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demwing's Journal
demwing's Journal
November 14, 2015

War has a trickle down affect

ISIS has taken credit for the Paris attack, but give credit to those who deserve it -- there's plenty to share.

Start with Bush and Cheney, add anyone who voted for the Iraq war.

(That may, or may not include your candidate. Sorry. Actions have repercussions. )

This reality is on them, because war has a trickle down affect...

November 11, 2015

Will Hillary's supporters vote for Bernie if he wins the nomination?

I see this asked of Bernie's supporters once a week. Turn about is fair play.

November 4, 2015

Reversing Citizens United

I was inspired by the work of DUer Omaha Steve, who has rallied DUers together to donate to ActBlue in support of Bernie Sanders Campaign, so I asked Omaha Steve to help me deliver a way that I believe we can all support an issue that is embraced by both candidates - the reversal of "Citizens United."

Bernie may be the candidate best known for having a strong stancs against the Citizen's United ruling, but we can't forget that the ruling, and the film that sparked the original issue, both came at Hillary's expense. The symbolic image of Hillary being president during the overturn of CU must be enormously alluring to her campaign. Clinton's name would forever be associated with another historic moment in US politics.

So, as DUers of all stripes, opinions, and strongly held candidate preferences, I'm hoping we can set aside what makes us different and focus on one of the things that brings us together.

Please donate to Cenk Uygur's Wolf PAC. To help get you involved, we set up a Democratic Underground for Wolf PAC ActBlue donation page!

Omaha Steve was the first contributor. I was the second. Please be the third :


Why the Wolf PAC? Success counts.

So far, Wolf-PAC legislation has been adopted in 4 states (and has legislation in play in as many more):

On March 21, 2014, the Vermont Senate passed JRS 27, a Wolf PAC-backed resolution, in a bipartisan 25 to 2 vote.[27] On May 2, 2014, the Vermont House passed the resolution, making Vermont the first state in the nation to call for an Article V convention concerning campaign finance reform.[28]

On March 20, 2012, a Wolf PAC-backed resolution was introduced in the California State Assembly, but was voted down in the Judiciary Committee.[29] On January 30, 2014, the California State Assembly became the second state lower chamber to pass Wolf PAC's bill calling for a constitutional convention. On June 23, 2014, California became the second state in the nation to pass Wolf PAC's resolution.[30]

On December 3, 2014, the Illinois Senate voted on SJR42, which passed the needed 3/5ths majority by one vote, 72 to 40, becoming the third state to call for the convention.

New Jersey
A resolution to call for a constitutional convention to overturn Citizens United was introduced on 11 August 2014. It passed the Senate on 18 December 2014 and the Assembly on 23 February 2015.

Here's a sample resolution:

Once again, regardless of your candidate, please support this critical issue and donate to the Democratic Underground for Wolf PAC donation page:



October 28, 2015

Reversing Citizens United

Bernie Sanders has told us that it will take a political revolution to enact the change required to save our democracy, and I believe him.

Should we wait for Bernie to get elected to put that revolution in action? No, the revolution is required for getting Bernie elected. We cannot wait for the revolution, we are the revolution.

Inspired by DU's Bernie Sanders Group, and particularly by the work of DUer Omaha Steve, to rally DUers together to donate in support of Bernie's Campaign, the Populist Reform Group asked Omaha Steve to help us come up with a way that we can support Bernie by supporting his revolution.

Our answer was to create an ActBlue page to collect donations to Reverse Citizens United.

To maximize your efforts and effectiveness, we're collecting for Cenk Uygur's Wolf PAC. Omaha Steve was the first contributor, and I was the second.

Here's the Democratic Underground for Wolf PAC donation page:


Why the Wolf PAC? I'll let Cenk explain their goal

Our Ultimate Goal:

To restore true, representative democracy in the United States by pressuring our State Legislators to pass a much needed Free and Fair Elections Amendment to our Constitution. There are only 2 ways to amend the Constitution. (1) Go through our Federal Government (2) Go through our State Legislators via an amendments convention of the states.

Wolf PAC believes that we can no longer count on our Federal Government to do what is in the best interest of the American people due to the unfettered amount of money they receive from outside organizations to fund their campaigns. We point to the failure of the Disclose Act as rock solid evidence that this would be a total waste of our time, effort, and money. We also point to the recent decision by the US Supreme Court to not even hear a case filed by Montana claiming it did not have to abide by Citizens United, as proof that state legislation is not a sufficient measure to solve this problem. We believe that we have no choice but to put an amendment in the hands of our State Legislators, who are not, at this moment in time, completely blinded by the influence of money, and might actually do what 96% of the country wants - take away the massive influence that money has over our political process.


Something to keep in mind:

Near the turn of the 20th century the American people wanted to be able to elect their senators directly, but Congress was the last body of government that was going to change the way they got elected (sound familiar?!). So the states took it upon themselves and started calling for a convention one by one for the sole purpose of the direct election of senators. It took 13 years before they got within a couple states of the necessary 2/3 threshold to force a convention. When it became clear to Congress that the 17th Amendment was going to happen with or without them, they decided to preempt a convention by proposing it themselves. Calling for a convention on a specific issue is the strongest message we can send to Congress, and the most effective way to restore our democracy in the United States.

