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Nihil's Journal
Nihil's Journal
October 15, 2015

Wonder if they will pro-rata it for the extra 8 dead?

Apparently you get the Navy Commendation Medal for directly killing 290 civilians
and the Legion of Merit for being the commander who gives the order so what medals
do you think the commander & crew of the missile battery will get for MH17?

September 18, 2015

Harrington was a stupid example to use but doesn't negate the real issue being flagged here.

Corporations, banks & billionaires are deliberately buying up water around the world,
whether by use of "water rights" or land purchases or infrastructure takeovers.

They are doing this purely for greed: personal profit through corruption, organised theft
and gross exploitation.

THAT is the crime against humanity that is being waged every day and which needs
to be shut down immediately.

September 7, 2015

Purely & simply to maintain the centralised fossil fuel industry profit model.

The hydrogen industry isn't interested in efficiency, just maintaining the
status quo ...

The first hint that this is just more hype from the usual suspects comes in the
first sentence of the post:

> Kawasaki Heavy Industries is working to create a supply chain for liquefied hydrogen,
> a fuel it sees as a major new energy source.

*BUZZ*! Hydrogen is not and cannot be an energy source on this planet.

Still, that blatant lie should prepare you for the bullshit that followed it ...

> The Japanese company is joining forces with Electric Power Development,
> known as J-Power, to produce hydrogen. ...
> (nice hand-wave about future technology to transport the hydrogen using an existing
> fossil fuel energy company comes here) ...
> It has also begun a "smart community" project with Obayashi, a construction company,
> aimed at generating electricity from hydrogen and supplying it to the community.

So, this particular scam uses one fossil fuel company to produce the hydrogen from
coal-fired electricity, another fossil fuel company to transport it and finally produces
electricity from the transported hydrogen for use by consumers - naturally quite a bit
less of it than was used to create the hydrogen in the first place.

Best of all, the ships transporting the useless, redundant hydrogen over
the oceans are powered by fossil fuel ... win-win for the coal/oil/gas folks.

Overall effect: Maintaining Business As Usual for the fossil fuel industry.

> In the mines of the Latrobe Valley, in southeastern Australia, brown coal is piled
> high as far as the eye can see. Kawasaki Heavy is testing technology here to
> produce hydrogen from the coal. As early as 2017, it will begin construction on
> a pilot plant that can produce 20 tons of hydrogen a day...

... from coal that should be being left in the fucking ground.

BAU + $$$ whilst continuing to trash the planet.

And *some* people around here still try to claim that the hydrogen scam is "green" ...

July 15, 2015

Crap headline Reuters ... desperately spinning for the corporations again.

> U.S. House committee approves anti-GMO labeling law

It is *not* an "anti-GMO labelling law" (bill), it *is* an "anti-GMO-labelling law" (bill).

The difference between the two is 180 degrees apart so stop LYING Reuters!

> U.S. food companies and other opponents of genetically modified food labeling
> notched a key victory on Tuesday as the House Agriculture Committee approved
> a measure banning mandatory labeling as well as local efforts to regulate
> genetically engineered crops.

The Monsanto Rubber Stamp Committee are traitors to America and humanity
in general.

Ms Pamela Bailey can shove her lies up her arse and so can the slimy scum who
pretend that a bill to ensure that Americans are poisoned without noticing should
be called "the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act" ...

The misuse of journalism as an instrument of propaganda is one of the primary
threads in George Orwell's "1984"




It appears that "our leaders" have been using that book as a training guide.

July 14, 2015

Just pathetic.

> “This is a prominent, misleading attack on bottled water that has no justification,”

= "We want to continue our very profitable polluting con-trick whereby the public
pay through the nose for the very stuff that we've stolen from them."

Anyway, the National Park Service can *still* stop selling bottled water and *still*
provide fountains for the public to re-fill their re-usable ones (and, of course,
still sell re-usable ones of different sizes & colours to encourage people in the first

They can also make sure that there are plenty of posters showing discarded
plastic bottles - making sure that the labels for "Deer Park, Fiji, Evian" and the
others in the IBWA are prominent - in order to discourage people from the
ridiculously wasteful practice whilst drawing their attention to the free water services.

If the "ban" has been blocked by typically corrupt politicians, the NPS can still
*discourage* people from being so wasteful and *educate* them in more
considerate (and cheaper!) habits.

