transcript to come. Check back soon.]
January 22, 2013

Point of No Return: Government Hypocrisy on Major Projects Will Lock in Climate Chaos


Point of No Return: Government Hypocrisy on Major Projects Will Lock in Climate Chaos

New report reveals added emissions from coal, oil and gas projects

SYDNEY/DAVOS - January 22 -

Government hypocrisy on major energy projects is fueling climate change and placing populations at risk, Greenpeace International said as it released a new report revealing the alarming threat posed by a planned massive global increase in emissions from coal, oil and gas projects.

The 14 carbon intensive projects highlighted in the Point of No Return report range from massive coal expansion in Australia, China, the US and Indonesia, to oil expansion in the tar sands of Canada, the Arctic and Brazil to new gas production in the Caspian Sea and the US.

“These new climate changing mega projects are the direct result of the hypocrisy shown by a handful of governments. These governments claim they want to prevent catastrophic climate change, but shamefully continue to approve and promote major fossil fuel projects that will lead to climate chaos and devastation,” said Kumi Naidoo, executive director of Greenpeace International.

.. more...
January 18, 2013

Fish and Game to spend more on reducing wolf population

Source: NWCN.com


Fish and Game to spend more on reducing wolf population

Posted on January 17, 2013 at 5:16 PM
Updated today at 5:35 PM

BOISE -- The Idaho Department of Fish and Game will put more resources into keeping down the wolf population. The decision was made Thursday morning and Fish and Game Director Virgil Moore says it's a way to complement what has been effective management of the animals. But others say it's only more killing, and not management at all.

The first wolf hunt in Idaho was more than three years ago, and Idaho Fish and Game officials say hunters and trappers have done a good job controlling the population in and around farms and ranches.
But Moore says the wolf population is increasing in remote areas in north and central Idaho where hunters can't get to.

"These are backcountry zones that are difficult to access," Moore said.
That's resulted in the elk population, which was already dropping, to drop at a quicker pace in those spots. Fish and Game commissioners decided to move $50,000 from funding research that's almost done, to killing and trapping of more wolves in areas like Clearwater, Lolo and the Selway.


Read more: http://www.nwcn.com/home/?fId=187383641&fPath=/news/local&fDomain=10227

Thank you for the straight talk, firearms and hunting industry dudes! :Sarcasm:

Keep in mind the forces behind the hunting of this animal that has just been taken off the endangered species list.


Sarah Palin must be thrilled..
January 17, 2013

do gun advocates ponder... nonviolence?

not everyone feels they NEED guns to be free..


Six Principles of Nonviolence

Taken from Kingian Principles of Nonviolence, The King Center.

Principle One: Nonviolence is a way of life for courageous people
•It is active nonviolent resistance to evil.
•It is aggressive spiritually, mentally and emotionally.
•It is always persuading the opponent of the righteousness of your cause.
•It is only passive in its non-aggression toward its enemy.

Principle Two: Nonviolence seeks to win friendship and understanding
•The end of nonviolence is redemption and reconciliation.
•The purpose of nonviolence is the creation of The Beloved Community.

Principle Three: Nonviolence seeks to defeat injustice not people
•Nonviolence recognizes that evil doers are also victims and are not evil people.
•The nonviolent resister seeks to defeat evil not people.

Principle Four: Nonviolence holds that suffering can educate and transform
•Nonviolence accepts suffering without retaliation.
•Nonviolence accepts violence if necessary, but will never inflict it.
•Nonviolence willingly accepts the consequences of its act.
•Unearned suffering is redemptive and has tremendous education and transforming possibilities.
•Suffering has the power to convert the enemy when reason fails.

Principle Five: Nonviolence chooses love instead of hate
•Nonviolence resists violence of the spirit as well as the body.
•Nonviolent love is spontaneous, unmotivated, unselfish and creative.
•Nonviolent love gives willingly knowing that the return might be hostility.
•Nonviolent love is active, not passive.
•Nonviolent love is unending in its ability to forgive in order to restore community.
•Nonviolent love does not sink to the level of the hater.
•Love for the enemy is how we demonstrate love for ourselves.
•Love restores community and resists injustice.
•Nonviolence recognizes the fact that all life is interrelated.

Principle Six: Nonviolence believes that the universe is on the side of justice
•The nonviolent resister has deep faith that justice will eventually win
•Nonviolence believes that God is a God of justice.

January 16, 2013

All Out War on Wolves

Identifying and Dealing with the Anti-wolf Forces (PG-13)

(This a PG-13 rated article. We purposely omitted profanity laced posts, death threats, and pictures of blood and gore because we feel that the evidence of bigotry is obvious and the need for action compelling.)

