Nihil's JournalIt's not just political opinions that affect decisions ...
Reduced intelligence has a tendency to lead the political opinions in one primary direction
as a result of unquestioning acceptance of whoever shouts loudest (or most frequently).
Yes, political opinions can vary enormously within families but they are far less
likely to do to in low intelligence ones than in high and everything these days (across different
countries) is geared towards keeping good education as a province of the rich and reducing
any disruption to the stratification of society.
The genetic factors feed in to both ends of that process: "1%" and "herd".
That is a key point.
I'd expand it to the following enabling behaviours:
1) The ability to hedge any risk and make a profit from failure rather than success.
2) The ability to outsource to less regulated countries.
3) The ability to engineer the overthrow of sovereign states for business reasons.
4) The ability to convince the gullible majority that criminal action is acceptable business practice.
5) The ability to convince the gullible majority that criminal action is acceptable foreign policy.
6) The ability to control entire governments whilst maintaining the veneer of "democracy".
The above combination has become so deeply entrenched that the "way of things" isn't going to
change until the organism that maintains it dies.
The difficulty is how to kill the parasite without killing the host.
One country might make headway at cleansing itself but, like the mythical Hydra, the remaining
global organism will turn on the "attacker" in order to "re-grow" itself in power again.
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