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intheflow's Journal
intheflow's Journal
July 22, 2024

Question regarding Harris and trans rights

Hello, Beautiful People! I’m a cis woman (she/they) who has a white trans/queer couple as housemates. They are both 30+ years younger than me and often hear news of the LGBTQ+ world that passes my old white ass by.

One of them told me they weren’t happy with Harris because she sent trans people to prisons that corresponded to their assigned gender at birth. 😳 I have never heard anything about this!

Important to note that this housemate is an anarchist and doesn’t vote, so maybe they’re mixing up something they heard years ago? Also important to note, if it was back in 2015/16, they were a “straight, married Morman” but beginning to understand some truths about themselves, so that might have colored any recollections.

Anyway, I’m not trying to shit-stir. I’m behind Harris 100%! Just looking for outside context/perspective/reality check/etc. from DUers because it sounds so bizarre! Like, if it happened was it because of the law at the time and her hands were tied? 🤷🏼?♀️

Thanks in advance, All!

July 21, 2024

My slim hope is that many conservative women

will vote for a woman of color after the draconian abortion bans across the country. Add in Trump’s rape conviction , and cheating on his with a porn star while his wife was home pregnant, maybe some trad wives will put their personal safety and rights above racism or party politics.

July 20, 2024

I followed the main org pushing this on Facebook.

Here’s what I learned: many of the so-called supporters looked like MAGA on their home pages. Multiple people that looked liberal complained about “not being able to vote in the primaries “ but don’t give any evidence of why they didn’t vote. Some said, “The voters are speaking!” but not one seems able to respond to my comments that I am a voter who spoke in the primaries and this movement seeks to disenfranchise my vote, which is a Repuke play. No response to any of my concerns about invalidating my primary vote except from others who agreed with me. Then I unfollowed them because who needs to see that shit in their feed?

July 18, 2024

Have you donated to Biden/Harris and/or contacted your reps in the last 24 hours?

Have you donated to Biden/Harris in the last 24 hours?
Have you contacted your elected reps to stay the course?

Just looking for a snapshot as there’s a lot of info flying around. No judgement on my part; I donate sparsely as I’m not in great financial shape and today was the first time I’ve contacted my elected officials this election cycle.

July 18, 2024


The white monied Democrats are going to cause us to lose. Just donated to Biden/Harris and sent a message to my Congress critter. My vote counts and these wealthy donors would rather throw us into more chaos than save the Constitution.

July 18, 2024

Just contacted my Democratic Senator and urged

them to advocate on behalf of the millions of people who voted for Biden in good faith. I talked about feeling disenfranchised and that the Party is subverting the Democratic process and undermining the Constitution. I hope they take heed.

July 18, 2024

All chaos helps Trump at this point.

I don’t know what the fuck drugs these people are on, but ffs, that’s Resisting Tyranny 101. The People, united, will never be defeated. Politicians, schmoozing wealthy donors, are subverting democracy itself. It’s a shame we have to split our attention from Project 2025 and Trump’s crimes to debate if our legally elected and incumbent candidate should quit.

Let me say that again for the people in the cheap seats:
Staying the course is the ONLY way to win this.

July 17, 2024

K&R!! 👆All of this!! 👆

I just typed out almost this same thing in response to a subthread, only to find it wouldn’t post because the post I replied to had been removed.

This is a dangerous discussion that subverts the democratic process.

The Democratic Party is NOT the party that subverts democracy!

July 15, 2024

Have you asked her why she wants to go?

Is it only because friends invited her? Or is she also having some kind of spiritual crisis? Why weren’t you invited to Bingo?

I am a former Unitarian Universalist minister, never much of a Believer, pretty much an atheist at this point. So this is my advice.

If it’s the first, let her go. I went to an apostolic church a few times in my early 20s because a work friend invited me. It was a primarily Black church and the music ROCKED! But I ended up only going twice because the theology was ridiculous! 90% “WE ALONE ARE SAVED and the rest will burn in a fiery hell!” for 10% music that would have put the Blues Brothers to shame, and each service was 6-8 hours long. They were nice people but they also preached you can’t be friends with people outside the faith. So when I stopped attending, my work friend basically unfriended me in real life (back before the internet). So if you trust your partner’s Spidey sense overall, you can probably trust her with this.

If her answer is, in part, because she’s in a place of spiritual search, let her go to her friend’s church and offer to bring her to “church shopping” for other enlightenment options. I understand fully that this will be excruciating for you, but hear me out. Find a local UU church, Buddhist temple, or liberal synagogue. If she’s hung up on JC, you could try liberal Christian denominations like the United Church of Christ (UCC), Episcopalian, Metropolitan Church (started by gay clergy), or American Baptist (Jimmy Carter’s flavor of Baptist). Even some Catholic Churches are pretty liberal. The reason you could try this is, as much as you don’t understand it, religion has been used for good in the world. I worked hurricane recovery after Katrina and without the financial and physical support of pretty much every Christian denomination we would never have been able to do the work. Think: Rev. MLK, Jr. fighting for civil rights, Carter’s Habitat for Humanity, Gandhi, or the liberal clergy filing law suits to protect women’s reproductive rights. What I’m trying to impress on you is religion isn’t necessarily bad, interpretations are. It’s given many people comfort and community, and been a voice for good as well as evil. (Though not as often. 🙁 ) And, yeah, the sermons will drive you NUTS, and you’ll spring an eye socket restraining your eye rolls, but you will also be showing your partner that you support her growth as a person, that YOU are her life partner, not the Bingo people. And if she sees you supporting her journey, she may be more amenable to choosing a much less toxic/healthier path to enlightenment (or whatever it is she’s looking for).

If the answer to the last question, why weren’t you invited, is because they felt ill at ease with a “stranger” coming, or some other reason (like maybe she once mentioned you are an athiest), then that is GROOMING behavior. If it was because she thought you might be uncomfortable and/or bored, that could be her being supportive of you.

TL;DR: Talk to your partner and encourage her to make healthy choices.

July 15, 2024

This is pretty much what I've started to think as well.

Especially about the shooter. Was he trying to martyr Trump to start a righteous war, or race riots? These people have conflated the Bible with The Constitution, neither of which they seem to actually grasp. After all, if you want Jesus to come back, you do what you need to do to make that happen. These folks are literally hoping and working towards Apocalypse Now! If this shooter left some kind of manifesto, it could become “prophecy” soon, and he a prophet. 🤬

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Hometown: Sweetlea
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Member since: Mon Aug 9, 2004, 01:39 PM
Number of posts: 28,718

About intheflow

Not whole, but unbroken. Still in The Struggle.
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