By Bob Ferris

In late December an “event page” on facebook was attacked. The page was celebrating a prayer vigil for wolves that was to be held in Salem, Oregon. And the attackers swooped down electronically the day after the event and filled the page with bloody pictures of wolf kills and fetal deer purported to have been “aborted” by wolves. The action was disturbing and eerily like the protests held by the Westboro Baptist Church, where they show up where they are not wanted and act in the most offensive and inappropriate manner possible.

The Westboro mob is classified as a hate group and rightfully so. They—like the anti-wolf folks—are generally overflowing with unbridled faith, strongly held opinions and self-righteousness and somewhat bereft of relevant education, understanding, or any form of tolerance or compassion. Both groups are classic bigots in that they hold unfounded and yet deep beliefs and will not let facts or reason dissuade them from dishing out broadsides of vitriol towards the object of their scorn whether it be homosexuals, people of color, members of other religions or wolves.


What the anti-wolf crowd cannot win via honest and fact-based debate is achieved through insult, bullying and threat. They are emboldened in this approach by the successes they achieve when rolling out their tortured arguments on like-minded forums such as the Skinny Moose site where they are thick as fleas. In contrast, where they are largely absent are from forums occupied by working wildlife biologists such as The Wildlife Society, Society for Conservation Biology, and Wildlife Professionals discussion groups on LinkedIn. I suspect that their absence has to do with past responses they have received from folks with grounding in science and tendencies toward respectful and analytical debate.

The Raiders and Their Colleagues

There were a handful of folks who aggressively invaded the facebook event page, which was eventually taken down. The core perpetrators were Scott Rockholm, Chandie Morse Bartell, and Bill Kelly. These are names known to people working on wolves who have suffered through venomous dialogues with these anti-wolf zealots who can selectively quote chapter and verse from flawed reports or irrelevant studies, but like what we classically envision as Bible-thumpers do so with self-interest at the forefront and little understanding of actual meaning or context.


Stop the slaughter of wolves

By Virginia Fuller | JANUARY 11, 2013

The delisting of the wolf in many states more than a year ago has resulted in 872 deaths and a threat to wildlife management, warns Virginia Fuller, former president of New England Wildlife Center.


Up against the lust to kill, this caveat counts for nothing. In the most recent hunt, 872 wolves were killed: 121 in Idaho; 102 in Montana 102; 43 in Wyoming; 26 in Predator Zone; 117 in Wisconsin; and 407 in Minnesota. And the hunting season still continues in Idaho and Montana.

Beyond those stark figures are more disturbing facts. One is the imbalance between the importance of the wolf in its role as predator and the power of the rancher who grazes his herds on the public’s land. In Washington State, a particularly upsetting event occurred. Despite the fact that ranchers are compensated by the state for apparent wolf predation, nevertheless two members of the Wedge pack, first to arrive in the area since wolves were eradicated decades ago, were gunned down after reportedly preying on cattle.


Wolf season closes with more than 400 wolves killed

Hunters had registered 405 wolves by Thursday afternoon. Department of Natural Resources officials aren’t concerned that the target quota was exceeded.

Blog post by: Doug Smith


Montana FWP proposes expansion of wolf hunting, trapping

HELENA — State wildlife officials planned to ask lawmakers Thursday to make it easier to hunt and trap wolves in Montana, while a Bozeman legislator wants to cap the state’s population of the predators at 250.

The House Fish, Wildlife and Parks Committee was to take up both proposals as the wolf debate takes the spotlight in the first week of the 2013 legislative session.

Ranchers and hunters have called for an expansion of hunting and more liberal rules after 166 wolves were killed out of the 220-animal quota set for 2011, the state’s second-ever wolf hunt. Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks officials responded by making the 2012 season longer, eliminating most quotas and allowing trapping for the first time.




January 14, 2013

The Pentagon as a Global NRA (Tom Dispatch)


The Pentagon as a Global NRA
For Washington, There Is No Arms Control Abroad
By Tom Engelhardt

Given these last weeks, who doesn’t know what an AR-15 is? Who hasn’t seen the mind-boggling stats on the way assault rifles have flooded this country, or tabulations of accumulating Newtown-style mass killings, or noted that there are barely more gas stations nationwide than federally licensed firearms dealers, or heard the renewed debates over the Second Amendment, or been struck by the rapid shifts in public opinion on gun control, or checked out the disputes over how effective an assault-rifle ban was the last time around? Who doesn’t know about the NRA’s suggestion to weaponize schools, or about the price poor neighborhoods may be paying in gun deaths for the present expansive interpretation of the Second Amendment? Who hasn’t seen the legions of stories about how, in the wake of the Newtown slaughter, sales of guns, especially AR-15 assault rifles, have soared, ammunition sales have surged, background checks for future gun purchases have risen sharply, and gun shows have been besieged with customers?

If you haven’t stumbled across figures on gun violence in America or on suicide-by-gun, you’ve been hiding under a rock. If you haven’t heard about Chicago’s soaring and Washington D.C.'s plunging gun-death stats (and that both towns have relatively strict gun laws), where have you been?


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