liberal N proud
liberal N proud's JournalFace the Nation today Margret is on fire
She has repeatedly called Burgums statement untrue or false. Doesnt slow him down, but she is making him out like the fool he is.
My house will be Rockin tonight
Why isn't this getting more attention? Unified reich
Why is this not front page news how trump is proposing a Nazi agenda?
This guy keeps exposing who he really is and the media keeps dismissing it.
The MAGAmorphisis is nearly complete
New name for the criminal
Bidens Predecessor
Use that when referring to him around the MAGA cult. It will piss them off.
Received a letter from my Senator today explaining that the will continue to attack Social Security
As your United States Senator, my primary job is to understand and represent the interests of all South Carolinians. The opportunity to hear from you about the issues confronting our nation is not only essential to representative democracy, but allows me to better serve the people of South Carolina. We will not see eye-to-eye on every issue; however, I promise to always give your concerns the consideration they deserve.
I dont know about any of you, but I paid into Social Security my entire working life, now expect to receive the benefit, I paid into.
Edit to add, the Senator is none other than Lindsey
Amidst an epidemic of gun violence South Carolina is making it easier to pack
COLUMBIA, S.C. (WCSC) - Within a matter of days, South Carolina could become the 29th state in the country to allow adults to carry guns with no permit or training.
SC lawmakers reach compromise in permitless carry bill
On Tuesday, a group of legislative negotiators struck a compromise after weeks of discussion on the bill known as permitless carry or constitutional carry.
Saw this and immediately thought the shoe salesman was expanding
They are easily triggered - Taylor Swift
I am a mean person, I know it.
I have been intentionally posting on FB, the hype over Taylor Swift to trigger my MAGA brother. He never misses making a rude comment every time I post.
It comical as hell.
Profile Information
Gender: MaleHometown: Northwest Missouri/Northwest Iowa
Current location: Hilton Head, South Carolina
Member since: Sun Aug 8, 2004, 01:54 PM
Number of posts: 60,790