This can and must be done in a far shorter time period then it took for the 17th Amendment. Then again, they didn't have the power of the internet along with over 90% of the American people on their side. We do. Let's go get our democracy back.

So far, Wolf-PAC legislation has been adopted in 4 states:

On March 21, 2014, the Vermont Senate passed JRS 27, a Wolf PAC-backed resolution, in a bipartisan 25 to 2 vote.[27] On May 2, 2014, the Vermont House passed the resolution, making Vermont the first state in the nation to call for an Article V convention concerning campaign finance reform.[28]

On March 20, 2012, a Wolf PAC-backed resolution was introduced in the California State Assembly, but was voted down in the Judiciary Committee.[29] On January 30, 2014, the California State Assembly became the second state lower chamber to pass Wolf PAC's bill calling for a constitutional convention. On June 23, 2014, California became the second state in the nation to pass Wolf PAC's resolution.[30]

On December 3, 2014, the Illinois Senate voted on SJR42, which passed the needed 3/5ths majority by one vote, 72 to 40, becoming the third state to call for the convention.

New Jersey
A resolution to call for a constitutional convention to overturn Citizens United was introduced on 11 August 2014. It passed the Senate on 18 December 2014 and the Assembly on 23 February 2015.

Here's a sample resolution:

Once again, please donate to the Democratic Underground for Wolf PAC donation page:

Let's put the Koch Brothers on notice: Bernie's revolution has already begun.

October 28, 2015

Mind Control

Monkey see, monkey do...

Don't be a monkey. Question authority.
October 17, 2015

The 15 Most Billionaire-Dense Countries | Crosspost from PRG

Let's put a stake through the heart of the monster--right now. Bernie Sanders' Democratic Socialism is good for capitalism, and I've got the billionaires to prove it.

That is to say, Norway and Sweden have the billionaires to prove it.


There are 1826 billionaires in the world and there are some countries that have hundreds of them.

However, while nations like China may house some of the world's richest people, with 400 billionaires, it doesn't actually have the highest number of billionaires in proportion to the population.

Approved Index, a UK-based business-networking group, crunched the numbers from Forbes' 2015 billionaire list using this week's data and found that the most billionaire-dense nations across the world are pretty surprising.

So let me keep this simple, and cut to the "pretty suprising" part:

October 17, 2015

The 15 Most Billionaire-Dense Countries

Let's put a stake through the heart of the monster--right now. Democratic Socialism is good for capitalism, and I've got the billionaires to prove it.

That is to say, Norway and Sweden have the billionaires to prove it.


There are 1826 billionaires in the world and there are some countries that have hundreds of them.

However, while nations like China may house some of the world's richest people, with 400 billionaires, it doesn't actually have the highest number of billionaires in proportion to the population.

Approved Index, a UK-based business-networking group, crunched the numbers from Forbes' 2015 billionaire list using this week's data and found that the most billionaire-dense nations across the world are pretty surprising.


So let me keep this simple, and cut to the "pretty suprising" part:

13. United States
Number of billionaires: 536
Population: 321,369,000
Population per one billionaires: 599,569

The U.S. houses the largest amount of billionaires in the world and continues to dominate the rankings for the world's richest people. You have Microsoft founder Bill Gates who tops the overall wealthiest people in the world list with a net worth of $79.4 billion (£50.9 billion) and legendary investor Warren Buffett with $67.3 billion (£43.2 billion) at third. It ranks lower in the list though when looking at the number of billionaires per proportion of the population.


11. Norway
Number of billionaires: 10
Population: 5,176,998
Population per one billionaires: 517,700

Norway is rich with natural resources and has a vibrant private sector, so it's little wonder how it managed to carve out 10 billionaires. It is the world's third-largest natural gas exporter and seventh largest oil exporter. It is also home to Stein Erik Hagen, who founded discount supermarket Rimi with his father in the 1970s. He and his family are worth $4.5 billion (£2.8 billion).


9. Sweden
Number of billionaires: 23
Population: 9,784,445
Population per one billionaires: 425,411

Sweden is famed for its high standards of living as well as its mixed system of high-tech capitalism and extensive welfare benefits. However, it has also fostered 23 billionaires as of this year. This includes Swedish video game programmer and designer Markus Alexej Persson who founded the Mojang video game company which made the insanely popular Minecraft video game.

That's right! In a real life game of "Who Wants to be a Billionaire?" the playas that live in Norway and Sweden have a better chance at winning than YOU (assuming you live in the USA).

So vote For Bernie Sanders, save capitalism, and BECOME A BILLIONAIRE!!!


erm, wait...

DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM, FUCK YEAH! (more billionaires per-capita than the USA!)
DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM, FUCK YEAH! (more billions is the only way!)

I really hope you were humming the Team America theme there, but just in case...

October 14, 2015


Still a turd...

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Gender: Male
Hometown: Venice, California
Current location: St. Petersburg, Florida
Member since: Fri Jul 2, 2004, 04:55 PM
Number of posts: 16,916
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