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demwing's Journal
demwing's Journal
November 12, 2014

WELCOME - Updated

Welcome to the Populist Reform of the Democratic Party Group, also known as the Populist Reform Group (or just PRG).

I hope you make this spot your DU home page. Please check the PRG Folder, and share your ideas and content... we especially appreciate your positive strategies for populist, progressive reform of our Democratic party.


• The PRG is a safe house for DUers interested in the progressive, populist reform of our Democratic party.
• If you disagree with PRG's message or goal, that's OK. Find a group that fits, or enjoy the DU forums.
• Everyone starts out as welcomed. No one earns their way in - only their way out.
• Follow all DU rules. Don't put the group at risk

If you have questions or concerns, ask a host (demwing / NYC_SKP / MannyGoldstein).

PRG Folder

November 12, 2014

I welcome the coming storm

Fundies are all dandered up, ready to wage war on any thing remotely less than Blindly Christian. Idiots are in positions of Senate leadership. Fire and brimstone will be coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas will boil! Forty months of darkness! Earthquakes! Volcanoes! The dead WILL rise from the grave! Humans will be sacrificed, and dogs and cats will create domestic partnerships...

I welcome it all, because it simply cannot last. But I hope that while it's here for the next two years, it burns with the fire of 10,000 suns.

Am I fucking nuts?

Probably, but I'm also confident that after the coming shit storm, the pendulum will swing, and will will walk into a golden period of populist, progressive bliss, unseen in this country for over a generation.

The worse the Right Wing fuckers act up, the better it will be when their reckoning comes.

Can I hear an Amen?

November 8, 2014

I'd like to request a Populist Reform Group on DU

I have a poll up in GD with very strong positive support for a new group:


The post includes a possible SOP, but I'd like to know what else you might like to see to help you in consideration of such a group?


November 8, 2014

Populist Reform of the Democratic Party

I'd like to test the water to see if there is support for a Populist Reform Group on DU.

A potential Statement of Purpose:

"To discuss and debate issues, candidates, and strategies related to the promotion of progressive, populist reforms within the Democratic Party"

We have a great reservoir of talent and experience on DU. I'd like a safe environment where we can collectively define, discuss, and debate progressive populism.

November 8, 2014

How does one request the creation of a new group on DU?

What is the preferred process? Should the request be made here, or in Ask the Admins? Are there ground rules I should review first? Once a request is made, what are the responsibilities of those who made the request?

Any/all help is appreciated...

November 5, 2014

Ernst by 10 points?

I call bullshit

Brownback reelected?

More bullshit.

Some of the Republican wins I can understand... I dont like it, but I get it.

These two result just don't make sense.

November 5, 2014

Talk to me about Florida

Will the polls stay open late?

Will Voldemort keep his lead?

What are the exit polls showing?

And how about Prop 2?

November 2, 2014

UPDATED: Senate Dems Will Exceed Expectations

The Doom and Gloomers are wrong. This is not 2010. I'm predicting Dems end up with 50 or 51 seats (we have 45 safe seats).

I see the following hard fought-but-solid-Dem wins:

NC, NH, LA, GA. In all 4, the Dem currently leads, and that gives us 49.

UPDATE (poll range: 10/15-10/31)
NC: Hagan - UP 1.1
NH: SHaheen - UP 3.4
LA: Landrieu - UP 4.4
GA: Nunn - DOWN 0.3

NC, LA, and GA show the three way polls. In a two way, Hagan increased to 1.8, Landrieu loses by 5.2, and Nunn stays the same

Early voting in NC and GA look excellent for Dems (http://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/31/upshot/early-voting-election-results-hold-good-news-for-democrats.html?abt=0002&abg=0). I say Nunn pulls out a run off victory.

Landrieu has had to defeat a runoff opponent twice before, so she know how to do it, but a 5 point deficit may be too much to overcome. Let's assume LA goes Red.

Dems win 3 of 4, giving us 48 seats (and counting!)

I also see the following possible Dem/IND wins (in diminishing order):

KS, IA, KY, AK. 1 of those 4 gives us 50. 2 secures the deal at 51. If we somehow take all 4 we hold at 53.

