liberal N proud
liberal N proud's JournalNow the MAGA are calling Walz a liar
Un effing believable, I have seen multiple threads on FB calling Walz a liar about his military record.
Its classic cult behavior
Overheard at the office today
In light of the big news, I overheard one MAGA to another make the claim that She has been running the government and making all the decisions. She being Kamala.
Thats how easy they transfer their hate.
1968; President chooses not to run for office.
1968; Convention was in Chicago
Hope this is the only similarities we see to 1968.
The MAGA are going to front a campaign to promote an alternate candidate other than Haris
trump has already made a statement they are not sure Harris will be VP.
They are going to paint her in every negative light they can dream up.
PBS Newshour 7/11/24 Politics and Churches
PBS Newshour aired a story about how churches have become politicized and extremist
Missouri presidential delegates rejected by Republican National Convention committee
The Missouri Republican Party must replace 54 national convention delegates and alternates selected at its chaotic state convention because of alarming irregularities in the process, the Republican National Convention Committee on Contests ruled Friday.
The list of rejected delegates includes two of the major GOP candidates for governor, Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft and state Sen. Bill Eigel.
The committee holds that the State Convention was not properly credentialed, and that any slate of delegates and alternate delegates adopted at the State Convention must be discarded, states the report signed by Chairwoman Jeanne Luckey of Mississippi.
The committee acted after investigating complaints from state convention delegates Daniel OSullivan of St. Louis County and Derrick Good of Jefferson County.
They alleged delegates to the state convention were not properly credentialed as the convention was organized, that the rules for selecting the states at-large delegates were improperly changed during the convention and that some delegates were listed on more than one slate of names in violation of the rules.
KXCV is a public radio station associated with Northwest Missouri State University
"Unless Trump loses, America ends," he wrote in his first of a five-post thread.
Tyranny Expert Sums Up A Donald Trump Win With 2 Ominous Words
Face the Nation has a panel of voters it is sad/comical
Margret had 7 voters on a teams call and the crap they are saying is unreal
Here is the segment:
Everything ever on the internet
This could be a place to waste about 1000 hours
The Internet Archive or Way Back Machine.
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Gender: MaleHometown: Northwest Missouri/Northwest Iowa
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Member since: Sun Aug 8, 2004, 12:54 PM
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