Hell, if they really want to go for it, they could introduce a range of "traditional"
water carriers so that hikers could carry the same sort of water-skins as the
first people who travelled over those trails, way before the Age of Plastic.

June 22, 2015

It's option 2: It is very well known but too few people care.

This effect has been a documented reference in geology textbooks & courses
ever since the 1960s ...

(FWIW: BA in Earth Sciences + BSc (Hons) in Geology & Physics.).

The initial study concerned how injection into a 3-km-deep well at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal
triggered earthquakes.

(Healy JH, Rubey WW, Griggs DT, Raleigh CB. The Denver earthquakes. Science. 1968;161:1301–1310.)

Soon after the above, it was shown experimentally that earthquakes could be turned on and off
by varying the rate at which water was injected and thus modulating reservoir pressure.

(Raleigh CB, Healy JH, Bredehoeft JD. An experiment in earthquake control at rangely, colorado. Science. 1976;191:1230–1237.)

Extract from the second reference (via http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17737698):

An experiment in an oil field at Rangely, Colorado, has demonstrated the feasibility of earthquake control. Variations in seismicity were produced by controlled variations in the fluid pressure in a seismically active zone.
The results of this experiment confirm the predicted effect of fluid pressure on earthquake activity and indicate that earthquakes can be controlled wherever we can control the fluid pressure in a fault zone.

There is no "ignorance" or "mistakes" or "accidents" involved in this situation: it is
all very well-known & proven science.

The decision to proceed with it is purely financial - yes, even up to good old POTUS.

June 19, 2015

If it needs wheels, it is not "hand-luggage".

Nothing with wheels attached should ever be counted as "hand" luggage.

The only things with wheels on that need to go into the cabin with a passenger
are wheelchairs (for the elderly or infirm) or pushchairs (for infants) and they
get stowed in specific areas.

June 12, 2015

Taxing EVs (and hybrids) is just a Republican ploy to maintain Business As Usual.

The "wear & tear" from electric & hybrid vehicles doesn't even make it
onto the scale when you include all road vehicles. Their contribution is
best collected by an annual road tax with the rates proportionate to the
CO2 emissions at the exhaust pipe. (*)

e.g., https://www.gov.uk/vehicle-tax-rate-tables

In addition, with regards to public charging stations, it can be done if there is
sufficient will:


And that's from a country that has been run by Conservatives (or Tory-lite)
for decades ...

(*) For the folks who want to throw in the "but what about the pollution from
the power stations", that is addressed in the same way that domestic and
industrial electricity use pollution should be being addressed - a true carbon
tax at the generator end (i.e., no farting around with "carbon credits" but a
blanket "£X for Y g/kW" approach). Until the domestic & industrial usage is
taken into account, there is no point in piddling around with the tiny fraction
that EVs/PHVs will use.

June 9, 2015

Besides, any sane person would already be concerned about the proven facts that they *did* state ...

> The agency determined that "there are above and below ground mechanisms by which
> hydraulic fracturing activities have the potential to impact drinking water resources,"
> and identified "specific instances where one or more mechanisms led to impacts on
> drinking water resources, including contamination of drinking water wells."

Read that second section again.
They identified "specific instances where one or more mechanisms led to impacts on
drinking water resources, including contamination of drinking water wells."

i.e., not just proving that such mechanisms existed in potentia but that they had already
been proven to do precisely what was predicted: poison aquifers.

No such mechanisms (potential or proven) exist for removing the toxic pollution from
the previously freshwater aquifer but they are active today for adding it.

What sane person would allow such activity to continue?

June 4, 2015

Great ... another destructive scam.

By mixing NOx with titanium oxide, "a chemical reaction occurs when hit
with sunlight, that turns the toxic gas into a harmless powder".


1) This is not "smog-eating concrete" but a "smog-eating concrete coating".

2) This coating will need to be renewed at the same rate as it does its
"cutting pollution by 42%" act or the smog-eating is a one-off.

3) After conversion, the modified coating - "a harmless powder" - is now
available to be breathed in by anyone in the vicinity (pedestrians, cyclists,
street cleaners, workmen).

4) If not consumed by the above, the remaining dust will be washed into our

5) The production of the "titanium oxide" (which one?) spray-on coating is
apparently being left out of the equation with regard to resources & pollution.

All of this is to maintain Business As Usual with the obsession with
a) personal vehicles and b) internal combustion engines.

Fuck that.

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Gender: Male
Home country: England
Member since: 2003 before July 6th
Number of posts: 13,508
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