NOTES: If Orman wins, I think he'll sit with the Dems. His explanation of why he's running as an Independant (http://www.ormanforsenate.com/independence) reveals that he wants people who are "fiscally responsible and socially tolerant" to have a voice. In essence, he's a Blue Dog.

While I was initially convinced that CO would stay Dem in a squeaker, it seems to have slipped outside of our grasp.

50/51, and that's my story.

UPDATE (poll range: 10/15-10/31)
KS: Orman (I) - UP 0.8
IA: Braley - DOWN 1.1
KY: Grimes - DOWN 6.3
AK: Begich - DOWN 1.0

NEW NOTES: I think Joni Ernst in IA is this year's Sharron Angle. In 2010, the RCP average from 10/15-10/31 had Angle up by 3, and Reid losing in 6 out of 6 polls. Reid went on to win by 5.6 points! Following that analogy, Braley is up by 15 points in IA early voting!!! (http://www.politicususa.com/2014/10/29/democrat-bruce-braley-whopping-15-points-early-voters-iowa-senate-race.html)

Begich had a great poll on 10/28, but slipped back again immediately. There is a great GOTV effort in Alaska, but let's assume that Begich is a toss up. Grimes is struggling, sadly, and KY does not look very promising.

Still, a Braley win in Iowa, that puts us at 49. If Begich succeeds, we're at 50. If not - well, here's why that could be fine...

In KS, Orman says he'll sit with the majority party. But even if Begich falls, if Orman sits with Dems, we'll have an EVENLY DIVIDED Senate. Exactly what an Independant minded candidate would want, right? In reality though, he'll be in the majority, because Biden would break any tie vote.

No matter what the Republicans offer him, Democrats will up the offer. Plus, if he sits with Republicans, they'll have a 2 seat majority...FOR 2 YEARS. In 2016, Dems will come back, Orman will be on the outside looking in, and it will be too late to make any Democratic friends.

My prediction last week was we will hold 50/51 seats. This week the math is different, but the end results stand.

Democrats will hold 50/51 Senate seats. That's STILL my story, and I'm sticking to it.
October 27, 2014

My son told me that he would not vote

He's 19, and a fan of Russell Brand.

His big objections:

He doesn't know enough about the candidates to make a quality decision
He doesn't trust our voting machines
He doesn't think there's much difference between the parties

We went through hours of debate, and my breakthrough moment was this:

Even if you vote wrong, even if your vote is flipped, and even if the parties ARE the same, your inactivity does nothing to change the system, in fact it makes it worse. Somewhere, a statistician is reporting that another 18-25 year old didn't vote, and that adds to the false meme that young voters don't care about election outcomes. When that happens, politicians stop caring about what affects that age group, and they tailor their messages, platforms, and policies to age groups that ARE engaged.

There's nothing wrong with a symbolic vote, when it symbolizes that you give a damn.

We went to the polls Saturday, and early voted in Florida

October 24, 2014

Senate Democrats will exceed expectations

The Doom and Gloomers are wrong. This is not 2010. I'm predicting Dems end up with 50 or 51 seats (we have 45 safe seats).

I see the following hard fought-but-solid-Dem wins:

NC, NH, LA, GA. In all 4, the Dem currently leads, and that gives us 49.

I also see the following possible Dem/IND wins (in diminishing order):

KS, IA, KY, AK. 1 of those 4 gives us 50. 2 secures the deal at 51. If we somehow take all 4 we hold at 53.

NOTES: If Orman wins, I think he'll sit with the Dems. His explanation of why he's running as an Independant (http://www.ormanforsenate.com/independence) reveals that he wants people who are "fiscally responsible and socially tolerant" to have a voice. In essence, he's a Blue Dog.

While I was initially convinced that CO would stay Dem in a squeaker, it seems to have slipped outside of our grasp.

50/51, and that's my story.

Profile Information

Gender: Male
Hometown: Venice, California
Current location: St. Petersburg, Florida
Member since: Fri Jul 2, 2004, 04:55 PM
Number of posts: 16,916
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